Weigh lose surgery = Do's, Don'ts, Opinions! Need help!

Ok so my insurance through my employer is really good when it comes to medical procedures :drinker: . So here is my question :huh: . If you had the chance to get weight lose surgery done with maybe 25% or less of the FULL bill; I mean hospital stay, doc bill, everything being paid by my insurance or written off by my employer, would you do it or not? :huh:

Please I am looking for your opinions. I have been weighing my options, the pros and cons, the benefits and down falls. I know there are some BIG risks involved and I know there are some side affects but I am looking for thoughts and opinions of those who don't know me as well as my friends and family do so I can get a more un-bias opinion.


  • risenonlytofall
    The personal risks are still huge, and the success rate isn't much better than doing it the old fashioned way from what I've seen. You're still going to have to completely change the way you interact with food, and there are still ways to cheat and gain everything back. Surgery is so extreme I wouldn't even consider it unless the situation was immediately life or death.
  • ctgirlscout
    ctgirlscout Posts: 90 Member
    I looked into lapband and decided it was not for me. Without knowing you, I would say resort to surgery only as a last resort if you have exhausted all other options. But ultimately, only you and your doctor can make the decision as to what is right for you.
  • moraldd
    I've considered weight loss surgery myself, actually met with the surgeon and had an appointment. I'm leaving it as a VERY LAST resort. I always tell myself my problem is not my digestive system nor the size of my stomach so why mess up a part of my body that's working just fine. It's smarter to just fix what is really broken which is my bad eating habits and poor lifestyle choices. It might be difficult and take longer but in the end I won't have to worry about malnutrition and my hair falling out etc. If you've done your research you'll know that there are many who have lost weight with surgery as well as many failures, and quite a few have ended up with serious health problems or even died. The decision to undergo WLS should not be taken lightly.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    No I would not have the surgery. Even if it was 100% paid for, I would not do it. Counting calories, eating healthier and exercising is working for me. I would not want to go under the knife for something I can accomplish myself. I have had my fair share of struggles losing weight over the years, I have failed too many times to count ....but weight loss surgery was never an option for me. When I found MFP, and started doing it things finally clicked for me. Over the past year, my whole relationship with food has changed for the better. I have learned a new way of living. I figured that people who have WLS have to learn a whole new way of living post-surgery anyway so why not just learn the new way of living and skip risky surgery?

    I am not saying WLS is wrong. It's just not for me.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I've considered weight loss surgery myself, actually met with the surgeon and had an appointment. I'm leaving it as a VERY LAST resort. I always tell myself my problem is not my digestive system nor the size of my stomach so why mess up a part of my body that's working just fine. It's smarter to just fix what is really broken which is my bad eating habits and poor lifestyle choices. It might be difficult and take longer but in the end I won't have to worry about malnutrition and my hair falling out etc. If you've done your research you'll know that there are many who have lost weight with surgery as well as many failures, and quite a few have ended up with serious health problems or even died. The decision to undergo WLS should not be taken lightly.

    This, a weight problem has to do with your brain and your relationship with food, it isn't a defect in your digestive system.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Personally, I wouldn't go for it. I know there are different types of weight loss surgery with different risks and effects, but I don't think I would have any of them. I'd be too worried about the risks of the surgery, and about the long-term risks, particularly with the more extreme surgery. And even with the less extreme surgery, I believe you still have to adjust and control your eating to avoid regaining. For those reasons, I see it as a last resort rather than first-line, and I'm hoping I never get to a stage where I have to use that last resort!

    Having said that, I know there are people who have had it and found it very effective, and have no regrets.
  • calliem82
    I have seen people who have had the surgery and some have made it work for them and others have not and went back to the way they were before surgery. I am taking what they call Health Living classes, basically they are doc supervised life changing appointments. I am learning about food from the dietitians, and being supervised by a doc to make sure I am healthy about all this and nothing bad happens, and I am even seeing a shrink to see what mental links I have to food. I still have 3-4 months of this process before I can even talk to the surgeon about surgery and if I pass all these steps then I will set a surgery date if that is where this leads to.

    All the medical staff involved get together and they talk about the patient to see if they all agree that surgery is right for them. If there is doubt then there is the chance the doc will not do the surgery because of this huddle.
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    I wouldn't do it either, i'd only do it if it's my last chance to save me from myself. Do you really think you're not capable of achieving your goals? You can change your lifestyle for life by taking tiny steps every day, you just need tohave supportive people around you and have good guidance (a good nutritionist, probably good psychological therapy, and a good fitness plan which doesn't necessarily have yo involve a gym membership).

    If don't know how much you have to lose but you can do it if you truly want.

    A good discount isn't a good reason to put your life at a greater risk!

    Take care :)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    If my health were dangerously at risk and I were out of options, meaning I had tried and failed a significant number of times to maintain a weight that wasn't dangerously obese. But first I would throw myself into the therapy and lifestyle classes.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Me? No.
  • kandilynn03
    kandilynn03 Posts: 110 Member
    I looked in to it. My insurance would pay 80% after I paid my deductible. They required a 6 month doctor supervised diet/weight loss program. I planned on talking to my doctor, but I started changing my eating habits and exercising on my own. I don't want to have surgery. The only one I would have even thought about doing was vertical sleeve, and I would rather do it by myself and not be restricted forever.

    Deciding whether or not to have surgery is a personal decision. It still takes a lot of work, and I've seen a lot of people that failed after having surgery. I've seen people that said it was the best decision they ever made, and some that regret it. But every person that I've seen that was long term successful started eating healthier foods and started exercising regularly.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    The personal risks are still huge, and the success rate isn't much better than doing it the old fashioned way from what I've seen. You're still going to have to completely change the way you interact with food, and there are still ways to cheat and gain everything back. Surgery is so extreme I wouldn't even consider it unless the situation was immediately life or death.

    This is exactly what I was going to type, and my employer covers all but my (itty bitty) co-pay.

    I refuse to have any kind of surgery unless it's absolutely necessary. In my case, I wasn't going to die in six months, so I started exercising and eating better. Plus, there's a sense of pride that comes with doing it the old-fashioned way.
  • Renee2817
    Renee2817 Posts: 20 Member
    The choice is yours, if your a dealing with health issues that having surgery would make it better, I say go for it. Don't let anyone make you feel less of a person because you needed a little help. I have 3 co-workers that have had gastric done and they are doing great. one 10 yrs, one 3 yrs. and the other 7 months. Make your decision based on Your life and thoughts and no one else. People would always tell you what they would do. But what would YOU do? Good luck with what ever decision you make.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    I am taking what they call Health Living classes, basically they are doc supervised life changing appointments. I am learning about food from the dietitians, and being supervised by a doc to make sure I am healthy about all this and nothing bad happens, and I am even seeing a shrink to see what mental links I have to food. I still have 3-4 months of this process before I can even talk to the surgeon about surgery and if I pass all these steps then I will set a surgery date if that is where this leads to.

    You can do that without rearranging your digestive system, though. I see a doctor, a nutritionist, and a psychiatrist who specializes in binge disorders. You don't have to have surgery; you can just keep on doing what you're doing now. Why have surgery if it isn't medically necessary, especially if using MFP and seeing all of those doctors and taking classes is working for you? And if it isn't working for you, surgery won't either because you have to learn to eat and exercise properly to avoid gaining the weight back.

    This is totally your decision, but you did ask for opinions. :)
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Weight loss surgy is a personal decision.

    My family tried pushing me to have the Lapband. I turned it down because before the procedure, you have to cut back your eating. If I could cut back my eating and lose weight from it, why would I spend money on a surgury? Then afterwards, if you're not adjusted to the eating small part, your stomach will push it back up. I personally don't like that feeling. So, I decided to take the nice long, slow way and I only hope it'll work.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Elective surgery is a big don't for me. I lost 100+pounds without surgery or gimmicks. I know a lot of people say this but if I can do it, anyone can!
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    Personally, I feel like weight loss surgery should only be considered when you're finding it difficult/impossible to lose weight any other way. If you're able to eat at a healthy deficit and exercise, and that works for you, I think it's much better, and far less risky, to do that. So many things can go wrong in a procedure like that, and for so many people it's really not necessary.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I used to work with a married couple who both weighed over 300 pounds. I knew them after they both had weight loss surgery. They had their stomachs tightened. Something like that. They were still 300 pounds plus and ate horrible. The guy would have Doritos all day long dipped in cottage cheese. (gross). For lunch they would eat so much. The worse part is they would both stink up the whole building. (which was like the size of a grocery store.) The bathroom was like 100 feet from the office. That is gross and not normal.

    I am saying, if these are the results, I would NOT do it. I personally like "natural/organic" lifestyle, so I would not want to alter my body, unless it was life threatening. You can do it without surgery.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I look at like a quick fix. That is what fast food is too, a quick fix. So just try it the right way.
  • Amlong1977
    Amlong1977 Posts: 125 Member
    If you had asked me this question anytime prior to about a year ago I would've said yes! I would absolutely do it! BUT through major lifestyle change, watching what I eat & getting regular exercise I have lost 98 lbs all on my own. I've never seen a dietician, nutritionist, personal trainer, none of that. Willpower & a desperate drive to change & be healthy have given me all the motivation I need. It's not easy & I'm far from perfect, but everyday I prove to myself that I CAN do this. With all the drs you're seeing & classes you're taking, I think you're definitely headed in the right direction all on your own. Outside the risks of surgery, you still have to make the same lifestyle changes that you'd have to with surgery. On a personal note, I have 2 aunts & an uncle that all had bypass surgery quite a few years ago. 2 out of 3 have eaten their way through it & have fained back a lot of the weight. The 3rd has also put some weight back on. The surgery aged one of my aunts tremendously & her hair thinned a lot & became dry & brittle. Dumping is also not soothing that sounds appealing to me. Continue with what you're doing & with that & the support of your MFP friends I think you'll find out you can do this on your own! I started at 314 & am currently as 216. If I was completely