People who dye their hair, is it just me or...



  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    If it's an unnatural color, I could see the question...but for anything else, nah what's the point?

    I've been dying my hair since 6th or 7th grade......I've been every color in the book lol

    A rainbow is natural right?
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I dye my hair punky colors (I'm not a punk, I just like neon colors) and I get all kinds of comments.

    One woman, who is just a few years older then me, commented: I would LOVE to dye my hair pink but I'm much too old for that.

    I've had people outright insult me.

    I've had people say that I'm too old to be behaving so immaturely.

    And to them all I say: SUCK IT. It makes me happy. I like seeing the color when I look in the mirror. So back up and leave me be.
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    I tell them..... because no one likes grey ball hair!
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Do you hate it when someone asks you "Why did you dye your hair?" I get that maybe it's just a conversation starter, I just find it to be a useless one. Maybe it's just me but all I have to say back is "I like this hair color on me" or "I got bored with my last hair color." I just don't see that many other answers they are expecting to get from that. I'm nice enough to answer that for them I was just wondering if anyone else thinks the same thing when they get asked that. Lol
    People don't ask me why I dyed my hair, they usually just say "Did you dye your hair?" (or similarly, "Did you cut your hair/get a haircut?") I usually respond with, "NO! I just woke up and my hair had changed color miraculously and fallen out in this perfectly measured and even pattern!"
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    I want to dye my own black, and get a spiral perm. I haven't done it yet but everyone I've mentioned it to says "Why would you want to dye it black?"

    Like I have to have a reason?
  • Ivy_leaves
    Ivy_leaves Posts: 103 Member
    I get that one a lot. I've dyed my hair pink for the last eight years. I like to make up grandiose stories and lies about why I do it. Or pretend that I'm colorblind and don't know what they're talking about.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I dye my hair punky colors (I'm not a punk, I just like neon colors) and I get all kinds of comments.

    One woman, who is just a few years older then me, commented: I would LOVE to dye my hair pink but I'm much too old for that.

    I've had people outright insult me.

    I've had people say that I'm too old to be behaving so immaturely.

    And to them all I say: SUCK IT. It makes me happy. I like seeing the color when I look in the mirror. So back up and leave me be.
    I like seeing pink hair on people too. Or any other color for that matter--people feeling free to express themselves with their appearance always makes me happy, unless what they're trying to express is "cliche turbo slut."
  • I don't dye the hair on my head. It gives me that more mature look. But to keep looking younger, I dye my pubes. Makes me look years younger down below.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I get that one a lot. I've dyed my hair pink for the last eight years. I like to make up grandiose stories and lies about why I do it. Or pretend that I'm colorblind and don't know what they're talking about.


    ME TOO!

    One time, when my hair was green, this guy was like: Your hair is.. green.

    To which I responded: Yes.

    Him: Well, why'd you dye it green.

    Me: Dye it? No. This is my natural color!!!
  • SeaJenni
    SeaJenni Posts: 211 Member
    I've always wondered if that was a way of saying they don't like it without having to say it becuase as you said what different kinds of answers are they expecting. Maybe I'm just being defensive :huh:

    I really dislike being asked why I dye my hair. I guess I am defensive, too. I think it's that irritated or mocking tone some people use when they ask personal questions that are none of their business. I would never ask somebody a question about their personal grooming habits, unless it was part of giving a compliment.

    My natural color is near black with a red cast; and people would accuse me of dying my hair black and say it was too dark. So now I use a very dark reddish brown, which sucks because I can no longer hide random grey hairs with a black mascara wand. I miss my black hair. Funny thing is, now I don't really get asked that question anymore.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Salt and pepper balls are awesome!

    Oh and does the carpet match the drapes?
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    I have never been asked why,

    I think most people know what the answer would be as my roots start to grow out. LOL!

    When I'm in my 80's I plan to have blue, pink, purple and any other color that covers the gray. It's my head and I will do to it what I damn well like...and color is what I like. And that is what I would and will tell op.
  • Clevelow
    Clevelow Posts: 1 Member
    People are curious about the strange things they would never do, also like the age old "Does it hurt?" tattoo/piercing question. Some people I take the time to enlighten and others I just walk away.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I am often asked IF I color my hair.
    No, I don't.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I get that one a lot. I've dyed my hair pink for the last eight years. I like to make up grandiose stories and lies about why I do it. Or pretend that I'm colorblind and don't know what they're talking about.


    ME TOO!

    One time, when my hair was green, this guy was like: Your hair is.. green.

    To which I responded: Yes.

    Him: Well, why'd you dye it green.

    Me: Dye it? No. This is my natural color!!!
    My coworker: So, you decided to go blonde, huh?

    Me: ...


    Him: :huh:

    Me: No. I asked for red but that ***** at the salon didn't listen.
  • I get asked that all the time, too. What I hate is when people who don't dye their hair (nothing against it), go on and on about why they would never dye their hair (waste of time, money, etc). I personally don't care, lol! I am not going to criticize someone for NOT dying their hair, so back off and leave me alone. It is my business if I want to blow money on blonde =)
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    People are curious about the strange things they would never do, also like the age old "Does it hurt?" tattoo/piercing question. Some people I take the time to enlighten and others I just walk away.
    There was a giant sign at the parlor where I got my first tattoo that said "YES, IT'S GOING TO HURT!"
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    I would take Why did you do it as in your hair looks rubbish now. Usually its Have you dyed your hair or I like your hair colour. Why implies offence in my books lol. Tell them to jog on
  • i definitely think it's a rude way to go about conversing with someone. Like YES obviously my hair is dyed. I think a friendlier way to ask would be "So i love your hair, where do you go to get it done?"
  • J7isabel
    J7isabel Posts: 1 Member
    maybe they dont like it and theyre just to wussie to admit it. or maybe they thought your natural hair is soo rad why would you ever dye it. Speaking of diet....I need good vegetarian recipes. IDK ppl have asked me that before it just made me self conscience for like a whole minute.