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Why do you care if people have open food diaries ?



  • NVM87
    NVM87 Posts: 57 Member
    Open diaries AND closed diaries
  • I have not come across any negativity about open diaries until I saw this topic posted

    It is definitely there and one of the first things I came across on this site and has popped up half a dozen times in the week I have been here which is why my curiosity peaked on the topic.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Maybe they're just curious. Maybe they want ideas. Maybe they want to judge you. Maybe they have ridiculously low cal counts and *kitten* to the amount you get to eat.

    Who knows? People are weird.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I have mine open for friends - but I am of a mind with the OP - I log for me, but I love getting ideas from other friends' diaries.
    Some of us have a bit of a recipe-swapping and comparing thing going on.
  • LadyConundra
    LadyConundra Posts: 37 Member
    It's a personal choice, but an open diary has lots of advantages.

    1. If you ask for advice on your progress, it's much easier to give some meaningful comments when you can see what the person is eating.

    2. It keeps you accountable when you know others can see it.

    3. It gives others good ideas and suggestions - you wouldn't believe how many new people join and ask "What can I eat for 1200 calories? Has anyone got a meal plan?"

    4. People can make helpful suggestions for how to improve it.

    I agree with this. You are accountable to only yourself when it comes right down to it, because no one is forcing you to pick up that good or bad food choice. But I love the other food ideas I get from other ppl diaries. But if they don't want to have a open diary up that is their choice, no judgement here. Really of all my friends, I really only look at 2 diaries and they are close friends who have asked me to hold them accountable and look at their diaries.
  • KamalBhai
    KamalBhai Posts: 79 Member
    Although it is a matter of choice whether to keep food diary open or personal, but I used to keep my Food Diary open for all. Open food diaries could be good motivators for many who just started their diet plans / workouts. There is no harm if we keep our food diary open in my opinion.
  • Lisa760
    Lisa760 Posts: 113 Member
    Sometimes when I read a post in the forums from someone and they've lost a lot of weight I get curious about how they did it, both through exercise and diet. I'll peek at their diary. If it's open then I assume they're cool with me looking. If it's closed, no biggie. I keep mine open because it's just not that deep for me. I've never asked for feedback on my diary and no one has ever offered up unsolicited suggestions/comments/advice.
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    An open dairy allows me to learn how to eat better learning from others, and if I can, trying to help others to stop the hassle and make their lives better by eating right.
    People outside MFP make fun of diaries you know? At least of mine. I enjoy doing it and it's helping me understand what is I am eating and not starving.
    I hate to starve!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    WELL i am with you!!! MINE IS CLOSED!,, i have seen so many nasty people picking apart diaries,, i do it for me,,, but i have many wonderful friends,,, i am not judged by them for having a closed diary,,,, now that is true friendship,,,,,,,anyone want to add me, then do it!
  • liltenji
    liltenji Posts: 69 Member
    I kept mine open for a couple of reasons. I've struggled with eating in the past and i'm nervous about eating in public. After some people asking me to open my diary i decided to because i want to try and get over that fear and teach myself that it's ok to be honest about what you eat, everyone eats, i am not a freak!

    the other reason is that i am honest about what i log and seeing as though i am in the early stages of my weightloss i don't want to start falling off the bandwagon straight away! So knowing that i have friends who do check my diary once i've logged all the calories stops me from wanting to go grab a massive cheese sandwich at 1am!

    I like seeing other diaries because sometimes you can get some ideas for food, but for me its again teaching me about normal eating habits. Seeing people losing weight whilst still eating crisps is totally unreal to me [i had my first bag of crisps in ages yesterday! AND still kept under my calorie limit!]

    Seeing someone on 1200 calories a day eating things like crisps and bread is incredibly motivating for me. As i have spent the past 10 years going from high and low calorie intakes, To me 'losing weight' has always meant a blanket ban on everything i enjoy (plus all fat and carbs and sugar) coupled with lots of exercise. Sometimes as low as 500 calories a day.

    Seeing people be happy and healthy whilst losing weight is something i am trying to let into my own life x
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I have MFP friends with both open and closed diaries, I have mine open to everyone because I don't care/mind people seeing and if I ever ask for advice people can see what I've been doing.

    I do look at other peoples diaries if they're open to steal ideas though, and hope keeping mine open might give people ideas (when I have a good day). :)

    I think most people who only add friends with open diaries don't request so to feel better about their friends failures, I think it's more so they can steal what's working ;P
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    Started with it open.. & honestly had way more progress with it closed. People talk *kitten* or jump to conclusions, & too many people try to play physician on this site.. Um I have a doctor thank q very much. :bigsmile:
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Honestly, people are nosey around here and are know-it-alls. If you aren't eating their way, well then they are clearly doing it wrong.

    Thats why a lot of people keep their diaries shut.. so the nosey ones don't come poking around telling them that the piece of candy they are for lunch is going to make them balloon up and gain 500 pounds.

    Me personally, mines open.. do I log as much anymore? No. Mainly because I'm on maintenance and eat the same thing everyday.. so I know what my calorie counts are.
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    I like to look for meal ideas. I'm not here to judge anyone-if a friend has 3000+ calories of junk food, I normally won't say anything, as this is their journey, not mine (unless they ask for help of course). Also, if someone is very successful in their weight loss, it's helpful to others to be able to see what they eat and maybe copy that to their own eating habits. I have friends with both open and closed diaries, but I prefer open ones.
  • Mine is open to friends only and I am happy with that and will sometimes have a look at diaries of other friends for ideas etc. Some friends have closed diaries and thats ok too.

    Actually I have been wondering about diaries - slightly OT but I do like to encourage people and say well done on healthy meals - I tend not to though when I see that its fast food for 2/3 meals a day. I know they are sticking to their calories but to me thats not healthy eating.
  • I couldn't care less. Then again, I'm a n00b, so things may change I guess.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Mine's open to friends.

    I never look at my friend's diaries. I'm just here for support and to support them, it's up to them what they want to eat at the end of the day.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    Mine's open to friends.

    I never look at my friend's diaries. I'm just here for support and to support them, it's up to them what they want to eat at the end of the day.

    ^^thats how it should be:flowerforyou: if we wanted to be judged we would've never thought to join the site smh:brokenheart:
  • I like people looking at my diary. I don't even mind it when my MFP friends give me a little bit of a hard time when i go overboard. For me, knowing that i have people paying attention actually helps me to make better food choices. I like to hear it when i screw up and i like the positive encouragement as well.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    1. If you ask for advice on your progress, it's much easier to give some meaningful comments when you can see what the person is eating.

    2. It keeps you accountable when you know others can see it.

    4. People can make helpful suggestions for how to improve it.
    I don't ever ask for advice. I know what I need to do and I do it or don't do it. That's on me. I also am not accountable to anyone but myself.

    If the time came where I needed advice, I would gladly open my diary (though mine is currently open to friends, it isn't always). I honestly don't want unrequested negative comments (even well-meaning ones) about my eating habits. It's no one else's business.
    3. It gives others good ideas and suggestions - you wouldn't believe how many new people join and ask "What can I eat for 1200 calories? Has anyone got a meal plan?"

    I can answer that question without an open diary.