Just starting out! Lets DO THIS!

Im looking for some buddies to talk to and help motivate eachother :) I am trying to lose some weight and get back into my healthy lifestyle, I had fallen out of it for a few months. I've starting tracking my food on the MFP android app and it helps a lot!
Feel free to add me :D
My name is Kaitlyn and Im 21 living in Canada, baby!


  • MommiLauren
    MommiLauren Posts: 323 Member
    always room for more friends =)
  • you look great no need to loose weight, but anyway i will motivate you as much as i can..
    Im myself on the loose belly fat road... seems to be going well.. trying to watch what i eat anbd cut out coke
  • Same here trying to lose about 20 lbs that I gained on the job..:) I just turned 24 and I am a Police Dispatcher for 3 yrs now.. Boyfriends lost 20 Lbs so I need to catch up.. especially after all the motivational workout cloths and shoes he got me :)
  • cc_126
    cc_126 Posts: 47
    Hi Kaitlyn, Im in the same boat,lets hope we both get the motivation we need, have u much weight to lose?
    Good luck on your journey :)