Worst Sweet Tooth Ever!

Hey everyone!

If you are like me and have the world's worst sweet tooth, what are your favorite foods/recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth without undoing all the persistent effort in eating well and working out? I occasionally eat a sugar-free Werthers candy after dinner and that is sometimes good enough. But most times, I'm just dying for something more! I am thinking about making oatmeal applesauce muffins today (http://shrinkingjeans.net/2010/11/taste-of-the-sisterhood-oatmeal-applesauce-muffins/).

What do you all suggest? :-)


  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Slimming Chocolate Mousse (about 83 calories and 17 carbs for the ingredients I use / serving)...

    I'll have to get the recipe from my mom. I know the ingredients... but, she's the one that I get it from. LOL.
  • UhOhItsKylie
    UhOhItsKylie Posts: 92 Member
    Dove dark chocolate pieces are really satisfying to me. Also, Skinny Cow ice cream is wonderful if you're an ice cream-aholic like myself! ;)
  • briznik
    briznik Posts: 32 Member
    I also have a very sweet tooth. The below foods have made my weight loss possible...

    Sugar free jelly / jello - ~10cals per serving (contains aspartame, but I don't worry about that in small quantities)
    "mini milk" ice creams - 30 calories
    very dark (I like green and blacks 85%) chocolate - can only eat 1-2 squares as it's so intense
    walls carte dor ice cream - 50 cals per "scoop"
    Low sugar granola (look at the nutritional info) and real greek yogurt - this has been an amazing substitute to a sugary breakfast cereal for me.
    fruit - apples / pears are my favourites right now but I also love strawberries and blueberries.

    I'm in the UK so not sure if where you are you can get all of the above, but there are some ideas at least. good luck!
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    I think that the first thing that you should do is to identify your demons...Mine are (among other things)...cheesecake and caramel coffee...Once you identify your demons...You can figure out a strategy for those times when an old sugar urge rears it's head.

    Yesterday I had to use sugarfree jello to knock out an urge for cheesecake...Compared to the real thing...it was awful...but it did keep me from heading out to the bakery...Today I'm good and the old urge has gone away.
  • Lorlei25
    Lorlei25 Posts: 36 Member
    I have a sweet tooth and lately I want caramel corn, bad I know! LOL...but I am finding myself baking with the cooler weather coming and trying to make sure I do something with some fiber and nuts so that I at least get some healthy nutrients. Toasted Oatmeal Cookies have been in the cookie jar lately and pumpkin bran muffins!
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Bananas, sweet and filling.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    I get Nestle After eights STRAWS at 50 cal for 2!
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    I just tried these little Sunrise tofu desserts, come in great flavours like mango, maple, and coconut, at 90 cals a serving. That has sort of replaced fruity desserts like ice cream.

    I also second dark chocolate - I love the Lindt Ecuador chocolate. I have a hard time finding dark chocolate that isn't too bitter and chalky, and this is my favourite so far (other than stuff I bought from Theo in Seattle - best chocolate of life - but a little hard to acquire).
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    This might seem a little extreme for some but what worked for me was cutting out all sweets entirely with the exception of some strawberries and blueberries -- I even had to cut out my coffee because unsweetened coffee was absolutely disgusting to me. After a few months of that my tastes changed to the point where I can taste the sweetness in just plain vegetables and I drink my coffee with cream and enjoy it. I'm at the point now where other fruits besides berries seem like an absolute indulgence they're so sweet and delicious.

    Like I said, it's extreme but it worked for me and I think it's awesome that I find raw fruit to be totally satisfying now and actual sugary foods like cheap chocolate (hello Halloween candy) a little bit disgusting. Good luck finding what works for you. :)
  • mybiketrip
    Slimming Chocolate Mousse (about 83 calories and 17 carbs for the ingredients I use / serving)...

    I'll have to get the recipe from my mom. I know the ingredients... but, she's the one that I get it from. LOL.

    This sounds really good!
  • risenonlytofall
    I do sweet things like yogurt and granola or peanut butter on toast for lunch. I also always try to leave some calories left over after dinner for treats like dried fruit or a glass of chocolate almond milk. There are also some surprisingly sweet vegetables out there. Things like carrots and yams and snap peas, or even caramelized onions.

    If I'm really craving processed sugar, I'll wait until a day I've done a lot of exercise, and then make a batch of cookies (or buy myself a pint of Ben & Jerry's) and splurge with my extra calories. It stops me from feeling deprived enough to have a breakdown.
  • Kstokes0911
    I really like the sugar free Jell-O pudding snacks, they have a variety of flavors, and it definitely satisfies my craving for something bad. :)
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    I have a horrible sweet tooth and with hot chocolate season here, I started looking for something to satisfy that craving. Cookie dough tea from Davids tea and chocolate hazelnut roobios.
  • liltenji
    liltenji Posts: 69 Member
    I'm not really a sweet person [i crave savoury] but Options hot chocolate is only 38 calories without milk in it [you can taste the flavour more without milk to be honest!] but if i'm feeling really indulgent i add tescos 'coconut and chocolate soya milk' to it and its a party in my mouth!
    they do chocolate, chocolate orange, chocolate mint, white chocolate. oh i want some now...
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    This might seem a little extreme for some but what worked for me was cutting out all sweets entirely with the exception of some strawberries and blueberries -- I even had to cut out my coffee because unsweetened coffee was absolutely disgusting to me. After a few months of that my tastes changed to the point where I can taste the sweetness in just plain vegetables and I drink my coffee with cream and enjoy it. I'm at the point now where other fruits besides berries seem like an absolute indulgence they're so sweet and delicious.

    Like I said, it's extreme but it worked for me and I think it's awesome that I find raw fruit to be totally satisfying now and actual sugary foods like cheap chocolate (hello Halloween candy) a little bit disgusting. Good luck finding what works for you. :)

    I used to be a total sugar junkie. So I know for a fact that what you say is true about dumping sugar....Like you I went cold turkey on processed sugar and now find that I am turned off by sugary things.


    I have also discovered that I associate certain foods with certain memories/ people. In the past I have often used food the same way that some people use alcohol.... (((Now how is that for an eating disorder?)))...For example my late father always loved for me to bake him gingerbread cookies...I loved my father and I love his memory...but do I really need to bake/ eat those cookies to remember my father at Christmas?....NO!!..... And yesterday...(after I ate that substitute jello I mentioned earlier) I realized that I only wanted a slice of cheesecake AFTER I got off the phone with my sister. lol.

    Some people drink away aggravation...In the past...I have always relieved my aggravation with a good strong shot of cheesecake....
  • kittens1970
    We love Hola Fruta whole fruit sherbet. It's very creamy...not icy like many other sherbet brands.
  • tobejune
    tobejune Posts: 177
    apples. aint nothin better than a chilled honey crisp apple.
  • MzKrystle
    MzKrystle Posts: 74 Member
    I have the worst sweet tooth as well. So things I've tried:
    skinny cow ice cream or candy
    key lime pie nonfat yogurt with fat free cool whip ( I love keylime pie...)
    sometimes spoonfuls of fat free cool whip...ghetto I know...
    apples with cinnamon and stevia sprinkled on top...yes, weird but it works for me
    any of the 100 calorie snack packs
    gum works! sort of....
    whole wheat tortilla with stevia sprinkled on it...again, another weird one....