Losing Weight To Get Pregnant!

I have noticed there are a lot of women who are trying to lose weight so that they can get pregnant! I thought it would be nice to start a blog so women like us could talk and lean on each other. I currently am trying to lose 30 pounds before we START trying to get pregnant. I hope to lose the other 30 during the time of trying to conceive.... that may just help with losing weight lol ;-) LETS MAKE SOME BABIES LADIES!


  • nikig7
    nikig7 Posts: 240 Member
    Hi Courtney....girl we are in the same boat...my husband and I plan to start trying next year so I want to get about 40 lbs off before we conceive (if I get rid of the whole 60 I'll be ecstatic!)....I really just want to be healthy for myself and our baby (ies)....so here's to the journey to becoming mommies!
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    That was my goal when I started on here too! Over the summer, I got out of the "overweight" category, but I still have more I want to lose because I'm on the high end of my weight for my height - and I'm still pretty jiggly :laugh: Plus, if I can get to my goal weight, then I will know I can do it again AFTER I have a baby (someday) too!
  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    I hear ya girl. I am in the same boat with losing weight trying to get pregnant its good to have people to lean on. feel free to add me
  • Between my weight and the DH's Cancer Treatmetns, we are having ahard time!! So we are both trying to get MEGA halthy to get this goign! 10 miscarriages in 5 years
  • mlaz81
    mlaz81 Posts: 36 Member
    I too am with you ladies!! I have lost 50 pounds total now, and am at the high end of the healthy weight category of my weight class, but want to be in the middle before I conceive. Hubby and I have had conception issues and it was blamed on my weight, but now that should not be an issue. Good luck to us all!!
  • Hello ladies! You have no idea how happy I am in reading that I am not the only person with the same dilemma. Hubby and I have been trying for a year and 4 months now and nothing so I am hoping that with a few pounds off my little miracle will happen! :love: I need to lose a total of 72 lbs so slowly but surely it's coming off!!! :wink:
  • It does feel soooo good to be able to talk to one another and cheer each other on. The thought of having a baby has really pushed me to keep going this week. I havent yet tried conceiving but I hope it wont be a problem. More or less we are doing it so I will be healthy during and after our bundle. I am so sorry to hear about some of ur mis fortune. But God has a plan. For all of us and especially those 10 babies God took too soon. I hope we can all turn here or to each other individually and support each other and especially share when we get pregnant :)
  • Hey Ladies!!
    I'm trying to lose the weight to get pregnant as well!
    Feel free to add me! I have a website for mama's too if anybodys interested. Just let me know or view my profile. :flowerforyou:
  • so_losin_it
    so_losin_it Posts: 25 Member
    Same boat here, ladies. My mom is diabetic, and I don't want to end up with gestational diabetes---unhealthy for me and future baby.
  • JennyV2013
    JennyV2013 Posts: 37 Member
    Same boat here. Would like to start trying in February or March of next year and my goal is to lose 35 pounds before doing so. Then keep pregnancy weight gain to a minimum!
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    We're not trying to conceive but I wanted to let you ladies know it is possible!!!

    They told me I'd never be able to have children, even if I lost a ton of weight and changed my lifestyle. They said the damage was already done. But I changed my eating habits and worked out anyways. I lost about 40-50 lbs and within about 4 mos of losing it I got pregnant with my amazing son!!!

  • karjea
    karjea Posts: 16
    Hey, ladies! I thought I was the only one who thought about losing weight before having a baby. My partner and I been talking about have a baby for quite sometime, but I told her I want be on the lower end of my weight class before we try. I already lost 15 pounds and I'll will be content when I lose 5 more, but I feel I would need to lose 15 more just to be on the safe side of not gaining massive baby weight. Feel free to add me... tips and support is very much needed for all of us :)
  • adenajoy
    adenajoy Posts: 15 Member
    Even though I'm not trying to have kids anytime soon (I'm not even married yet) I am, in a way, losing weight to have kids in next 4-7 years. With my PCOS it will be impossible to conceive unless I get my health in order. So besides the "I want to look good" reason, the having kids is definitely a huge part of it.
  • Hi ladies, I can simply offer you a testimonial here since I just had by baby in June. But I can tell you I had lost 35 pounds at the time we did get pregnant, and I was taking 1000mg folic acid and prenatals at the time. I wish you all baby dust and hope to hear joyful news from those that are trying =) I also had had PCOS in my 20s (in fact at the time I got pregnant I had a benign little pollop in the uterus yet had no problems!) Good luck to all of you!
  • lucylouhunter84
    lucylouhunter84 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm also in the same boat. I am currently about 16lbs off what I was when I got pregnant with my 1st and we are currently trying for our 2nd. I am hoping I can slowly and healthily lose this 16lbs and maintain a healthy while trying to conceive and throughout the pregnancy too. Feel free to add me - love the idea of all us mummys and soon-to-be mummys sticking together! x
  • 1DayMarathonRnner
    1DayMarathonRnner Posts: 120 Member
    The boat may need to become a ship with all of on it. :-)
    I am trying to lose some more weight so that I can get pregnant as well. It is great to see that there are others out there like me. I wish everyone all the best.

    Feel free to friend me (if you like).
  • We're not trying to conceive but I wanted to let you ladies know it is possible!!!

    They told me I'd never be able to have children, even if I lost a ton of weight and changed my lifestyle. They said the damage was already done. But I changed my eating habits and worked out anyways. I lost about 40-50 lbs and within about 4 mos of losing it I got pregnant with my amazing son!!!


    ^^^^^ Hopefully one day, this can be me too....
  • I'm trying for pregnancy as well. I need to lose roughly fifty pounds. I love that there are other people doing this for the same reason. Fingers crossed for all of us!
  • KristiBell1
    KristiBell1 Posts: 61 Member
    So glad you posted this. I will be doing IVF in April or May of next year. I am trying to lose as much as I safely and healthily can. Feel free to add me. I could use the support and would love to help support others in this journey.
  • I'm also hoping that losing weight will help us to conceive!! Good to know I'm not the only one!! Good luck to all!