Sweet Potatoes Done Perfectly????

I needs some helps....

I foil wrapped 6 yams last week, and stuck them in the oven.... Well, i FORGOT about them, for i dont know how long, and was so sad, because theyd be all dried out and wasted...

But they WERENT! they were PERFECT! The skin peeled right off, and i got a huge amount of nearly mashed potato! It was like, the meat pulled away from the skin at some point, and the flesh just cooked to perfection...

HOW DID I DO THIS???? I think i cooked them at 300, but i have no idea how long it was for.... thoughts, on how to retreive this potatoic perfection? I just got more yams... and i wanna eat em!

Thanks <3


  • ksizzle911
    ksizzle911 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm not sure how you did this either, but when I cook sweet potatoes/yams in the oven, I usually bake mine at 400 degrees for about an hour (depending on size). I've had great success with them coming out perfectly done as well where the skin falls right off (even though I always make myself eat it cuz it has the most nutrients in it!) So, if you're cooking them at that low of a temperature, I'd bet 2 hours of cook time. But that's just a guess!
  • Faericn_Rising
    Thanks. ill try it at 300 for 2 hours...