
  • I bought my daughter StriVectin, and she said it is tightening her skin. I bought her the product for the body and face. She came to the house last evening and I saw a marked difference in her face. She is 35 years old, and has lost a considerable amount of weight. The skin around the belly area was sagging the worst. According to her this is helping. As with anything, you need to be consistent. Just a note...she exercised, but lost the weight quickly. If you are going to lose the weight quickly I would suggest using the product.

    I am losing weight at a steady pace by applying the suggestions in the book, "Wheat Belly." I am also incorporating information in books researched by Suzanne Somers. I bought her FaceMaster, which is a micro current that stimulates and stregthens the muscels in the face creating lift...it does work.

    Trying to eat fresh foods instead of processed and packaged foods. I am also taking vitamins and minerals which are on Suzanne's website. Drinking more water. Haven't really started exercising, but when I do I have read that over exercising has a reverse affect as far as building health as free radicals are released in the bloodstream. So, I am going to do a little more than moderate cardio and alternate with weights six days a week.

    I have lost 35 pounds since August 5, 2012 and have 100 to go. Hope to have lost that by the end of next year, but if it takes longer I will not be discouraged. Just going to keep my eyes on the PRIZE.....a strong, healthy body and new clothes! Oh, and looking in the dressing room mirror without sighing. YEAH! thats incentive times infinity.
  • melbatoast917
    melbatoast917 Posts: 370 Member
    I've lost nearly 100 pounds since March - no loose hanging skin. I use an apricot scrub, Take glucosamine/chondroitin, moisturize (a lot because I tan) and I have good genes. Not everyone is going to look like a melted marshmallow.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Bermuda shorts and 3/4 sleeve shirts are your friends.

    There's nothing you CAN do about loose skin short of surgery to remove it. Whether you'll have it and how bad is determined by a combination of genetics, age (our skin gets less elastic over time), how overweight you were, how long you were overweight, and where you carry your weight.

    I'm the bigger loser in most of those categories and have huge amounts of loose skin on my arms and legs. I plan to do nothing about it. The one area where loose skin sometimes NEEDS to be removed (rather than cosmetically wanting it removed) is on folks who carried a lot of weight in their belly area and develop a droopy apron of skin there.

    Lifting weights can improve the appearance of loose skin somewhat, although it doesn't actually do anything for the skin itself. What it does is simply put some muscle in to fill in some of the space the fat left behind, thereby filling out some of the skin. But it's also good for you, so I recommend it.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,374 Member
    I've lost nearly 100 pounds since March - no loose hanging skin. I use an apricot scrub, Take glucosamine/chondroitin, moisturize (a lot because I tan) and I have good genes. Not everyone is going to look like a melted marshmallow.

    You're lucky! I am the melted marshmallow! :sad:
  • firedupfriend
    firedupfriend Posts: 140 Member
    Make some lamp shades.

    Friend of Ed Gein are you? Hahahahaha thanks for the laugh
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    I would get surgery in a heartbeat. I know a woman who had her arms done and it completely changed her life and self esteem and i found the results to look very natural. If i ever run in to this issue best believe I'll have a plastic surgeom on speed dial!
  • Julz2586
    Julz2586 Posts: 1,330 Member

    *hides* :(
  • wavedancer123
    wavedancer123 Posts: 47 Member
    The thing about loose skin is that only you and your significant other see it. With fat, everyone sees it.

    So true and well said.
  • wavedancer123
    wavedancer123 Posts: 47 Member
    My gym instructor, advised me, that when an elastic band is over stretched it doesn't always goes back to how it was - a nice neat band - it has wrangles! :wink:

    That is what my body has on my arms and belly - (years of over eating) when I lean forward or down. But like the person before me advise," its only what me and my other half see, if I was fat the whole world would see it" and that is so true .

    Keep with the gym - it has to help.:happy:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

  • Julz2586
    Julz2586 Posts: 1,330 Member


    I just fell off my chair laughing
  • Sandraonlyskinny
    Sandraonlyskinny Posts: 18 Member
    I want to wear a bikini one day, I have lost about 15 kgs, my youngest child is 4, and I am 45 years old. I am looking good in clothes, but would love to have a six pack, because now I am really working on getting fit not just fitting into "those" jeans. I didn't get any stretch marks with my 2 children so maybe I have good skin, but nothing seems to be shrinking.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    loose skin > obesity .... look man its kind of impossible for loose skin to snap back into place after EXTREME weight loss. age,genetics,lifestyle etc have alot to do with it so it varies from person to person
    what has worked for me is keeping hydrated all day long , vit E oil and a good firming lotion... but i lost around 40-50ibs so my loose skin isnt very bad , but def do have it
    Agreed. Moral of the story is not to loose weight so fast. Focus should be on nutrition, weight training, then cardio. Give it time for your skin to catch up. Vitamin E appears to help, so does cocoa butter.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member

    Not exactly....
  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    Here are the things you can do:
    1) Moisturize
    2) Hydrate
    3) Exercise (this includes strength training)
    4) Be patient. It can take a year or two (or maybe more) for your skin to snap back as much as it is going to (no promise how much) after weight loss.

    What is outside of your control:
    1) Age
    2) Genetics

    With that being said, one thing I have always said is that I would rather be fit and healthy with loose skin than have all that skin filled up again with unhealthy fat.
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    look up jeremy yost on youtube he lost over 180lbs without surgery and it doesnt look that bad but each to their own
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I don't like the all-caps post, either.

    As for loose skin, I'll go with dry skin brushing, moisturizing, massage, and exercise. I might even consider surgery if it's really unsightly.
  • awake4777
    awake4777 Posts: 190 Member
    Would the lose skin bother you on your mate if just you and your mate could see it?

    I lost 77 lbs in four months and am starting to see my stomach flap shrink. Not using anything but will start using cocoa butter:flowerforyou:

    You look maaarvelous!
  • I have spent the last few years researching this topic to try to cure my own loose skin without surgery and ended up compiling it all into a book, available on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009MT4588/ref=nosim?tag=firlooski-20&linkCode=sb1&camp=212353&creative=380549

    I've been hearing from a lot of folks who've read the book and they concur that the best things to tighten skin are virtually unknown, such as jumping on a trampoline and dry skin brushing. The book looks at vitamins and minerals, cremes, special exercises, weight lifting and more. It's working for me and I'm getting some really good feedback from others it's working for as well.

    It's hard to live with and I hope we can all tighten up our skin together. Check out the book's website at www.firmlooseskin.com and the book on Amazon, and best of luck to all of us.