Congrats on being under your food goal?

So many congratulate others when they are under their calorie goal for the day. As of right no I still have 350 to eat. It is getting late and I may or may not actually eat it. I am leaning towards no actually eating it. Is that really room for congratulations? Don't we need food to fuel our body? Shouldn't we be trying to reach the goal. I am sure that in most cases it is not as drastic as 350 calories under goal. I also understand that we are all trying to be good friends and help others stay motivated. But I hope that when we congratulate others it is for the right reason. I would hate to see that someone eats hundreds of calories under everyday and is always being told how great they are when really they are eating way under their intended goal and need to be encouraged to eat a little more to stay fueled and healthy.

That's all I have to say. Sorry that I am rambled.


  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    It probably depends on what their food goal is to begin with and whether they have exercised and just not eaten back all their exercise calories. Maybe if they are consistenly under then it would be an issue but once in a while, even once a week is not too bad. Some people do calorie cycling and eat more on weekends. If they are consistently under-eating and starving themselves I might gently say something to them in private.
  • Enny2405
    Enny2405 Posts: 97 Member
    I think it is more of a pat on the back for not overeating... but I tend to congratulate people more on the exercise they do rather then what they eat as many have closed diaries so you dont know the real situation.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I give congrats when people are within 100 calories of their goal on either side. I'd rather see someone go over by 20 than under by 400. I saw someone ate 1208 calories so they were "over" and people were commenting like "it's okay" "tomorrow's a new day". WTF. I'm pretty sure 1208 calories is still low (but that's a WHOOLE other debate). I honestly think people don't read the diaries most of the time and just leave generic comments based on whether MFP says you're under or not.
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    I think it is more of a pat on the back for not overeating... but I tend to congratulate people more on the exercise they do rather then what they eat as many have closed diaries so you dont know the real situation.

  • al369
    al369 Posts: 170 Member
    I give congrats when people are within 100 calories of their goal on either side. I'd rather see someone go over by 20 than under by 400. I saw someone ate 1208 calories so they were "over" and people were commenting like "it's okay" "tomorrow's a new day". WTF. I'm pretty sure 1208 calories is still low (but that's a WHOOLE other debate).

    I honestly think people don't read the diaries most of the time and just leave generic comments based on whether MFP says you're under or not.

    That last sentence. And I usually post on exercise, not food becauseI rarely look at someone's diary.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I give congrats when people are within 100 calories of their goal on either side. I'd rather see someone go over by 20 than under by 400. I saw someone ate 1208 calories so they were "over" and people were commenting like "it's okay" "tomorrow's a new day". WTF. I'm pretty sure 1208 calories is still low (but that's a WHOOLE other debate). I honestly think people don't read the diaries most of the time and just leave generic comments based on whether MFP says you're under or not.

    I agree. I don't congratulate people for eating right and exercise because that's what we're supposed to be doing. On the same note, I don't criticize for days that are over. I do give props for reaching a goal, be it a weight goal, fitness goal or similar. Again, most people probably don't look at everyone's diary every day and just give an automatic pat on the back.

    ETA: As to being under for the day, just put it as a mental note in the back of your head in case you're a few hundred calories over another day. Weekly totals are what I focus on instead of beating myself up for being over one day.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Some have a lot of calories. I know mine is set for only a pound a week and I am heavy. I can and do go under my goal easily without doing any damage. I never go under 1400 calories or very rarely. (I was under one day last week, with upset stomach). I know I am good with the support, as long as no one yells at me if I go over.
  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    I have a hard time saying ANYTHING related to a dairy if it is closed. For that exact reason. I don't know if you are eating 200 calories a day, so I'm really careful to say good job. Now if your dairy is open I often look at it before i say anything. You can be under but within your goal but still had a crap day. Not that I ever say "should you really have eaten that?" but I might comment that those chocolate peanut butter cookies sound really good ;). I won't even give advice unless it is asked.

    I also am one that personally I could be under today, over tomorrow, so I don't like saying "tomorrow is a new day!" because it might not actually have been a bad day for that person. UNLESS someone says flat out "I did terrible today!"then I will remind them about the big picture.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    For me it's something worth 'congratulating' (ignoring that I'm not here for the 'support', which doesn't bother/encourage me specifically), for others it should perhaps be a reminder to make more effort to get some food in.

    Amusing when this site makes a big thing of '1200' and how you'll shrivel up and die if you go under that etc :P.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member

    Amusing when this site makes a big thing of '1200' and how you'll shrivel up and die if you go under that etc :P.

    Haha yep. 1200, you're golden, but 1199... Ohhhh no! Certain death
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I have had to change what I say. Before I figured out that the goal here really shouldn't be to eat under, it should be to eat at, I was viewing this site like my plan on Bodymedia (BMF) where I needed to eat 500 under to lose weight. Didn't take into account that most people here are set on very low calories, so they should never have a deficit or only a very small one. So most of my "friends" don't think I'm very friendly these days. I also find myself constantly marveling at the amount of sodium people eat or surprised that people are tracking things like saturated fat, but never the people who are subsisting on fast food.

    Anyway, now I'm much more likely to compliment a good workout than someone who is under his or her calorie goal. Of course, I have my numbers set differently--my calorie goal is closer to what I burn on a typical day without exercise, then I try to eat back most if not all of my exercise calories (as calculated by BMF).
  • i am on 1200 , usually under my calorie goal , i am in the learning stages with exercise my stamina isnt what it could be yet, but i never used to exercise at all.i try to keep my protein up and everything within the numbers.
  • jocybee83
    jocybee83 Posts: 155 Member
    I look at all my friend's food diaries daily, provided they are open, and comment accordingly. I would hope my friends do the same for me.
  • I hear exactly what your saying. No it's not great to eat under on a regular basis. You need food to fuel ur body especially if your exercising. MFP gives you calories back for a reason. If you set up ur goals according to mfp you should try to eat close to goat without going over as much as possible. I work two jobs and sometimes it's hard... I get it. You have to try to plan your meals. I do a lot of research... I'm in the medical field and most of what I'm reading is you need to eat 4-5 small meals a day with healthy snacks in between. Do not eat untill your full, drink plenty of water before, after and during your meals, get rest and get out and get moving.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    I'm gonna chime in on this. I am happy to be under my "food goal" since I have it set to TDEE. This allows me to see green numbers almost every day LOL.
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    I try to only congratulate when someone has had a good day... if they are WAY under, I'll make a suggestion about a mid-day snack or more at a crucial meal. I also comment on water or calorie distribution. If they ate 1100 cals for the day, no exercise, and ate 900cals worth of cheese, that's not a "Good Job". I don't criticize, but I wouldn't comment.
  • I dont know i feel like some people are quick to jump to conclusions on peoples numbers. I know that 1200 is the minimum. Lots of people have reasons for eating less that this site doesnt take into account. Like health problems such as metabolic conditions.

    For example me, I have PKU. I cant have phenylanine which is found in meats and dairys. So im pretty much on a vegtable , fruit diet. With the exception of a few breads and pastas and other carbs. If i stictly stick to this diet. Only eating a low amount of carbs a day.Surviving off of just fruits and vegtables, Its hard to reach my goal of 1790 that mfp sets me for. I take a formula for protien, and currently that only brings in about 250 calories a day for all of my protien.
    Although i can get alot of food from hospitals its more expensive, and not very healthy at all.

    just to reach around 1400 i have to eat more carbs and stuff, which is not ideal. So mostly i ty to stick to fruits and veggies.
    With fruits and veggies its under 1200, And im eating all the time, constantly snacking on carrots, baby tomatoes. So its not like im starving. Not to mention how much water i have to consume with my pills

    Im just trying to say people have health issues that can change their diet.
  • currierand
    currierand Posts: 155 Member
    It is also possible that on any given day that person is "under" because they know there is a planned over day coming up. I tend to stay under my goal during the week (which is also when I tend to exercise and not necessarily eat back all my calories) because I know come the weekend I am more likely to indulge in cocktails or go out to eat, for example.
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    I look at my friend's diaries and congratulate them if they ate clean and balanced - I look at the nutrients, not the calories. I don't comment on closed diaries.
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    I do a "congrats" to my MFP friends on being under as well as on exercising. There are a couple whom I know are struggling a bit, so I read their diaries and give what encouragement I can. I believe we are all here doing the best we can.

    My calorie goal is set at 20% below TDEE, (sedentary) with all the walking I do I am *usually* "under". If I go over, I usually make a comment as to "why" but not always...2 friends have access to my food diary because I trust them.
  • I am usually always under my food goal because of the exercise I do some days. Yesterday I was still to have 1200 which I just could not use despite trying.

    Most food i eat is low in calories--ie fruit and veg so it is sometimes really hard for me to use them all up despite lowering my intake to 1300.

    I agree being 100-200 under target may be good but we need the food as fuel to function and using less means we cannot function at our best despite thinking we can.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    I have my notifications for that turned off because I think it's stupid. I give "Way to go's" for exercise and log in days and such but the reward for eating or not eating a certain amount is ridiculous.
  • leesehm
    leesehm Posts: 117
    i only congratulate people for food if i see what theyv eaten and i think its a good day lol - even if that is over
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    I look at my friend's diaries and congratulate them if they ate clean and balanced - I look at the nutrients, not the calories. I don't comment on closed diaries.

    I agree. I find it hard when someone has eaten under their calories consistently, but thats because their entire days intake is a Big Mac and a Mars bar. And I have a few people commenting on how low I am (I tend to run 1000-1200 but it is full of food- fills a page - because I carefully avoid processed food where i can and, being diabetic, there are lots of things I just cant eat.
    I think quality is very important, not just numbers.
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    It's iffy. I think looking at the diary is a good idea too. People who eat 1200 or less I won't comment on simply because I don't agree with it and it is better to just not have the same argument over and over. I have had days though where I eat that much or less even though mine is set to 1880, due to being sick or whatever.

    I have Mc Donald's too, I eat cookies and things of that nature that would make the strict 'OMG don't eat that!' person think I was the devil or something. Don't hate me because I am not depriving myself.

    We just need to be less judgmental. Goals are probably a better thing to congratulate on assuming the person isn't doing bodily harm to reach those goals.
  • floopysandi
    floopysandi Posts: 138 Member
    I like to encourage and motivate. I don't just not comment because someone had a bad day or has a closed diary. I would rather people be honest in their logging because otherwise it only hurts them. If I am worried about how little someone is eating I tend to send them a message since some people get embarrassed to be singled out. I know it is about eating healthier, but it is also about dropping calories too. If someone has a donut or candy, I am not going to roast them for it since at least they are moving in the right direction. Also, since I look at every open diary daily I can see that it is often just a bad day. I have them too since I am changing the habits of a lifetime.
  • Martina_Who
    Martina_Who Posts: 172 Member

    I never comment on diaries as I think how a person chooses to eat their allocated allowance is up to them and many people go under quite drastically and instead of people being concerned they congratulate them on it! Madness!

    I myself have some days where'd I am over and some days where I am a lot less but that's life, it can't be perfect all the time but I do try always!
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    I find I am usually under my calorie goal BUT in saying that, I plan my food for the day so I am within 5 calories of my goal - I'm on 1330 cals and I want to eat my goal each day, without going over unless I am having a planned day. Even then I plan to stay under my TDEE. It is part of my routine to re-educate myself on disciplined eating and portion size management.
  • sincerely4me1o0
    sincerely4me1o0 Posts: 41 Member
    This thread has helped me so much. I am new to mfp, well actively using it, and have seen so many congratulate for this that I just started doing it myself. It didn't occur to me to actually look at their diaries. From now on I will congratulate consciously. I did kind of get irritated when I was under my goal of 1200 and mfp 'scolded' me for it. It wasn't by a whole lot either. And I believe I am doing very well on my food choices. I haven't changed anything because of it, because I feel I am doing well. Thanks for this! When you know better, you do better. So keep learning and teaching!
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    It's iffy. I think looking at the diary is a good idea too. People who eat 1200 or less I won't comment on simply because I don't agree with it and it is better to just not have the same argument over and over. I have had days though where I eat that much or less even though mine is set to 1880, due to being sick or whatever.

    I have Mc Donald's too, I eat cookies and things of that nature that would make the strict 'OMG don't eat that!' person think I was the devil or something. Don't hate me because I am not depriving myself.

    We just need to be less judgmental. Goals are probably a better thing to congratulate on assuming the person isn't doing bodily harm to reach those goals.

    I guss its all about personal choices. By not eating cookies or McDonalds or whatever I dont see that I am derpriving myself at all. I am really enjoying eating clean and healthy and after almost 5 months of eating this way I am not missing "junk food" at all. When I have had a bit or staste I just dont enjoy it anymore. I certainly don't hate you for choosing too though. I guess in the same way I am eating around 1000-1200 calories a day and eating really well. I'm a doctor myself and I'm under the care of a dietitian - yet some of the "go under 1200 and you'll kill yourself" crowd would hate me for it too!

    Agree with you 100% when you said "we just need to be less judgemental" !