Anyone who is also trying to lose 50+ pounds???



  • I am 67 yrs old. I have lost a lot of weight many times. I have alwasys gained it back. It is much harder losing this time, so I intend to keep the weight off this time. I need to lose 55 pounds, so please add me to your list.
  • I am looking to lose a total of 145 lbs, I am already down 60 lbs. I am losing for the same purpose you are, I want to have a baby, heck, I want to have 3, LOL. Welcome and good luck on your journey. If you need a friend, feel free to add me.
  • I have just started here and have about 130-150 left to lose... and I understand your hope to get healthy before having a kid, since I am trying to do the same thing.

    Good luck with both the weight loss and future baby!

    You can also add me if you want... I am open to friends going through the same thing :3
  • adriadawn19
    adriadawn19 Posts: 174 Member
    I have lost 35 and have another 25-30 to get to my goal. Add me if you would like :)
  • toofatandy
    toofatandy Posts: 74 Member
    You say want to do this well then do it girl.

    You are young so you have an advantage of being healthier alot longer than not. hus live a happy healthy life for you and that growing family. Add me if you like.
  • I have 100 lbs to lose! I was just over 200 lbs when both my girls were born. I've gained a lot since my last was born September 2011. It is easy to lose weight when you have the pregnancy homones but afterward it is really hard so I commend you for wanting to before you get pregnant! I wish I would have...anyway, good luck and friend me if you'd like! Liz
  • For me to get to what they say is a healthy weight for me (109 lbs) I need to lost 129 lbs! Since that is so, so overwhelming, my goal right now is to fit in to my jeans at the back of the closet that I wore when I was 172 lb. So that's a goal of 66 lbs. At this stage of my life it's just about feeling better, and getting ready to be able to run after my grandson when he starts to walk and run.

    You have a great reason for losing weight which I'm sure will give you great motivation. I wish you the best of luck in this journey!!:smile:
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    I started at 224 and am currently weighing in at 179. I would like to lose another 29 or so to bring me to the goal my doctor set for me. I turn 50 the beginning of April and my twins are 19. I know all about the struggles of trying to get pregnant and I applaud you and your efforts. Feel free to add me
  • I am going to drop close to 115lbs...down to 195. I have just finished the first half of my weight management program. I am a type 2 diabetic, and I am very active. This put me in a weird place in this fitness world. I am the product of sports meals tables that ended in my 20 and for 25 years a bank VP. Not a good short.....turned into the classic FAT CAT!! LOL Changed life radically.....left the corporate world back in Dec 2007. Prior to leaving set my goals to get strong and fit again. I maxed out my weight at around 380lbs at 6'4". During the two years prior to departing corporate world I started riding a bike. First I rode 5 miles and thought I would die. lol Kept at it. Now a normal everyday ride is 30 miles. I also started snow skiing again. I decided my new lifestyle would be my old childhood lifestyle.....Adventure. In short, I left the banking world weighing a powerful 320 lbs. I then started a career as a Ski Pro. Now my problem was I was still on a Sports Meal table. Lots of carbs, meat, potatao. In short, I was a strong poloar bear, but I want to be a powerful large cat. Today I am on my way to becoming that Large Sleek Powerful Cat....come with me on the journey. So friend me for the journey and support.
  • pfmanny
    pfmanny Posts: 2 Member
    I'm at 47lbs and Losing!!! :) keep going you guys can do it!!
  • I am 27 and have 85 lbs to lose... Again... I was down 30 lbs but gained 10 back after having gallbladder removed... :( need friends too so anyone can feel free to add me!!
  • jnette0722
    jnette0722 Posts: 2 Member
    I need to loose 50-60lbs!!!! motivation from others will help so much :)
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    I'm just starting, and have about 50 to lose! I just had a baby, so maybe 25 lbs of that is post-baby, but none of it is budging :(.
    That said, I've been using this program for 3 days and I can already tell that this WILL work. Amazing what you learn about your eating habits when you track meticulously and leave yourself open to the accountability of others.

    Feel free to add me if you would like :) - the more accountability, the merrier!
  • I've lost almost 50 and need another 30-35 off! good luck to you! you can do it!!!
  • I'm trying to lose 48 more pounds. Feel free to add me:)
  • nikig7
    nikig7 Posts: 240 Member
    I'm 21 yrs old and am new to this. I want to lose 60 pounds all together, but my real reason for joining was because once I lose 30 pounds we can start TRYING to have a baby. I really want to be a mom, but a healthy one. I weigh 211 right now. I hope to lose the other 30 by the time I actually get pregnant. Anyways long story short I would LOVE to have more friends on here. I REALLY WANT TO DO THIS!

    Amazing you are EXACTLY my weight now and I have to lose exactly the same amount as you (app 60lbs)....would love to be friends and support you,...feel free to add me!
  • TheMommyWifeLife
    TheMommyWifeLife Posts: 194 Member
    in the middle of mine! original goal was 70lbs. down to only needing to lose about 31.5 lbs
  • SameMe_JustLess
    SameMe_JustLess Posts: 245 Member
    I am wondering how much weight I have lost in my life? Yo-yo doesn't even begin to cover it!! I have almost 90 pounds to go this time, but this time is the LAST time. I want to focus my thoughts on something else besides being uncomfortable, embarrassed, etc.

    Always looking for friends, so open to requests from all.

    Good luck everyone!!!!!
  • debbifae
    debbifae Posts: 4 Member
    I pray for your success! I am 58 and a mother of 4 boys and now a grandmother of 6. I gained all my weight after my boys were born but now weigh 225. I have lost over 10 lbs recently so am on my way! Lets do this together!

  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I'm 27, and in all, I've got 80lbs to lose. I've lost 25 of those thus far!!

    Feel free to add me!