Less to lose... any one else looking to lose 10-15 lbs?

Hi, I am relatively new here. I just started logging 4 days ago and I'm hopeful that MyFitnessPal will be key to my weightloss success.

I'm 33 years old, 5'4" and weigh anywhere from 140-143 on a given day. For what feels like years, I have been trying to lose 10-15 pounds. I'm so frustrated with myself because I can't seem to succeed. I'll get motivated, eat well and lose 5 pounds and then lose motivation and gain it all back and end up at square one. I swear, sometimes it seems like it's more difficult because it should be easy, if that makes any sense. I don't want to be "skinny" - I just want to be more comfortable in my own skin.

I jog 10-12 miles a week, do Bikram yoga, and just started Chalean Extreme about a month ago... but I can't seem to get my eating under control. I like to eat and I have a terrible sweet tooth but everything I read seems to suggest that all the exercise in the world isn't going to help if my eating habits are poor. I guess I'm looking for some motivation. I feel like if I can stick with logging and watching my food intake, I should be able to lose at least 10 pounds by the end of the year. Is this too optimistic? Anyone else out there with similar goals?


  • Angelam_0002
    Angelam_0002 Posts: 3 Member
    My goals are exactly the same. I am 20 though and am 5'5 and weigh the same amount. I just want to loose 10-15 as well.I'm not huge or anything just want my clothes to fit and be comfortable with myself. I try to excersise to but really just need to tone up and lose in my thighs and my butt. Hopefully we can motivate eachother!
    Good luck!
  • Hey Jeanie, I am trying to lose 10-15 lbs too and I love sweets...my problem is my food content and my exercise consistency. Perhaps we can work together to lose that 10 lbs by Christmas which is possible if in my case I try and stick to a healthier eating plan within our calorie counter range, and have a cheat treat every week as opposed to sweet snacks everyday and try and do at least 30 minutes exercise 3 times a week.

    What do you think? Let me know if we can motivate each other
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'm 36, 5'4" and have been working on my last 2-10 pounds for a few months now. The first 35 pounds were so much easier to lose than the last 5. I'm currently 132. I've got my goal set at 130, but I'm really more focused on a body fat percentage than a weight. I'm currently 20.7% and want to get to 18%, which will probably be closer to 125 pounds.

    I recently finished Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I'm on my 2nd week of P90X now and eat 1,800 calories per day.
  • LMG130
    LMG130 Posts: 24 Member
    Yeah! I'm 5'6' looking to go from about 145 to 135
  • meg_liz
    meg_liz Posts: 16 Member
    Me too... I am 31, 5'4, trying to go from 135 to 120... It's so hard!!!
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    Same goal here, 39 5"8 and 150 I think xx MFP says ill be 145 in 4 weeks hopefully be there for Xmas
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    Yes! I'm 28, 5'4 as well and I've still got another 10-15 to lose as well! It's taking forever! LOL
  • Dragonldy69
    Dragonldy69 Posts: 368 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am 58 and trying to loose 5-10 lbs by the end of the year.. I have gained and lost every month ..The first 10 lbs was easy now I am struggling for the last 5-10 lbs to go.. I have lost inches but my wieght has been staying the same..Up n Down the past month:sad: :drinker:
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i started at 142 and got to 120 currently. I can't seem to get under that at all no matter how hard i try. I have been trying for those last 5 lbs forever it seems. I think i will be happy at 115.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'm 27, 5'0", 116 lbs, trying to lose my last 8 lbs. Every last pound is a huge victory once you get that close to your goal!
  • I'm 39 and 5'3", I'm down to losing my last 15 pounds. Feel free to add me. I think I eat pretty well and manage to usually stay with in my set calories. I'm having trouble keeping up my motivation for exercise. But I'm really trying to get it together to dropt he rest of this weight.
  • honestykay
    honestykay Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 28 5'4'' and 127 and have been for the last 3 months. I would love to be 120. Being at this plateau has really made it hard to follow the diet plan and workout everyday! I think I need a change-up.
  • gimpygramma
    gimpygramma Posts: 383 Member
    Do it while you are young...and yes, I consider all those who have posted on this thread to be young.:tongue: I had 16 lbs to lose...I am 5'4, I weighed 146 and I want to get down to 130, The fact that I haven't that much to lose and that I am 68 years old means that my BMR is only 1,100 calories and if I am sedentary they tell me I will burn just under 1400 calories a day. On a 1200 caloried diet that means only a 200 calorie a day deficit....4/10 of a pound per week. I burn as many exercise calories as I can so have done a little better than that. 12 lbs in 88 days. I will be happy if I can lose my remaining 4 lbs by Christmas. Even that may be hard given that whereas I have religiously stuck to my 1200 calories a day that may be difficult in the next few weeks when we have so many social functions.
  • mtw59
    mtw59 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 52 years old, 5'5", started at 158, and am aiming for 143.... I was there a couple years ago through Weight Watchers, but here am I back up there.

    I'm doing Orangetheory Fitness 3x/week (60 minute interval group training class with cardio and strength training). I'm in my 4th week at Orangetheory, 2nd week on MFP.

    I'm seeing how 1400 cals goes for a couple weeks. It's been kinda hard to stick to that; I do make it, but I'm hungry at times.

    I won't worry so much about the scale if I see that my clothes are fitting better and I'm looking more toned. But I know I have to keep better eating habits and if I can do that, I know the weight will drop. I love doing strength training again!

    Great to see others with similar goals!
  • WendyFitMomCHANGED
    WendyFitMomCHANGED Posts: 311 Member
    I have 10 - 15 lbs left to lose as well. 34yrs and 5'3". I've been stuck at this plateau for a few months. I'm trying to change up my calories and workouts to break the plateau.

    Feel free to add me for support.
  • leia_ophelia
    leia_ophelia Posts: 44 Member
    I'm trying to lose 10 lbs too. I'm 32 yrs old, 5 ft and 115lbs. I've already lost 25 lbs since I joined MFP, when I started at 140 lbs, but I find it hard to lose the last 10 lbs. When I lose 5 lbs I keep on gaining it back! and now my BMR is lower so that even if i eat 1200 calories a day i will lose less that 0.5 lbs a week so it takes forever to lose the weight.
  • I have a couple of friends that are fitness junkies - everyone I have talked to say weight loss is 80% eating habits and 20% fitness. Your workout regimen sounds awesome. The great part about this is you actually get to see the calorie comparison between your workouts and your food - that way you can see that 30 min of jogging only burns 20 oz of regular pop. I'm right where you are, up and down 5 lbs every couple of months but never keeping it off. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • girlprof
    girlprof Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in the same boat too. I'm 5'8" and 155. I can get down to about 152 and then I struggle. I'm pretty good about working out - I run four times a week usually. But I love food. I'll be happy to hear about everyone's success!
  • paw2004
    paw2004 Posts: 1 Member
    hi! I'm in same boat too....looking to lose 10-15 lbs. Having a tough time. Hope to see some results after joining here.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I'm 5'7 fluctuate between 132-135. I wanted to get to 125, doesn't seem to be happening, I've been stuck for 2 months. I started at 145, lost the first 10 pounds so easy, did what MFP said and the pounds came right off, then plateau, it sucks. It is depressing to work so hard with diet and exercise and see no results. I added NROL4W, so theoretically I could be gaining muscle, but I haven't lost any pounds or inches in the two months. These last few pounds blow!