P90X arm injury - ouch! Feedback appreciated...

Ah man, I 'm sooooo bummed. I was doing so good on my workout program. And feeling so good too. Better than I have in my life!

And now I've hurt myself : (

I've got in inflamed tendon in my antecubital area (otherwise know as climbers elbow, or golfers elbow...although I wasn't doing either - I was lifting weights). I could barely move my arm yesterday...today a little better. Didn't excercise this morning, thought it would be better to rest it and I can't do P90X with only one arm....think I'll run tomorrow and hopefully be ready to start back up on the P90X on Saturday. We'll see though. I've never been hurt like this before, so I'm not sure what to expect. I'm just hoping it will heal - real fast!

Appreciate any feedback if you've had an injury like this.



  • ambercole
    ambercole Posts: 426
    I know, I got runner's knee a little over a month ago and I still cant run. I am racing in a 10k on april 11th so this is driving me crazy cause I can't train.
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    2 weeks minimum for an injury....don't do anything strenous with it this week...move it, use it lightly, but be very careful. 7 days from the injury try doing something at about 1/2 the weight and 1/2 the intensity of normal. If that feels ok, then stay at that level for that week. If not, back to nothing but light use. Once you can get through a week of 1/2, then try normal. If it's ok, start back, but at the first sign of discomfort, STOP. Do not try to push through the discomfort. Back off to 1/2 again and see how that feels. If you start back and feel some discomfort in a related joint, 1 up or down so wrist or shoulder, also back off as pain can often manifest in adjacent joints. Once you can complete an entire week normal, then jump back into your P90X program, but go back to the week before you were injured. Good luck, and I hope it heals quickly.
  • balance9
    balance9 Posts: 160
    Ugghhh...I feel your pain. I have had golfers elbow forever. When lifting weights, I can do hammer curls, but regular biceps curls still hurt if I do too much, and it's been nearly a year. No blood supply in tendons, so they take a loonng time to heal. Just don't push it, or you will really tear it up. Ice and rest.
  • shizzam
    shizzam Posts: 9
    That is so helpful, thank you so much!!!
  • lunacocoa
    lunacocoa Posts: 21
    The one thing I feel is not helpful with P90X is everyone is either in great shape or are graduates of the program. Even though Tony says you probably can't do what they are during when you first start, it seems like it would be helpful to show a beginner, intermediate and a graduate of the program in all the exercises.