Moms of boys.....



  • KristenE83
    KristenE83 Posts: 187 Member
    Depends on the kid and level of filth. I've got three kids (2 boys), and they bathe about three times a week. More if dirty/sweaty on a non bath day. It's not until puberty that kids develop body odor, so it's not necessary every day. The pediatrician hasn't looked at me in horror when I mention three baths a week, so I'm guessing its fine.....

    My son is 17 months and we give him a bath 3 or 4 times a week. His pedi said everyday isn't necessary and dries out the skin. I suppose its pretty simple... If your kid is dirty, give him a bath... If he isn't, let him get dirty! A little dirt is good for the soul haha
  • MGleason2010
    MGleason2010 Posts: 105 Member
    I give my baby a bath everyday...for us it was about establishing a bedtime routine and he poops in his diaper several times a day. Personally, I don't think wipes do the job as well as a bath, but that's just me.... I like giving him bath time everyday and he enjoys it too. We make sure to lotion up afterwards to avoid dry skin. I have a hard time skipping bath time with him and if we do, at the very least I get out a washcloth and some soap and I wash his face and bottom.
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    Mine is 15 and has not outgrown mud, dirt and blowing stuff up.
    Good thing is he bathes himself now!
  • katrwal
    katrwal Posts: 336 Member
    chances are, never grow out of it...

    on the up side, dark wash jeans & brown corduroys/dress pants will hide most casual "playing in the dirt" - changing the color scheme for my 2 monsters at least allowed me to quit having to change them between the car and start of church every Sunday...
  • MIchelleH2027
    MIchelleH2027 Posts: 1,239 Member
    Sixteen and still covered in it and tracks it in the house....The only reprieve you may find, is that they well get to be old enough to clean it up!!! :wink:

    However, my daughter, 14, is just as bad...4wheelers, archery targets in the bogs, bow, yeah. Sometimes it's just easier to throw the clothes/shoes away to bother washing them. :happy:
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    I have one boy (7) and one girl (10) and both get pretty dirty--interestingly enough in different ways :). My son is all grub from running around, sliding on his knees, his food is all over his mouth (usually) because he wolfs it down to get back to said running around, sliding, and rabble rousing. My daughter is clean until you look closely...she has telltale signs of lunch splattered in an interesting pattern on her sleeves (as if she may have dragged them through some time of food), and the ends of her hair also seem to have some type of food in them, and any jacket/sweatshirt comes home with black if she took off her jacket, sweatshirt and dragged it along the sewers...
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I have unfortunately passed on my OCD with cleanliness to my 2 year old. He has a fit if he does not have a napkin. He occasionally dabbles in mud and dirt if he knows there is a clear way of being clean soon afterwards and all the adults in the area understand this.

    We let it go during the summer surfing season we both like the water and sand .... but yeah... poor kid.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    The good news is that by nine or ten, they can give themselves a bath or shower, and by 16, they even do it willingly. :laugh: But they'll probably still always drag mud into the house.
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    The good news is that by nine or ten, they can give themselves a bath or shower, and by 16, they even do it willingly. :laugh: But they'll probably still always drag mud into the house.

    But at what age do they willingly start wearing deodarant? Geez, mine is 15 and I have to remind him all the time!!
  • bluefrog_2001
    bluefrog_2001 Posts: 138 Member
    I am mom to 2 boys, 12 and 9, and married, and I have come to this conclusion:

    They never outgrow dirt/mud, cars, or farting.
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm a 40 year old grandmother and I still like dirt and mud too. It's not gender specific or age limited. If you're lucky he might stay cleaned up for special occasions.
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    Mine is 15 and has not outgrown mud, dirt and blowing stuff up.
    Good thing is he bathes himself now!

    I hope so, that would just be wrong.
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    The good news is that by nine or ten, they can give themselves a bath or shower, and by 16, they even do it willingly. :laugh: But they'll probably still always drag mud into the house.

    But at what age do they willingly start wearing deodarant? Geez, mine is 15 and I have to remind him all the time!!

    Mine is 19 now, I think he caught on about the time he started college. Sorry, you'll just have to keep reminding him a little longer. It could also be when he starts thinking about someone special he wants to be interested in him.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    A kid SHOULD need a bath everyday.

    And they SHOULD be bathed everyday.

    Unless I'm just living in crazytown..
    Oh, and this^

    Once they're no longer infants, it's my understand you bathe them everyday. Ya know, kind of like how adults shower everyday.

    Good hygiene rocks.

    Depends on the kid and level of filth. I've got three kids (2 boys), and they bathe about three times a week. More if dirty/sweaty on a non bath day. It's not until puberty that kids develop body odor, so it's not necessary every day. The pediatrician hasn't looked at me in horror when I mention three baths a week, so I'm guessing its fine.....

    Thing is, whatever level of dirt is on your kid transfers to everything your kid touches, sits on or lays on (bed, couch... all that stuff)
    Bathing every day now will get them in the habit of bathing every day when they're older. For my kids it was also a set routine towards bed. For them, bath time is also "play time" win-win!
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm 28 and I still love mud & yea...

    I was about to say I'm 29 and I am still the same

    I was babysitting my friends boys. It was raining so obvious thing was to go outside and play football in the mud. Then when we got hungry, we went to the farmers market looking like homeless people. Bought a nice big watermelon. At home we had a watermelon seed spitting contest.

    I have never seen the look of horror in their mothers eye before as I saw that day. My friend just told me "run, dude!"

    Why did you track mud into the house and spit watermelon seeds all over her floors?
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    Mine is 15 and has not outgrown mud, dirt and blowing stuff up.
    Good thing is he bathes himself now!

    I hope so, that would just be wrong.

    He's been bathing himself since kindergarten. And it's a good thing, because he hasn't outgrown getting muddy at all. In fact it's probably gotten worse! He's outside right now playing nerf gun wars with friends in the backyard and it rained yesterday. :grumble:
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Whats wrong with bath every single day?

    I love bathtime and so does my little boy...
  • I hope my boy(s) never outgrows it! It makes him happy and I love to see him happy! (But I'm also teaching him how to do laundry and scrub the floors so he can clean up after doing what he loves! His future wife will thank me later!)