Am I wrong?



  • My brother's friend had a job like that where he had to go door to door selling some sort of service. Apparently whoever decided where he was to be sent to walk around didn't like him very much and sent him to a neighborhood where he most definitely didn't fit in-- mind you he was dressed professionally and is rather clean cut-- and certainly wasn't safe. Needless to say, he didn't last two days because the risk wasn't worth the pay, and he is a pretty built dude-- plays lacrosse, etc.

    I would say that unless you NEED a job right now, I would look for something else. Otherwise, carry some pepper spray or something.

    It's just so wrong they do that. I guess I'm blessed where I'm in a position it would help my not scrape by eventually, but not now. It takes months to work up to the next level of pay, and I can luckily survive off of what I have now
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    OMG NO! I wouldn't. Not with my life. OMG. Crazy. 8 at night? Blah. Find something else. Just the "What If" alone would drive me away. :\
  • OMG NO! I wouldn't. Not with my life. OMG. Crazy. 8 at night? Blah. Find something else. Just the "What If" alone would drive me away. :\
    Yeup, and we were in some distance little towns where everyone owns a gun. I didn't get home until after 9 tonight, still walking around until 7:45 just watching
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Don't go back. Don't. It's not worth it. I worked the 1990 census in college and had to go door to door. The manager was ticked because I had a boyfriend so he sent me to a crappy area. DH (then just BF) knew the neighborhood and told me to get a different assignment. I did. I thought the next one was just a working class neighborhood. I was a naive, pretty, 20yo white, suburban college girl. I was in the projects. A police officer saw me and stopped. He called me to his car and asked what I was doing there. I told him. He said "You tell your boss that if you are down here you need to be here with a large man or not at all. If I see you here alone again I'm going to arrest you." I had no idea the area was that rough. I ended up quitting because it just wasn't worth it. 2 days later there was a story on the news about a door to door salesperson who was in the hospital in critical condition afte being beaten and robbed on the street where the cop stopped me.
  • Don't go back. Don't. It's not worth it. I worked the 1990 census in college and had to go door to door. The manager was ticked because I had a boyfriend so he sent me to a crappy area. DH (then just BF) knew the neighborhood and told me to get a different assignment. I did. I thought the next one was just a working class neighborhood. I was a naive, pretty, 20yo white, suburban college girl. I was in the projects. A police officer saw me and stopped. He called me to his car and asked what I was doing there. I told him. He said "You tell your boss that if you are down here you need to be here with a large man or not at all. If I see you here alone again I'm going to arrest you." I had no idea the area was that rough. I ended up quitting because it just wasn't worth it. 2 days later there was a story on the news about a door to door salesperson who was in the hospital in critical condition afte being beaten and robbed on the street where the cop stopped me.

    That is terrifying!!! Absolutely insane. Some of the sales are in the Charlotte area too, so not sure if there are any rough places. But that's just nuts...door-to-door, to me, is never a good idea
  • justmyalias
    justmyalias Posts: 153 Member
    If you won't be making anymore than your internship then just go ahead and keep looking. I don't think it is wrong at all to turn the job down. Just explain to them that you had no idea what the job would entail and you wish you would have been told up front that you'd be a door-to-door salesman. What can they do, yell at you? Yeah, that's about it. But in all honesty the should have been upfront about what you'd be doing.

    The owner was wicked nice, but not worth it! They are getting that exact answer tomorrow =]

    lol... you shouldn't let them do you that way in those small New England towns ; )
    there's a better job out there somewhere for you
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I would NEVE EVER walk up to some random persons door to sell something... with technology today, you are basically a walking billboard and you WILL NOT sell and you wont get paid. Dont do it!!
  • sjfugatt1
    sjfugatt1 Posts: 17 Member
    I wouldn't take that job! There has to be something better out there. Good luck with your decision, and please be careful if you decide to take the job offer.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Stay away from that gig. You can do much better than this. Even if it were great money (which you allude it is not), your health, safety and life are worth far more than this. I advise totally against it. Even if you are in top fitness condition, a .45 makes for a great equalizer... and you are entering THEIR territory.
  • Stay away from that gig. You can do much better than this. Even if it were great money (which you allude it is not), your health, safety and life are worth far more than this. I advise totally against it. Even if you are in top fitness condition, a .45 makes for a great equalizer... and you are entering THEIR territory.

    Yeah, especially showing up unannounced!!

    I so wish this was in a small New England town like where I grew up, but it's in Charlotte, NC. Not so small!
  • I think you already know the answer or you wouldnt be having such indecision over it. Why waste your valuable time doing something you dont want to, and could even be dangerous, when you could spend that time looking elsewhere to something you are more suited to? Good luck either way!
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    If you have other options, never take a job you know you'll hate. Life is short and it's not worth wasting it. You have instincts; follow them.
  • mytime60
    mytime60 Posts: 176 Member
    Go with your gut feeling and don't take it. If you are that uncomfortable, it is not the job for you.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    My gut is SCREAMING to run, especially after one guy offered illegal drugs and another answered in his boxers and proceeded to tell the guy I was shadowing that he should have me do it, because I was "so pretty it would convince anyone". Creepy..

    I'm a female who knows how to repair computers. My friends all hound me to start my own business fixing people's home PCs. Fear of things like this is the exact reason i won't.

    edited for spelling. :grumble:
  • My gut is SCREAMING to run, especially after one guy offered illegal drugs and another answered in his boxers and proceeded to tell the guy I was shadowing that he should have me do it, because I was "so pretty it would convince anyone". Creepy..

    I'm a female who knows how to repair computers. My friends all hound me to start my own business fixing people's home PCs. Fear of things like this is the exact reason i won't.

    edited for spelling. :grumble:

    I hear ya. I was just making sure I wasn't just overreacting to all this. My mind just thinks "hey, someone can grab you and no one will know!" My crazy brain.

    And I always edit for spelling or grammar!
  • I once worked for a company that tracked what TV shows people watched (Most everyone in the US will know who this company is). I basically had to go to people's houses and convince them to let this company track what they watched on TV. It was fine for a while, but then a some guy doing the same job as me in my area quit and I got re-assigned to his "territory." When I first started working in this area, I always got suspicious looks from the residents (most likely because my company car looked like a cop car). I tried my best to positive, but the first time I was driving in that area and I saw someone pull a gun and start shooting at someone, I called my boss and told him that this area was way too dangerous for anyone (male or female) to be in and that this job was not worth taking a bullet for. He did agree with my concerns, but his hands were tied as the company really didn't care if the area was dangerous or not. They just wanted their data. I ended up quitting a few weeks later. I couldn't take the stress.
  • jb852013
    jb852013 Posts: 116
    I would not go back. I tried going door to door selling security alarms. It didn't work so well for me. And if you have a gut feeling that tells you not to take the job then you need to listen to it.
  • So everyone knows the ending, they called yesterday and I told them thank you, but no thanks. I can find something else in the city
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    Sorry if this seems a little whiny or picky. But I've been debating this all day. I applied for a job recently, got a second interview today and a day of observing. I'm pretty sure they are calling to offer a job tomorrow, but here is where my issue starts.

    The job is nothing I'd like. They were very vague on everything up until today, but to put it shortly, it's a job at a consulting firm where when you start you literally walk around to people's houses and random towns trying to convince them to sign up for this tv/internet package. The pay is..ehh, no better right now then I'm getting at my internship, but I am not at ALL comfortable walking around to random people's houses all day (2-8 at night).

    I mean, I like to thing I'm strong for my size, but regardless I'm only 5'2" and MAYBE 138lbs now. And after my first day I'd be alone. Walking around dirt road towns. Knocking on doors. With no cars around. It literally SCARES me to take a job like that. I know it's a crap economy and I should take what I can get, but this seems so terrible for me, and possibly hazardous. I've just been wondering, will I be wrong to turn them down?

    If you're interested in sales and you are good at it, it will never be hard for you to find a job. (and probably one that pays a lot better than they are willing of offer)