No More Excuses -- Week 18



  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning all....

    Well I'm off to the Doctor this morning. Wish me luck. I hope he puts me on thyroid medicine. Hopefully it will stop this constipation. I know I'm just full of "crap". I've heard it all from DH.

    Have a question - what is W3D2 of C25K? I've seen it printed a lot and just need to know. hair is now back to blonde.....WooooHoooo! They did such a good job and I'm so happy with it. As you can tell
    it doesn't take much to make me happy.

    Well, I'm off. Everyone have a great day!

    Good luck at the doctor's office. W2D2 of C25K means that somebody is doing the Couch to 5K program (this is a running program for beginners) and they are on week 3 and day 2. I found it on You start out on week one and you run for about 90 seconds and then you walk. I can't remember exactly how it goes but you can print it out. I am doing it and I am on week 6. I now run for 25 minutes at a time and am gradually trying to add a minute here and there.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good evening team...Just had to post this. I am so dang proud of myself. I have worked up to jogging 30 minutes on the treadmill but just couldn't run the trail outside the gym to save me. It has a lot of hills. Well (drum roll please) tonight at the gym just before dark, I ran the whole trail (approximately 1.5 miles). I wasn't even about to drop dead when I finished. My dad said it was because it was almost dark and chicken little was not going to get caught outside in the dark alone :laugh: Anyway, I did it :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a great night.

    Laura...Don't sweat it. Tomorrow is a new day.

    Great job,

    I seem to have taken a couple steps backwards. I did my normal run today and about died on the treadmill. Ended up walking a half mile, running a mile, walking a half mile, running a mile,walking a half mile, you get the picture. Anyway, I still ran 3.1 miles, and walked a mile, but it was not easy. Used to be I would look forward to running days because they were easier than the lifting days. Lifting has not gone much better either.

    Jack...There are some days when I just don't have it in me and I can't get it done. Yesterday was beautiful and sunny here and I think I caught the spring bug:smile:
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Good morning all,

    I really look forward to logging in for a few minutes every morning and reading the posts. Glad to see a lot of activity being done by everyone. It sounds like all of us are very busy, but we find the much needed time to take care of ourselves.

    Now that I am following my heartrate monitor watch versus the machines, I am burning about 900 calories a night. The only difficult part is coming home and finding a way to eat those back with something heathly.

    Renaegry, very sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Losing someone is never easy.

    Take care everyone and have a great week!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning all...Off to work for me. It is supposed to start raining here today:cry: I know we probably need it but I love the springtime sun! Hope you all have a fabulous day.

    Laura...You go girl. Today will be a great day!

    Renae...I feel your pain. My TOM just wipes me out. I will keep you in my prayers Saturday morning. I know it will be rough.

    Hawkeye...Way to go on the calorie burn. I need to borrow your extra 900 cals to finish off my night sometimes:laugh:
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good evening team...Just had to post this. I am so dang proud of myself. I have worked up to jogging 30 minutes on the treadmill but just couldn't run the trail outside the gym to save me. It has a lot of hills. Well (drum roll please) tonight at the gym just before dark, I ran the whole trail (approximately 1.5 miles). I wasn't even about to drop dead when I finished. My dad said it was because it was almost dark and chicken little was not going to get caught outside in the dark alone :laugh: Anyway, I did it :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a great night.

    Laura...Don't sweat it. Tomorrow is a new day.

    EXCELLENT!!!! So very proud of you! My dh and I just talked about going joggin on the new stadium track that was just built here. I am going to give it a try here soon!!!! ;) GOOD FOR YOU!!! What a great accomplishment!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Good morning all....

    Well I'm off to the Doctor this morning. Wish me luck. I hope he puts me on thyroid medicine. Hopefully it will stop this constipation. I know I'm just full of "crap". I've heard it all from DH.

    Have a question - what is W3D2 of C25K? I've seen it printed a lot and just need to know. hair is now back to blonde.....WooooHoooo! They did such a good job and I'm so happy with it. As you can tell
    it doesn't take much to make me happy.

    Well, I'm off. Everyone have a great day!

    Week 3 Day 2 of the couch to 5 km run progam
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning all! WOW!!!! Everyone has such a great attitude that I am just raring to go!!!! ;) Thanks for all the motivation you all give me. Just reading your posts always convinces me that I can do this!!!! ;)

    Today should be another good day. Kind of blew it last night!!!! My dh ordered pizza. DARN IT!!!! Tuesday is my twirling night, so he is in charge of dinner!!! ;) The kids love it!!!! I should have been stronger and resisted, but I really couldn't. I think I will be okay though!!!

    I stepped on the scale this morning and it was down to 161 (YIPEEEEE) HOWEVER.....I am not holding my breath as those couple of pounds always seem to find their way back before weigh in on Sunday. I do think though it is because on Saturday it seems like I am not drinking as much water as I do during the week. All week long I have my water right here on my desk. Then Saturday comes, and i seem to have so much to do that I forget about the water! Have to make that a priority this week and see if it helps! This week-end I have a baton twirling competition in Denver, so will be out of town. Probably won't get to weigh in until Monday morning! We will see if it helps!!! ;)

    Everyone have a great Wednesday!
  • Okay, back from the Doctor. Good news and Bad news. Good news he took me off the Metformin. I'm controlling my blood sugars with diet and exercise. WaaaaaHoooo!!!!! I'm jumping for joy. I even showed him the copies of diet and exercise and all the reports that you can print off. He was quite impressed. I set down with him and showed him how to use the web site. He and his nurse really likes the web site. He says it makes you accountable for your actions and what you put in your mouth.

    Okay, the Bad news. I have gain 5 pounds over the week end. I'm hoping it was just my clothes and shoes. I weigh buck naked when I weigh at home and it's in sinc with the doctor's scale. Sorry about the visuals. I'm not going to panic. At least not today.
    I'll wait until Sunday.

    This is still a great day. He put me on a low dose of thyroid medication (Levothyroxin 25mcg) that's micro grams. I took it right after I left the drug store. Suppose to increase my metabolism. And lose weight faster. I hope so. I'm so excited.

    I'm going to relax the rest of the day and watch my soaps......yes I watch soaps....All My Children, One Life To Live, and of course, General Hospital. I just can't seem to get away from them. Been watching since high school. I'm off and running.

    Sorry for the book......
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Okay, back from the Doctor. Good news and Bad news. Good news he took me off the Metformin. I'm controlling my blood sugars with diet and exercise. WaaaaaHoooo!!!!! I'm jumping for joy. I even showed him the copies of diet and exercise and all the reports that you can print off. He was quite impressed. I set down with him and showed him how to use the web site. He and his nurse really likes the web site. He says it makes you accountable for your actions and what you put in your mouth.

    Okay, the Bad news. I have gain 5 pounds over the week end. I'm hoping it was just my clothes and shoes. I weigh buck naked when I weigh at home and it's in sinc with the doctor's scale. Sorry about the visuals. I'm not going to panic. At least not today.
    I'll wait until Sunday.

    This is still a great day. He put me on a low dose of thyroid medication (Levothyroxin 25mcg) that's micro grams. I took it right after I left the drug store. Suppose to increase my metabolism. And lose weight faster. I hope so. I'm so excited.

    I'm going to relax the rest of the day and watch my soaps......yes I watch soaps....All My Children, One Life To Live, and of course, General Hospital. I just can't seem to get away from them. Been watching since high school. I'm off and running.

    Sorry for the book......

    After all deserve to relax this afternoon! Good for you! That is wonderful news that he was able to take you off one of your medicines. The 5 lbs. can be a number of things. I wouldn't let it upset you, that's for sure. Hopefully the thyroid medication will help as well.

    Congrats and glad things went relatively well for you!!! ;)
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Went to aerobics tonight and again we did boot camp style. Manageda burn of 684 cals. Tomorrow morn I am setting my alarm for 7 (just incase kids dont have me up) and I am going walk/jogging with a friend around the village. If you cirlce the whol village and go out to this one grid road it is 3 km. And it is close to 0C here, so will be pretty nice. Then we are off to Yorkton for the afternoon and appointments. I have a sitter coming to watch the kids. I am sure it wont be the best eating day since we will be in yorkton for supper. Bringing my mom home with us for she wants to see my sons skating carnival on Friday, and then she will be here for daughters b'day party on Saturday. She we then go home with my sister, and my Dad and Step-mom will stay over for a night. So it is going to be a busy, emotional (with funeral on sat morn) weekend.

    Can't believe my baby girl will be 2 years old tomorrow (Marc h 11). Man how time flies.

    Hope everyone had a good day, will check in tom evening.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning team!!! How is everyone doing today???? Can't believe I am the first to post for the day.

    Should be a busy day. We have a board meeting this afternoon! Shouldn't be too eventful. The only thing though....when I think that .....we end up being here until after 5! Oh well.

    So.....I went on the link that Tammy posted for the C25K program......Printed it out.....showed it to my DH.....and we are going to start it on Monday. We have a brand new stadium and track that is open to the public for use, so we thought that would be a good place to do it. We are going to attempt a M W F schedule on it. I will keep you posted! Can't believe I am going to do this. I used to HATE to run. Holy Cow!!!! We were laughing that we would probably not join any of the races and such, and he said well if it was a fund raiser type of thing he would but not to prove he could win or anything. We laughed and then we said we would be able just to prove we could do it. We couldn't do it at 30 but we will be able to do it at 50!!!! HA HA HA HA!!! Well that is wishful thinking but I am going to stay positive!

    Everyone have a wonderful Thursday!

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    That is great Ann. I never thought I could be a runner and I love it. I do mine on the treadmill thou. Have a very busy day today, so hopefully I will check back in this evening. Went for walk with friend this morning at 730. Walked for 43 mins, did the 3km walk, and burnt 438 cals.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning team...I'm late getting started today, had to pay bills and balance the checkbook:cry: I never get to hold onto my money for very long. It is raining and yucky here today so no running outside. I will have to get on the treadmill. Today is my normal gym day. Have a great day!

    Ann...That sounds great. I have never liked running but I started because a friend was so successful with the program. I couldn't run the 90 seconds when I first started (literally), but it gets easier. I'd like to do a fun run eventually, maybe actually do a 5K. We'll see. Good luck!

    Renae...Happy birthday to your daughter. I miss mine being small. My oldest is driving and looking at colleges and my baby is 10 now.
  • Good morning team!!! How is everyone doing today???? Can't believe I am the first to post for the day.

    Should be a busy day. We have a board meeting this afternoon! Shouldn't be too eventful. The only thing though....when I think that .....we end up being here until after 5! Oh well.

    So.....I went on the link that Tammy posted for the C25K program......Printed it out.....showed it to my DH.....and we are going to start it on Monday. We have a brand new stadium and track that is open to the public for use, so we thought that would be a good place to do it. We are going to attempt a M W F schedule on it. I will keep you posted! Can't believe I am going to do this. I used to HATE to run. Holy Cow!!!! We were laughing that we would probably not join any of the races and such, and he said well if it was a fund raiser type of thing he would but not to prove he could win or anything. We laughed and then we said we would be able just to prove we could do it. We couldn't do it at 30 but we will be able to do it at 50!!!! HA HA HA HA!!! Well that is wishful thinking but I am going to stay positive!

    Everyone have a wonderful Thursday!


    Good morning everyone....

    I'm so glad you and DH are going to start to run. I run on the Wii and in place. I'm just starting though. There is nothing like getting your heart rate up and water pouring off you.

    I ran for 10 minutes and 1.25 miles according to the Wii. It says that I burnt 86 calories. It made me feel soo good.
    I'm off to do house work or something constructive.

  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Hi Folks

    Today i weighted in and was very happy with what i saw.
    Last Week: 179.5
    Today: 178.5
    I am down a pound and i am estatic. My diet and workouts have not been good this week and i honestly felt i was going to gain a pound. This motivates me to get back on my plan so i can keep seeing these numbers and bigger. I'm still hanging in there.

  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Great Progress! Keep up the good work.
    Hi Folks

    Today i weighted in and was very happy with what i saw.
    Last Week: 179.5
    Today: 178.5
    I am down a pound and i am estatic. My diet and workouts have not been good this week and i honestly felt i was going to gain a pound. This motivates me to get back on my plan so i can keep seeing these numbers and bigger. I'm still hanging in there.

  • ok, I am not a person of a lot words, but today I just want to thank my team for all support I had during those 2 month!!!! THANK YOU !!!!!I just want to share it with everyone - I REACHED MY FIRST GOAL - to loose 20 pounds...tomorrow I will and have new haircut ( maybe perm, maybe short, maybe highlights ) ...i do not know yet. But it will something different and absolutelly not me !!!! I will post pictures tomorrow !!!!
  • Wow....what a day....ran a mile and then we went ball room dancing tonight. Just love to be out on the dance floor like that again. We did the cha cha and the rumba and the 2 step and the waltz. I thought I had forgot most of the steps. The good news is I ate enough carbs to sustain me. I did crash at lunch. The blood sugar dropped to 67 - way to low. I had the shakes for about 30 minutes until I recovered. I have been eating all day to keep it up. I didn't realize how hard it is to eat healthy without eating junk food. I am having so much fun. Can't wait until tomorrow.

  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    ok, I am not a person of a lot words, but today I just want to thank my team for all support I had during those 2 month!!!! THANK YOU !!!!!I just want to share it with everyone - I REACHED MY FIRST GOAL - to loose 20 pounds...tomorrow I will and have new haircut ( maybe perm, maybe short, maybe highlights ) ...i do not know yet. But it will something different and absolutelly not me !!!! I will post pictures tomorrow !!!!

    Congrats, You should get a short perm with highlights, or go all blond like Teresa.
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    That's awesome! You should be very proud of your accomplishment. Keep up the good work!!!:bigsmile:
    ok, I am not a person of a lot words, but today I just want to thank my team for all support I had during those 2 month!!!! THANK YOU !!!!!I just want to share it with everyone - I REACHED MY FIRST GOAL - to loose 20 pounds...tomorrow I will and have new haircut ( maybe perm, maybe short, maybe highlights ) ...i do not know yet. But it will something different and absolutelly not me !!!! I will post pictures tomorrow !!!!
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