Diet Coke......



  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I used to drink Diet Coke/Pepsi by the case. I stopped when I started exercising only because it doesnt go down as smoothly as water when I exercise.

    I dont miss it at all. I dont buy it when I grocery shop, instead I buy water. I had it a few weeks ago when I had pizza and I really didnt enjoy it as much as I used to. Given that, there was no reason for me to go back to drinking it.
  • dawn33
    dawn33 Posts: 34 Member
    I LOVED diet coke but I was cutting aspertame out of my diet and that includes crystal light. I was however lucky to find diet coke thats made with splenda. I could only find it in the states though and I love it. The first one was different but I will say since drinking things without aspertame I am not bloated and I feel 100 times better then when I was drinking stuff with aspertame.

    I just figure everything in moderation.
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    I have read the same thing about diet sodas causing you to crave sweets. I don't know how it effects fat burning, but I use pre workout supps that have caffeine in them and have had great results with them. I also drink a very large amount of water.

    Artificial sweetners, are swheeter tasting than sugar. When you have artificial sweetners, your body expects the suger rush. However, when the sugar rush doesn't happen, your body than craves the sugar, even more. I personally have given up sweetner in my morning coffee, and I no longer crave sugar in the afternoon.

    This has only ever been proven in one study involving rats, and even the authors of the study agreed that it does not apply to humans. Humans have free will in their food choice whereas the rats were fed a pre-determined, dairy based diet, loaded with more artificial sweetener than any reasonable person would consume in one day. I doubt that anyone here eats solely sweetened yogurt. This is, again, anecdotal evidence that is passed as truth around the internet and word of mouth. It's the same as the myth that you HAVE to drink 8 glasses of water a day to be healthy. Drinking the 8 glasses isn't what's important; what's important is staying hydrated.

    Personally, artificially sweetened products do not make me crave sweets, if anything, a Diet Coke can make me feel more full and crave less food.

    P.S. None of the rats died or had other reportable health issues from the excessive consumption of artificial sweeteners. :smile:

    Edited to add: I swear I don't work for Coca-Cola!
  • panther87
    panther87 Posts: 78 Member
    I LOVE diet pop. I gave it up for the first 3 weeks of my dieting. it was very hard. and now drink maybe 1-2 cans a week for a special meal. I used also drink lots of Crystal Light or some kind of flavoring to my water. I have found after eating a well balanced and mostly whole foods diet, I can live with out diet pop and the other additives. I find my self actually craving just plain water. Good luck with your goals.
  • I haven't had a single carbonated beverage since Christmas. Some days I do miss it but most days I don't even notice it any more.

    I'm not allowed to have it for the first year after band surgery so it's not even really an option which makes the cravings almost pointless and after a year withouth it I don't have any plans to ever go back on the stuff. :)
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I'm a Diet Dr. Pepper addict. I know it has artificial sweeteners and all, but it's my "sweets." I get a craving for sweets and if I just drink a DDP, it cures that craving. To me, that's better than indulging in a slice of cake, candy bar, etc. everytime I have a craving. I drink diet because I don't want to waste 150+ calories and fat per can of regular soda. I also drink a lot of water and a cup of milk with breakfast every morning.
  • nimiry
    nimiry Posts: 20

    well check it out... I have to thank you for this toppic on the message board... I sometimes thought that something is wrong with me... feel tired and depressed when I don't drink diet coke... well and I'm forgetting stuff really fast... and I'm really tired all the time.. weired think was: I thought it's because of the coffein but actually coffee didn't help... I got my body used two 2 litres of diet coke during the last year... since that time I don't really feel well- not concentrated, tired, etc. well I just read and saw that it could all come from diet coke... never thought of it... I just looked at a couple german sites and I'm sooo shocked.. unfortunatelly I can't show them all to you because you probably wouldn't understand it...
    but one thing I could add: I found out, that aspartam was originally produced as a chemical weapon in times of war...

    that's something I found about your splenda,... we don't have it here... but doesn't sound good either...

    well I don't know about stevia... because here in germany they tell you in tv that it would be good stuff because it's natural (not like aspartam sweeteners or stevia- they are completely chemical) and it even could help regulating blood pressure and so on.. weired thing about it is: they say it is good but they won't allow it here.. they are already testing it since 10 years and it's not allowed to be sold in complete europe... well now they say in tv that it's just because of our sugar industry- because the sugar industry is afraid not to be able to sell that much sugar anymore.. because it's a healthy natural sweetener (not like aspartam) and should acutally be able to improve health... not sure so what is wrong or right... but that's exactly what the guy from the youtube video sais- looks like he knows quiet something about this topic-

    but if you have to drink diet cokes than at least choose the more natural one- stevia is commin directly from a plant- exactly like sugar...wish it would be allowed here in germany... for me it's clear: I will try to stop drinking diet coke- just read to much about the stuff...
  • empiremom
    empiremom Posts: 52
    diet coke and your metabolism is the side is the phosphoric acid that is in the soda that is dangerous to your body. that is the same acid that mechanics use to clean engines!

    check out this and it will answer your is a few mins long and well worth the time.magnesium and calcium starvation is high on the disease really does matter if you drink things that deplete your body...then in turn your body turns on the "i am HUNGRY" button to replace those elements lost...and the fight begins...

    why fight? give your body what it really needs and it wont fight you. and your will lose weight.
  • More like DIE-t Coke am I right? Am I right? No? Ok...
  • elzunia
    elzunia Posts: 1
    I actually get eye twitches from drinking too much of it. Has that ever happened to anyone else?
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