Lost 35 pounds and found myself again!!

This is my first week in maintenance mode after a year that will definitely be one to remember. I started out 2012 at 170 pounds at 5'6. Lucky for me, I gain weight pretty proportionally, so I still had a flat stomach there was just MORE OF IT. And more thighs, causing me to have chub rub at just 23 years old. My clothing size was going up every year and I felt completely out of control. I was swollen and puffy and felt uncomfortable in my skin. Previously loving clothes and having my own sense of style, I would find myself crying because I couldn't find an outfit to wear, and then would end up wearing something dark and loose, plain and unfitted. I was so upset with myself, I didn't know how this had happened. I was an athlete in high school, and still thought I was physically fit. I could run miles and lift weights with no problem, but the weight kept creeping on.

Turns out I was lying to myself about my eating habits, I hadn't been watching what I eat at all. I had been eating large portions, and sometimes going 10 hours without eating, then coming home and having a large dinner at 10 p.m. I was slowing down my metabolism, and I didn't even know it. I had been going to the gym, but seeing no progress because I had refused to change my eating habits up to this point.

Enter MyFitnessPal - I had installed the app on my phone years ago, but never used it. It wasn't until January of this year that I decided I would see if it really worked. And guess what, it did. Once I started tracking everything I put in my mouth, the weight started dropping off. I even started cooking more, amazed at how easy it was for me to lose weight once I actually TRIED.

I started eating 5 times a day with about 1500 calories total, and then exercising almost every day. I learned that I love spinning classes, and that became my major cardio, along with running 3 miles once or twice a week. I lift weights and have challenged myself to try yoga and pilates, now taking classes several times a week. I forced my boyfriend to be more active and to motivate me, and we now go biking, hiking, and do Insanity videos together. We even went to Yosemite National Park this year and did some amazing hikes. Now, I can't wait to go to the Grand Canyon next year to hopefully hike the entire rim!

By April, I had already lost 20 pounds and went to Mexico with my best friend. I felt great in my bikini already, and I was only half way there! I noticed a major change in my mood and confidence level. It only took three months...that's it...three months changed me after years of being secretly miserable.

Today, I am at 135 pounds with 22% body fat, and it's decreasing every month. That is 10 pounds less than high school. I lost most of the weight by July ( over 6 months), and then lost another couple of pounds slowly since then.

I've learned that it's true - abs ARE made in the kitchen. I know that working out will do little to nothing if I don't eat healthy and monitor my calorie intake. At the same time, every weekend I still go out with friends, drink, and eat what I want, knowing that Monday I will go right back to my routine. It has worked for me, and I haven't felt like I had to sacrifice anything. I am finally truly happy with myself, and I love the excitement that I get out of measuring my body fat monthly, tape measuring myself, and seeing myself fit in size 2/4 jeans (previously size 8/10). What a great year!

I finally uploaded a few photos to my profile. I have mostly been on this journey alone, but if anyone has any questions, or needs someone to talk to on here, I am happy to make some new friends! I am a MyFitnessPal fan for life!


  • stepmark
    stepmark Posts: 48 Member
    Congrats and well done!
  • PessimisticPatricia
    Thank you!
  • clopez1987
    clopez1987 Posts: 54 Member
    congrats girl!.. u look amazing :)
  • commotionstrange
    commotionstrange Posts: 73 Member
    Wow! Congrats! You are at my goal weight...I have 15 lbs more to go, but it's been much harder than the first 40! You've done amazing, and I totally agree...Abs are made in the kitchen!!! Congrats again :)
  • PessimisticPatricia
    You will get there, just keep going! Love the dress in your profile picture, by the way!
  • SarahAFerguson
    SarahAFerguson Posts: 250 Member
    Good for you for getting real with yourself. In ten years you are going to thank yourself for this, believe me.
  • jennnymccarthy
    jennnymccarthy Posts: 52 Member
    Congrats -- that is so amazing! I found this post to be incredibly motivating. I have been lying to myself about my eating habits as well -- I've dropped about 18lbs since January but what's holding me back is not being honest with myself. It's NOT ok to not eat for most of the day so I can gorge on chips and dip at night. I need to get back into being honest with myself and treating my body the way it deserves to be treated. Thanks for reminding me of that :)
  • wwmorrow
    wwmorrow Posts: 118 Member
  • desiree7hanson
    desiree7hanson Posts: 31 Member
    Nice job! I was the same way, try to find an outfit and it would just depress me either into not going out or wearing something baggy or all black. I agree, it is all about the diet! Exercise just helps tone & speed it up :)
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    Great story! Congratulations! This is so motivating. :)
  • PessimisticPatricia
    jennny - congrats on 18 pounds, that is already a victory in itself! each additional pound will be further motivation for you. keep feeding your body with good stuff and it will love you back!
  • PessimisticPatricia
    Thanks so much to everyone for your kind words and support!
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Awesome work. I would add that WHAT you eat matters, WHEN you eat doesn't matter. It's a bit misleading to tell people that you can slow down your metabolism by eating at 10pm when that really isn't the case.

    Regardless, you look great!
  • PessimisticPatricia
    Well, all I said was that I would only eat 2 meals a day, the second of which happened to be at 10 p.m...I'm not telling anyone how to eat, I'm just saying what worked for me.
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    Excellent work! Congratulations :)
  • AlmostFamous29
    AlmostFamous29 Posts: 5 Member
    Holy Crow! We are like the same person!! Same height and starting weight and everything!!
    I found it was easy to lose weight once I STOPPED LYING TO MYSELF!!! I used to work out all the time, but I would eat a second breakfast after the gym. I had no idea!
    I am down to 125lbs, which is 2 lbs heavier than I was in August for my wedding because I upped my calorie intake from 1200 to 1650 (losing weight to maintaining).
    Congrats! It is the best feeling ever. And seriously, you can do it!
  • ourglasswalls
    ourglasswalls Posts: 44 Member
    Congrats! You look great.
  • tatiejustine
    Good on you! What an inspirational story. It sounds as if you are truly enjoying life now as well. And you look fantastic. Congratulations.
  • elects
    elects Posts: 11 Member
    Well done. I was kidding myself at one point. I would say but I don' t eat much and miss lunch etc. when I started logging what I was eating I thought wow, not good. My portion sizes were too big. It was hard at first because my husband who is in charge of the cooking would not listen at first and say it's not that big etc but since he has joined mfp we really have started to make life long changes and learning so much that we should have known years ago. Reading success likes yours keeps us inspired. You're a beautiful young lady well done, I am sure it I has not been easy but you did it and now encouraging others.
  • PessimisticPatricia
    AlmostFamous - Hey, twin! That is so great that you were able to learn from what you were doing wrong. Congrats on your wedding!
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