
Okay I started my c25k training and the first day seem easy but I know it will get harder and harder. What my plan is to do c25k 3 days a week and maybe a 30 mint work out dvd and 2 day a week do an hour of burn it up and one day do my yoga class I am used to an hour work out and 30 mint just doesn't feel right. I know the more you get into the program the longer it takes to get done.
So if any one wants to join me on c25k training so we can keep each other on track and give tips to each other that would be great. It doesn't matter if you have all ready started to.

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  • Noelle11hf
    Noelle11hf Posts: 10 Member
    I just finished the first week of C25K, and it was not too bad at all. I ran a 5K back in December (very slowly haha), but then I totally stopped running once it was done. I am also hoping to add something else to my workouts to get a few more calories off per week. I would love to hear how you are doing!

    Week 2 runs start tomorrow for me :-) Good luck!
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    did my c25k week one day 2 and it went well didn't do my 30 mint dvd did abs and a stretch instead that equal 30 about. Noelle how is your week 2 going?

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  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    did my c25k week one day 2 and it went well didn't do my 30 mint dvd did abs and a stretch instead that equal 30 about. Noelle how is your week 2 going?

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  • Noelle11hf
    Noelle11hf Posts: 10 Member
    Week 2 is going well! These runs aren't too much harder (run for 90 seconds, walk for 2 minutes X6). I am doing my second run tonight! Have you been running outside or on the treadmill?
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    I want to run outside but the rain has made it so I could not and we don't have a treadmill so I run a figure 8 between my dining room and living room.
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Last day of week one and it wasn't raining out so I got to run outside that was nice but it is so cold. This was a hard run today but not to hard to and I am hoping it was just because it was so cold out and my last 2 run were in a nice warm house. Week 2 start Monday so that is 90 sec run with a 2 min. walk oh yea we can do this. how is your week 2 going or are you starting week 3?
  • AshleyTaylor2017
    AshleyTaylor2017 Posts: 155 Member
    Hi everyone! I am looking for support while I am going through c25k. I finished week 2 day 2 yesterday and am doing ok with it so far. It is supposed to be my rest day today but I really feel like running so I think I'm going to go since I'm not too sore.
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Welcome and I say don't run today I say do something different for your work out good luck on the c25k I will be starting my week 2 on Monday.
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Hi gals,
    I am doing the C25K program as well, but not finding it as easy as all of you are:blushing:
    I just do the best that I can do. I will be on week 1 day 3 on Monday. Sunday is my rest day from working out. I have been getting a lot of great advice in another thread I am on for women in my age group (the name of the thread escapes me at this moment). I am 46. I would love to join you guys and keep each other going in this program.
    May I ?
    Thank you!
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Welcome Dottie I think part of the reason it might be a bit easier for me is I did the SI6 for about 2 1/2 months and before that I did My fitness trainer on the Wii for about 3-4 months. I am still doing Burn it up 2 times a week and one day I do yoga. Take your time at the program and if you need to do a week over go ahead and do. And don't feel bad about doing a week more then once but if you can keep going then do.
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Hi there!

    I was on week four but i have taken 2 weeks off because i have been doing a fitness program my physical trainer put together, but I think i am ready to do program, c25k program, day off, c25k, program, c25k lol so I would love to join your little group! And I thought the first three weeks were really easy. and then they threw week 4 at me and i died the first time, barely made it the second, and my the third i was doing okay... but i would like to start off at week 4 and maybe do it for two weeks.... :)

    How is everyone!?

    p.s. names B, or brittany, but most ppl call me B here on MFP!
  • Noelle11hf
    Noelle11hf Posts: 10 Member
    So glad to see some more people running! Even if you have to repeat a couple of weeks, you are still doing it! I keep thinking how slow I am, but that doesn't matter. I just finished week two today, and I am feeling pretty good. I increased the resistance on the treadmill because it always seems harder once I run outside. I was definitely sweating!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Hi everyone!

    So today I did day 3 of the C25K program( instead of waiting until tomorrow) and did all but one interval (the 7th one)! I was so proud of myself! The first day I could hardly do any of the intervals, the 2nd day, I did a little more. But...I can't believe I went from that to how much I did today. I rested two days in between this time, due to being sore. I wonder if that made the difference? At any rate, I really don't care what caused it, I'm just glad I did it! It's still tough to do, but I did it by pushing myself . Maybe I will be able to do all 8 intervals on day 4, we will see.

    Sometimes it is hard to wrap around the idea that I will be doing this the rest of my life. I want to, don't get me wrong. I just feel sometimes that I am missing out on enjoying ...well...eating. I still enjoy it, but it's more because I am hungry rather than being happy just to eat something that tastes yummy. Does that make sense? I really needed to get a handle on this though as I was heading for serious eating issues. Anyhoo, just writing what's on my mind I guess.

    My son and his new wife are arriving today from out of state. I have not met his wife yet so it will be nice. I love spending time with my son, I don't get to see him often, he is is the military. I am embarrassed at the fact that I am 15 pounds heavier than the last time he seen me. I plan on trying to "suck it in" a lot! I don't want him to be disappointed in me. He is in such great shape and is an inspiration to me. I have done this "healthy" eating kick before but never made a lifetime of it. I don't want it to be a "kick" any longer. I want it to be for life, and I get scard at times that I will "fall off" and not come back to it. Okay , enough rambling.

    Take care ladies and have a great Sunday!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Aww Dottie! I loved reading your post.

    I totally understand the feeling left out thing, and believing tht you have to exorcise for the rest of your life bit. I also understand the military qualm! My best friend in the whole world is in the Marine corp, and he visited me for a month when he returned home from overseas and i was 20 pounds heavier then when he left! IT was def. a motivation moment. I am also joining the military though, I am entering the Coast Guard this fall, also a reason why i am getting my butt into shape!

    On the exorcise bit though, I changed my attitude when i realized how much fun i can have exorcising and all the great people and friends I meet and make! Are you a member of a gym? Have you done any fitness classes? I personally do Zumba, I LOVE IT! it makes me smile, I get to learn new things, listen to great music, and the women in my class are AWESOME! I have heard many similar comments about yoga, pilates, weight training, bootcamp, step, and other classes. I did step for a while as well, i also loved that!

    And dont worry c25k does the program in such a way that you build up to the next steps! And do not be afraid to repeat weeks! I am repeating week 4 for the second time! haha!

    Noelle - Haha I increased the incline to 10 for the first time this past week, it was nuts! I was COVERED in sweat! and I have yet to run outside.. i know that sounds ridiculous since 5ks are run outside but I am in Michigan, and I found it way to cold to run, although its warming up so maybe i will give it a try soon!!!
  • AshleyTaylor2017
    AshleyTaylor2017 Posts: 155 Member
    I ended up not running yesterday because the treadmills were fall. I did the elliptical...which I HATE (!!!!) I only was able to do 8 minutes on it before I felt like I was going to die, and then I just did some different variations of squats and sits up with and without the medicine ball. I am going to do week 2 day 3 tonight when I get off work. I am a little nervous to move on to week 3....
  • AshleyTaylor2017
    AshleyTaylor2017 Posts: 155 Member
    So i decided I am not going to run tonight, but rather go on a walk when I get home. I exercised three nights this week, though only 2 of them were running, I think I am ready to move onto week three. I will be starting week 3 day 1 tomorrow!! I hope I make it through!!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Even though I've been exercising for months, the C25k is kicking my butt. I've actually only done it once and I'm going to do the 2nd day of the first week tomorrow. I'm still sore and I did the first one on Friday. I guess I haven't ever been a distance runner. I played soccer when I was in high school, but that was short bursts of running when the ball was close to me. My husband and son are laughing at me because I'm planning a 5 k run on May 15th. I think I'll take a water bottle with me because last time I went two miles and got this horrible stitch in my side toward the end. The last interval of running, I actually had to walk because running hurt my stomach so bad. I think I'm going to try adding some Pilates to strengthen my core. I'm also wondering if Yoga would be a good idea after my run. I remember it really helped me with flexibility when I had my arm surgery several years ago. It also really helped with the muscle soreness that I got from Pilates. Any thoughts?
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    kward- I heard yoga REALLY improves stamina and breathing, sounds like it would be PERFECT for training for a 5k! I dont know if this will help either, but before a run i drink a powerade with what ever meal i have before running, it seems to have decreased any cramping immensely!

    Ash- good luck with the run tomorrow!
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I'm going to be starting this with my hubby tomorrow. Our 5K is a muddy run still several months away, but we wanted to get as much training in as possible.

    This will be a challenge but we are up for it!
  • thenebean9
    thenebean9 Posts: 216
    a few friends and i are working on the c25k program - we're on week 2. i find that if you're struggling with the week your on - it's ok to take a few extra days and repeat instead of jumping ahead, feeling disheartened and quitting. if you need to do week 1 twice, go for it! there's nothing saying you HAVE to finish in 8 weeks! Just remember that the best way to stick with a program is to have fun, and not hate every minute of it! We're doing a fourth day of week 2 tomorrow, and then depending on how we all feel, may do a 5th, or move on to week 3. We're going to try to do a 5k in may - so we have a bit of time! good luck to all of you! :D
