How late do you eat?



  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i just made a black bean quesadilla at 1am lol. my kitchen doesn't have a door on it, i need to install one and lock it from the inside lol
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    The is no real benefit from a weigh loss perspective what time you eat, assuming calories remain constant. It's a personal preference as to which one allows you to adhere to your calorie goals.

    Actually there is a benefit from a weight loss perspective. Some of us have to eat 5+ meals per day to keep the metabolism at a level that allows weight loss. If you don't need to eat until after noon, then that's fine with me, but that is not recommended.

    This is just not correct. Please see the links below that explain/show that meal frequency is irrelevent:
  • Shellsmiley
    Shellsmiley Posts: 323 Member
    I think it varies per person, but my trainer has asked me to not eat anything with many carbs after 5pm and snack on things like carrots or celery, have a salad or what I like to do is have a lettuce wrap with tuna and celery and onions mixed in it with a little bit of cider vinegar and pepper. It's full of protein and keeps you full longer, plus it's healthy and so are the veggies. My trainer asks that I don't eat that after 8pm but snack on light veggies or something. My dad has always said not to eat heavy after 7pm cause your body needs time to break down the food and digest it properly. Except in summer when it's light late and there are BBQ's going and we spend every day all day at the beach, then we eat later close to 10pm because we know we're going to burn it off playing in the water and are usually hungry by the time we get out. HAHA :bigsmile:
  • xcoyote
    The is no real benefit from a weigh loss perspective what time you eat, assuming calories remain constant. It's a personal preference as to which one allows you to adhere to your calorie goals.

    Actually there is a benefit from a weight loss perspective. Some of us have to eat 5+ meals per day to keep the metabolism at a level that allows weight loss. If you don't need to eat until after noon, then that's fine with me, but that is not recommended.

    This is just not correct. Please see the links below that explain/show that meal frequency is irrelevent:

    While I don't intermitant fast, I agree that meal frequency is irrelevant - I still however choose to space my meals out over 5-6 meals per day...I simply enjoy it like that, It also allows me to time my carbs closer to my workouts, so I don't feel low on energy. (I have a bigger carb meal 3 hours before workout and one after)

    What else is irrelevant I've come to find is the whole don't eat carbs after 5pm/9pm/insert time here, nonsense.

    Ultimatley calories in vs calories out will determine weight loss/gain that plus macros are the only thing you need to really worry about.

    Beleive me, I used to be one of those forum rats, copying what people were saying "Frequency is important, don't have carbs after 8pm" blah blah blah... from a person that thought I would never get lean (even thinking I had thick skin or soem condition that prevented me from getting my abdominals pop out)..I am now enjoying the benefits of getting shredded, and guess what? I only worry about Calories, and Macros :-)
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I eat dinner between 9-11pm but there's no negative effect on that in my body. That's actually our family practice at home. Just make sure that the dinner is light & no starchy carbs.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    As close to bed as possible. I eat then hop in bed, and try to get to sleep.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    While meal frequency is irrelevant as is timing, for some people who need a closed window to avoid snacking setting a time in the evening for no food works.
    Personally, I feel this is silly, I like long evening meals and anyone that has spent time in Spain or many LA countries will eat late to very late if they follow local social customs. I'd likely roll my eyes if you were out with/at my table and used such an artificial excuse.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    I only eat from 7pm-11pm
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    If I had any calories left I'd eat something now (11:14pm) - I'm hungry! But I don't so I'm just going to bed instead....
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    The is no real benefit from a weigh loss perspective what time you eat, assuming calories remain constant. It's a personal preference as to which one allows you to adhere to your calorie goals.

    Actually there is a benefit from a weight loss perspective. Some of us have to eat 5+ meals per day to keep the metabolism at a level that allows weight loss. If you don't need to eat until after noon, then that's fine with me, but that is not recommended.
    The number of meals you eat has absolutely no effect on metabolism. Metabolism is based on total calories eaten, not how often you eat, and it doesn't need you to eat a certain way to, "keep it at a level that allows weight loss." Weight loss depends on total calories, if you eat them all at once, or in 20 meals, it won't make a bit of difference.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    The is no real benefit from a weigh loss perspective what time you eat, assuming calories remain constant. It's a personal preference as to which one allows you to adhere to your calorie goals.

    Actually there is a benefit from a weight loss perspective. Some of us have to eat 5+ meals per day to keep the metabolism at a level that allows weight loss. If you don't need to eat until after noon, then that's fine with me, but that is not recommended.

    This is just not correct. Please see the links below that explain/show that meal frequency is irrelevent:

    While I don't intermitant fast, I agree that meal frequency is irrelevant - I still however choose to space my meals out over 5-6 meals per day...I simply enjoy it like that, It also allows me to time my carbs closer to my workouts, so I don't feel low on energy. (I have a bigger carb meal 3 hours before workout and one after)

    What else is irrelevant I've come to find is the whole don't eat carbs after 5pm/9pm/insert time here, nonsense.

    Ultimatley calories in vs calories out will determine weight loss/gain that plus macros are the only thing you need to really worry about.

    Beleive me, I used to be one of those forum rats, copying what people were saying "Frequency is important, don't have carbs after 8pm" blah blah blah... from a person that thought I would never get lean (even thinking I had thick skin or soem condition that prevented me from getting my abdominals pop out)..I am now enjoying the benefits of getting shredded, and guess what? I only worry about Calories, and Macros :-)
    Agreed 100%.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    sometimes I work nights, and sometimes I work days. On the times that I work nights, I sometimes can't eat for 10 hours and then have to go to bed 1-1 1/2 hours after getting off work. I eat WHENEVER I feel hungry because my life has no rhythm anyway!
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I try to finish my last bite before falling asleep. It gets messy and presents a choking hazard otherwise.

    As several have posted (including links to Pubmed studies and the excellent research review by Lyle McDonald), meal frequency has absolutely no effect upon weight loss and does not "stoke" or "jump start" the metabolism. It's strictly a matter of personal preference.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    I try and eat earlier, but sometimes I do a late gym session and have dinner afterwards (like tonight - I won't get home from gym til probably 7.30-8pm or something! So dinner will probably be eaten at 8:30pm. Sometimes I like eating a bit later though, so then I am not hungry later and start snacking (say if I have dinner about 5-6pm) I usually get a bit hungry again at 8ish or so.
  • wannabeher
    I stop eating at 4 pm,but if I'm really,really hungry then I eat an apple.
  • Sandy307
    Sandy307 Posts: 70 Member
    Maybe you were not hungry at all...just thirsty?? That is what I keep reading, that when we are thirsty our bodies trick us into thinking we are hungry. Just wondering. Am exploring this theory myself.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I stop when my head hits the pillow. A snack with carbs or some cheese really helps me fall sleep. I've read it's different for everyone, though. Some people get terrible heartburn if they eat too close to bedtime. I do have to stop drinking liquids a couple of hours before bed - if I don't want to have to get up later...:drinker:
  • queensturg
    Some nights I work late and don't get home to eat dinner even as late as after 10pm. But I always still eat something small at least, better that than to skip a meal totally.
  • runningfataway
    Tonight I vowed to myself to quit eating after dinner which should be around 6-7pm. This means no more snacking/supper because each time it leads to uncontralable snacking. I know that the body doesn't know what time it is so it doesn't really matter what time you eat, but to a certain extent it does. See when you eat at night which is around the time of chilling on the couch or going to sleep than your body isn't moving so the energy isn't being burned. I want to give myself enough time to move around a little bit and not eat close to sleeping.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I'm a night eater, it has never affected my weight loss! I normally don't eat much during the day though. I'm up pretty late though. If your truly hungry, and your stomach is growling, my mom used to say because it means your losing weight! LOL...Not sure about that, but if I over eat one day, i try to make it up the next day by eating less. I know how hard it is to not eat at night, it's my down fall as well! Good luck!