Craziest Thing Ever...

jlking Posts: 29 Member
Yesterday when I woke up the scale said 218.0 pounds. This was discouraging because it was my third consecutive weigh-in with no loss. I was also aggravated because I knew I wasn't going to be able to stick with my goals for the day. I had an insurance meeting at eleven, and my boss bought lunch. I had fried chicken strips, slaw, french fries, etc. After lunch, I came back in the building and found pizza waiting. I thought, hell, I've already ruined the diet for today, so I might as well eat. So, I took two slices of pepperoni and gorged myself. This was at 11:30 am. Later in the day, around 6:00 pm, I had three more slices for dinner to go along with three cookies.

So, I went home and told my wife that I really messed the diet up. I spent the rest of the night sulking about how bad I went over my goals. I didn't even sleep well because of it.

This morning, the craziest thing ever happened. I was dreading getting on the scales from the time my eyes opened. But I resolved myself to do it. I walked slowly up to the scales like a man walking to the gas chamber. When I finally got up the nerve to step on them, I was expecting a gain (after eating like a pig yesterday). However, i was shocked when the scales said 216.7!

This doesn't make sense to me. I eat like a pig one day and then have a 1.3 lb weight loss! My co-worker said that it is because the food shocked my system and got my metabolism working a little bit more. He claims that I need to do this every so often. Me, I don't know why it happened, but I'm not complaining. What do you guys think?


  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    I've heard that you need to shock your system every now and then too. But I'm not so sure that it would have that huge of an effect on your weight in one day. Either way you lost a little more than a pound, and however you did, good job!!! :smile:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Maybe you are not eating enough calories most days so your body is hoarding fat. Maybe try changing your weekly loss goal. if you are at 2 pounds try 1.5/week, and eat those extra calories. Also make sure you are eating most of the calories you earn through exercise as your body needs the fuel.
  • MrBinkerton
    MrBinkerton Posts: 109
    The same thing seems to happen to me sometimes too! It is like a jumpstart. But, I truly believe that this will only help if it is around once a month- every few weeks or so otherwise I think it can turn negative pretty quick if more and more of your days end like this. ... you will start to gain. But anyways,
    Good luck and keep up the good work.!!!! Next time you have a bad day- just start up again the next day!!! :) A fresh new start!
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    First off don't ever think "I've already ruined the diet for today, so I might as well eat." Food is fuel and you would try to pump extra fuel into your tank just because you had already filled your tank would you? Think about how to RECOVER the rest of your day. Or plan ahead for the lunch (order something else or ask the boos to provide at least one healthy option). Don't ever just give up on yourself.

    Second, yes sometimes eating more on one days will up your metabolism a little and help you. Don't think that you can do this too often, since that's what got us here in the first place. If you do have a "higher" than planned day, maybe think about how to squeeze in 10, 15, or maybe 30 mnutes of extra exercise (take the family for a walk) to offset some or all of those extra calories.

    Lastly, DON'T EVERY GIVE UP ON YOURSELF!!! I had a Chaplin tell me once (yes a man of the cloth) that a dog licks it balls because it can. Stop ball licking, get up, and take control!

    Sorry to come off mean, but thanks for letting me get myself fired up too. I think I needed my own little kick in the *kitten*...:)
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    :) I had a similar experience this week. I've been stuck in a plateau and went out of town last weekend, stayed at a bed and breakfast and drank and was a judge at a chili cook-off. I gained 2lbs after that weekend, but this morning when I got on the scale, I lost the weight I gained, plus another 1.5 lbs.

    I think every once in a VERY GREAT while, eating more than normal can stimulate a person's metabolism.....

    I still feel guilty about it, but in a good way, lol. Either way, just get back into healthy eating, and way to go on the weight loss!!
    SASSYJAX Posts: 103 Member
    ....still thinking about the ball licking comment - surely thats a good thing to be able to do!!!?

    YOU would if you could wouldnt you! was funny though!
  • asiples
    asiples Posts: 6
    This is just my own little theory and it not based on any scientific facts whatsoever, but I'm thinking that your body has to work to digest what you eat, and if you eat about the same stuff or the same amount every day, then your body gets used to burning up that amount...then you eat a bunch of different foods at higher volume one day and BAM! your body is having to work overtime to get rid of all that extra. Maybe it's like exercise, when you become accustomed to the same routine day after day, then you mix it up and burn more calories. But in the same principle, if you then begin eating all that junk routinely, then your body gets used to that, so you gain weight...All you personal trainers out there, does that make any sense?
  • bluexiii
    bluexiii Posts: 36
    It honestly sounds to me like you're to concerned with the numbers. It is not mentally healthy to weigh yourself every day for this exact reason, you're getting caught up on the little things. There are a number of factors that could account for a 1-2lb scale difference, and you're body doesn't burn that much fat miraculously in one night. Maybe you had more water weight stored in you, maybe the night before your second weigh-in you dropped a massive load before you went to bed, etc. Not trying to discourage you, but try cutting your weigh-ins down to once every 2 or 3 days. Focus on your health, not on a number. The pounds will follow.
  • bttrflykisses820
    It is pretty crazy... but it has happened to me too. I went from eating 1200 calories to like... 1800 and then lost some weight. hehe. So, i do believe you should kind of yo-yo the calories sometimes, so your body doesnt get used to a set amount.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    It honestly sounds to me like you're to concerned with the numbers. It is not mentally healthy to weigh yourself every day for this exact reason, you're getting caught up on the little things. There are a number of factors that could account for a 1-2lb scale difference, and you're body doesn't burn that much fat miraculously in one night. Maybe you had more water weight stored in you, maybe the night before your second weigh-in you dropped a massive load before you went to bed, etc. Not trying to discourage you, but try cutting your weigh-ins down to once every 2 or 3 days. Focus on your health, not on a number. The pounds will follow.

    I can agree with much of this pos--except the statement "It is not mentally healthy to weigh yourself every day....." That is an OPINION, which you are entitled to. If only weighing every few days works for you, fine. Good for you, but there is no need to imply that those of us who jump on the scale first thing in the morning each day are "mentally unhealthy." That is differerent from getting weighed several times a day, and letting the fact that the numbers fluctuate ruin your day, which in my opinion is not mentally healthy. Perhaps, that was not your intent, it just cam across that way to me.

    I tried the every week routine, and it didn't work for me because of my work schedule. I was better off doing it daily, kinda like taking my temperature every day.

    Getting weighed every day doesn't adversely impact your mental health. HOWEVER, in my opinion, if you obsess over that number and let it ruin your day, then THAT is where the mental health issue is--not the daily weighing.

    BTW, to the original poster, I have been changing up/ zig zagging, whatever you want to call it, my calories since I started, and have found it to be helpful to keep the scale moving downward regularly. The secret is--don't do it every day!!:bigsmile: For me, I would use a particular occasion every 3.5 to 5 weeks to go over, and had good results.

    Good luck!!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I am usually not one for "fad diets" but the most success my husband and I had with losing weight (and keeping it off) was the 5-factor fitness (google it) - it calls for 1 cheat day a week to trick your metabolism...let me tell you it works! Crazy as it seems, you need to give your body a break once in a while (every 7-10 days is ideal). Good for you! It is good motivation, isn't it!
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