

  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    YouTube. You can find LOTS of workout videos on there, including some of the 30-Day Shred workouts. I've even seen Zumba.

    If you can't afford hand weights, you can use canned food. I've seen some cheaper hand weights for about $1/pound at places like Wal-Mart.
  • TimeFourMe
    TimeFourMe Posts: 104 Member
    I'm a personal trainer and nothing beats walking with adding in running intervals (3 min walk, 1 min run etc.) for working your way up to running which is about the cheapest form of cardio. For some great at home strength training programs check out www.about.com and look at their exercise section with Paige. Great stuff. Cheapest resistance equipment around are exercise bands. Get medium tension and a door mount ($20 for both). Next home suggestion is an exercise ball.

    Best suggestion for good safe workout DVD's for newbies are any of the Prevention ones.

    Last suggestion is the app Fitnessclass if you have an ipad. Very cheap workout (DVDs) streamed straight to your ipad. You can rent really fantastic ones for 30 days and then completely mix it up every month.

    Great suggestions....gonna
    Try them myself.... But I do like the gym...and my trainer and classes....harder to break that schedul than with myself at home.... Too many distractions.
  • drmryder
    drmryder Posts: 181 Member
    Look at muscleand strength.com website. They have workouts for basically any situation so if you do not own any dumbbells they could have workouts that use just your own body weight. Here is the link:

  • debbecake
    debbecake Posts: 20 Member
    I've gotten workout videos from the library before and they're FREE! I've seen good workouts on pinterest too. One was a long list to do like 10 of these and 10 of those and so on. Walking is the easiest and it's free. Do sit ups and planks and squats while watching tv instead of sitting. Just pick a time that works for you and start moving. I used to do 10 minutes of floor exercises in the morning and then walk for 30 on my lunch break and again after dinner if I could. You don't have to jump into a huge routine. Just say I'm going to walk 3 days this week for 30 minutes or whatever and do it then add to it.
  • Hulu.com has a lot of awesome videos, especially ones for yoga!
  • Try walking a set route at first, then gradually jog some sections of that route, eventually building up to a complete run.
    if you get tired, stop, walk, deep breathes, take it easy, don't worry at all about others, it's all about you, not them, but definetly the secret is to start slowly. Get some nice shoes too.
  • djcuts
    djcuts Posts: 26 Member
    The Burpee is the king of full body conditioning exercises. All you need is a body and a floor :0)


    or just stick "Burpees" in your favourite search engine.....
  • I dance.... i turn my music up.. to high i think...lol.... and i dance away... it makes me feel young inside... :-)
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Run. Run like the wind. Run like a small rodent escaping from a bird of prey.

    Just no.

    Google "you are your own gym"

    Eat a calorie deficit.
  • thanks guys, that gives me a lot to work with. wish me luck
  • Just goole "work out at home" or just go for a long brisk walk!
  • Youtube has alot of workout videos, maybe try to 30 day shred. It's a great workout
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Lots of free workout videos on www.hulu.com
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Do you have on demand? There are a bunch of work out videos there that you can do.

    Run, granted you need running shoes, but other than that, it's pretty cheap. Until you get hooked, then it gets expensive and you fall in love with it.

    Go on line and see if you can find some fitness videos on websites that don't require extra equipment.

    If you don't have On Demand---you can get a LOT of home exercise DVDs at your local public library for free.

    I personally like aquatic exercise at our local public pool---it is only a few dollars per session, but I would ask for assistance on the fee, if I were you. I go at least once a week---it makes you feel fantastic and uses up a LOT of calories. A one-hour session uses up to 500 calories (depending how hard you work). It is an all-over body strengthener---especially good for core muscle strengthening to help with balance and stamina.
  • How 'bout riding a bike, I like to say exercising on a bike because I ride my single speed bike, like the one I had when I was a kid, hard, my goal is a heart rate of 140 - 145 beats per minute, have lost about 30 lbs., lowered my resting heart rate and the lab results on blood work is doing very well too. Bike cost me $50, and it's fun being a kid again!
  • Run...Great cardio. It is also addictive. Go to runnersworld. The site has great advice for form, breathing, etc. Great Tony Horton Ab Ripper X on youtube.
  • shantelambert
    shantelambert Posts: 1 Member
    go to bodyrock.tv
    the workouts are great and not too long either - and the success stories are great!