Did I pick the wrong website?

I seem to get the feeling I am in the wrong place! I'm here to see GAINS and I want to gain weight! All of you beautiful people seem to want to LOSE weight. (WHICH! Go on and get it! I am proud of all of you and am frankly blown away by your commitment! That's so awesome to see!) But I kind of feel as if I'm alone here? Am I?


  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    There are a bunch of people on here to gain weight or maintain their weight... They're just far outnumbered by us other folk... Just like in real life. ;)
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    u can use this site for any form of weight and fitness goals. make sure your friends on here know your goals so they can support you accordingly.
  • daniel7121
    daniel7121 Posts: 166 Member
    Don't be discouraged man. In a way, we are all here for one ultimate reason which is our health. How we are trying to change it may be slightly different though. Are you looking to gain muscle or just mass in general? It'd be awesome to get with somebody who is trying to gain some good muscle mass because that's what I'd also like to try and do, not just lose weight. Send me a message or whatever if you'd like to talk!
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    Yeah this isn't really a deep community of people looking to gain. As in you look like you are already in great shape so maybe are trying to turn it up a notch so probably need some serious body builder types to share ideas with...

    Great people around here though, good luck with your goals!
  • myownadvice
    myownadvice Posts: 95 Member
    You may want to check in the "groups" section as there is something there for pretty much everyone. I know I have seen groups for gaining and muscle building. Best wishes for reaching your goals that's really what we are all here for.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    More power to you, you can have the weight I want to lose. lol. Wish it could work like that. unfortuanaly there are more ppl in this world who need to lose (myself included.) but seriously you can have what I lose, I don't mind sharing. I got to much.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    You aren't alone! I'm maintaining right now, but i'm going to do another bulk this winter starting in January :D
  • offthedeependay
    offthedeependay Posts: 435 Member
    I am at my weight loss goal,not trying to achieve muscle weight increase and body fat decrease,want to stay at around how much I weigh now ,trying and succeeding in bringing my body fat % down to around 10-11 %,when I started this I was 240 lbs and 28% bf now weigh 160 lbs and at 14 % bf,,if I gain a little weight in the meantime thats ok as long as it's muscle and losing fat.add me if you like I log every day and eat around 2000 calories a day,,good luck in your journey
  • Another gainer here.

    Bodybuilding.com is the best resource for the information you need.

    MFP is awesome for tracking what you eat (whether you're bulking or cutting) and feeling better about yourself
  • Although I'm cutting down for a competition at the moment (First Fitness Modeling Comp yay!), I am here to gain muscle, and will be doing a 'gaining' phase roughly starting March Next year again. So you're not alone, Calories in vs Calories out, still need to track that if you want to gain! (Not to mention macros!)
  • Wowow :) Yall are all so nice! Thanks everybody for the support! I mean today is "day one" on this site, so I think just because everyone is so nice I'd like to stay around! PLEASE, ANYONE feel free to be my friend! I'm not just here for "people my age" or something like that! I'm happy to meet anyone/everyone! :) Let's all do this! AND, if any of yall are gainers like me, lets hook up and keep each other accountable!

    1 Cor 6:19-20 :)
  • TaraKathleen5
    TaraKathleen5 Posts: 34 Member
    Just like someone else mentioned, check out the groups. There are a lot of sweet supportive people regardless. You can still be friends with those trying to lose. It's about health. I think you are outnumbered because unfortunately being overweight is a HUGE problem in society.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    You can use the tool of MFP for what you need. My family members use it to make sure we are eating enough calories on our low carb diet. However, I wish my son would sign up to track his calories, because he wants to gain muscle mass, and I don't think he is eating enough. So, I think you are on the right path to track yourself. I am curious, though, are you increasing calories, or making sure that the calories you eat are the best for building yourself? Quality or quantity? Or do they both matter?
  • Howdy,

    The most important thing to know is we are all here to reach our goals, whatever they are. I have gotten 5 people to join. 1 is trying to gain, 1 maintain, 1 just lose a little, me...well, a lot! LOL

    So welcome and please to meet you! See in a group we can draw strength and power from each other. We all have bad days and good days, but we always have each other, everyday! Find good people and have a lifetime dance party!!!!

    Good Luck!!! PS great abs!!
  • You can use the tool of MFP for what you need. My family members use it to make sure we are eating enough calories on our low carb diet. However, I wish my son would sign up to track his calories, because he wants to gain muscle mass, and I don't think he is eating enough. So, I think you are on the right path to track yourself. I am curious, though, are you increasing calories, or making sure that the calories you eat are the best for building yourself? Quality or quantity? Or do they both matter?

    Sorry, I'm not the OP, but I thought I'd answer as it caught my eye as I was replying to the OP post.

    Many people will say many different thigns, but I've found this rule of thumb works, and also I have a Bodybuilding Nutrition Coach who is fairly well known and he follows the same principles...

    Aim for 80% "Clean Foods" - TECHNICALLY your body doesn't know the different between a 'clean' food and a 'dirty calorie'...really, hwoever if you say have a 300g of carbs per day and you down that all in sugar, a few things will happen...you wno't get any nutrients, and you'll probably walk around hungry for the rest of the day.. (not to mention insulin spikes etc..)

    Calories in are important when building muscle (they need to be in surplus)
    Macros are key. A lot of people are different in this area, and respond differently to different macro amounts, this is where consistancy and the idea that this is a journey not a sprint comes in. As you can change, monitor and adjust as required.

    Someone that is young, just needs to set the basics, and DO IT, and adjust and refine from there...again a journey.

    Goodluck to your son, I wish I had a Mom that was this keyed on when I was younger.. :-)
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    Welcome. Plenty of people here have different goals. I'm maintaining since July still experimenting.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You can use the tool of MFP for what you need. My family members use it to make sure we are eating enough calories on our low carb diet. However, I wish my son would sign up to track his calories, because he wants to gain muscle mass, and I don't think he is eating enough. So, I think you are on the right path to track yourself. I am curious, though, are you increasing calories, or making sure that the calories you eat are the best for building yourself? Quality or quantity? Or do they both matter?

    You should see what some of the guys and gals on my FL who are bulking eat!! It's fantastic!
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    feeling better about yourself after looking at pictures of really fat people.

    Was that in reference to the people on MFP? I'm confused? And why would you feel better about yourself after looking at fat people?
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    If you had even the faintest clue how much ice cream and french fries I eat every day, you could never accuse me of trying to lose weight.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    You're in the right place. You just have to remember that there are more obese people than physically fit.
  • worrblade
    worrblade Posts: 20 Member
    i think this is the best website for tracking what you put in ur body! gaining or losing weight. just because it is green or red doesn't mean a thing. starting next week my goal will also be gaining muscle. I think this is the best website hands down!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Another gainer here.

    Bodybuilding.com is the best resource for the information you need.

    MFP is awesome for tracking what you eat (whether you're bulking or cutting) and feeling better about yourself after looking at pictures of really fat people.

    You're absolutely right, I feel so much better about myself when I look back at pictures from when I was really fat. Looking at other people's pictures here just inspires me, doesn't make me feel superior. That was a really crummy way to say whatever it was you were trying to say. Just sayin'.

    OP, there are lots of people here with the same goals as yours, you just have to weed them out with a different heading, like "Looking for friends who are trying to gain/bulk" or whatever it is you're looking to do, or as someone else said, check the groups. Good luck!
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Another gainer here.

    Bodybuilding.com is the best resource for the information you need.

    MFP is awesome for tracking what you eat (whether you're bulking or cutting) and feeling better about yourself after looking at pictures of really fat people.

    Are you an *kitten* or do you just play one on TV?
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    plenty of people here use this site to track their macro nutrients in order to build muscle/body recomposition.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Another gainer here.

    Bodybuilding.com is the best resource for the information you need.

    MFP is awesome for tracking what you eat (whether you're bulking or cutting) and feeling better about yourself after looking at pictures of really fat people.
    Perhaps you should leave and go there then.

    I would further digress, but that wouldn't be very nice.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I seem to get the feeling I am in the wrong place! I'm here to see GAINS and I want to gain weight! All of you beautiful people seem to want to LOSE weight. (WHICH! Go on and get it! I am proud of all of you and am frankly blown away by your commitment! That's so awesome to see!) But I kind of feel as if I'm alone here? Am I?

    I'm trying to enlarge one area :blushing:
  • Currently on a cutting phase , but when im not i eat 4000 calories a day and lift heavy things for fun (:
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I seem to get the feeling I am in the wrong place! I'm here to see GAINS and I want to gain weight! All of you beautiful people seem to want to LOSE weight. (WHICH! Go on and get it! I am proud of all of you and am frankly blown away by your commitment! That's so awesome to see!) But I kind of feel as if I'm alone here? Am I?

    I'm a maintainer at the moment. Occasionally I'll go on Bulk and cutting cycles. There are plenty of knowledgable gainers here though with tons of helpful information. Also you can google T-Nation. There's a wealth of accurate and incredibly interesting articles. All in all, you're in the right place. Use the food diaries to track your macros and find a few friends with similar goals.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Another gainer here.

    Bodybuilding.com is the best resource for the information you need.

    MFP is awesome for tracking what you eat (whether you're bulking or cutting) and feeling better about yourself after looking at pictures of really fat people.

    Well aren't you a gem...
  • nah, I'm a gainer, too.