50-100lbs to lose.. Friends Needed!!



  • To quote Donkey from Shrek: "Me! Pick me!" My ultimate goal is 80lbs :D
  • cambitsgirl
    cambitsgirl Posts: 6 Member
    I have 100 pounds to lose and have been working out for over a month now. Would love to have friends to help encourage me and vise versa. :):happy:
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    Me me me.... I have 100 pounds to lose. My first goal is 30 pounds by December and I am 9 pounds into that goal. After than about 20 pounds every 2 months and hopefully at my goal by next summer.
  • Add me. I still have a way to go.
  • HeatherTransformed
    HeatherTransformed Posts: 213 Member
    You can do this!! I've lost 50 lbs so far and have at least 40 more to go. I've sent you a friend request. Anyone can send me one, too. :o)
  • backincontrol
    backincontrol Posts: 6 Member
    add me, I have lots to lose.
  • Add me too!! I just started and need all the support I can get! :-) Let's do this ;-)
  • brownmara
    brownmara Posts: 175 Member
    Hi All! I have 100 pounds to lose. My goal is to lose it by September 2013. I am in need of support and hope to be support for others.
  • Hey all you lovely ladies.

    I'm looking to shed about 70 in total from my starting weight. would absolutely love to share tips and inspire each other.
  • Calantorntain
    Calantorntain Posts: 172 Member
    I started off at 260+, I'm down to 245, so I'm right there with you :) I'm nearly 6' with big hips and such, so my goal right now is to get down to 190. I got down to the high 160's in high school, I'm hoping to get down to them again. Which will probably mean having crazy small boobs, but oh well, worth it :p