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MFP Confession Time

I've been on MFP for more than a year now, with great success, and I am thrilled with it, but I never realized that it would also provide a lesson in self-discovery, particularly after interacting on the forums. So now I feel the need to make my confession as an MFP user and encourage you all to do the same! (this should be fun!) :laugh:

Forgive me, MFP for I have sinned...

1. I wake up most mornings thinking "today I will eat clean" but then invariably give in to an unhealthy food at some point during the day. And I don't care at all so long as my total calories are not out of hand;

2. I eat back at least a good portion of my exercise calories. And they are delicious.

3. If a good song comes on my playlist I am likely to dance a bit, and it doesn't matter if I'm on a treadmill, road running, or in the middle of a race. Yes, I am one of THOSE people.

4. I will accept anyone's friend request on MFP but am unlikely to issue any of my own. I don't delete anyone for any reason, if they don't log regularly, don't comment on my status, whatever. People get busy and lose motivation, I'm not here to use them, just to provide support and accept support when offered. Though I'll add the caveat that I don't tolerate personal attacks.

5. I don't read people's diaries. It doesn't matter to me what you eat, everyone is on their own journey; where they go and how they get there is their business. Whether you eat clean or eat junk it doesn't affect how I lose weight so why would I judge you?

6. I have logged cleaning as exercise and only quit when I got my fitbit to track my movements. All activity counts as far as I'm concerned!

7. I would rather use a funny avatar than a picture of my stomach and chest for a profile picture any day. Though I won't judge others for doing so. I don't post to threads that rate appearance because frankly I don't care what a bunch of strangers on the internet thing of my looks. Nor do I flirt on here, why flirt with strangers when I can get the real thing from my supportive hubby?

8. I love reading inflammatory posts where people blatantly judge each other, and then responses tearing the original poster down. I call them the "entertaining comeuppance" posts. But I try my best never to respond, I don't like to feed the trolls!

9. I don't use this site to build up my self esteem. My desire isn't necessarily to be "sexy" mostly because I often feel my very best when I look AWFUL, like after a 4 hour run. I also just tend to think that I'm fairly awesome and if my self esteem grows more I'll probably get an inflated ego.

10. I use exercise as a time to socialize. I look at runs with friends as a chance to catch up on what we're up to during the week. And our conversation can go ANYWHERE.

11. I often buy my running shoes based on colour and without checking out my "foot strike". The more ridiculous the colours, the more I love them. If I don't like how they feel, I won't buy them again, but I will look for the next crazy coloured shoes!

12. Running provides me an excellent excuse to buy and wear obnoxiously coloured clothing. If the choice is between black and hot pink or acid green? I'll ALWAYS pick the bright colour or pattern.

13. If you are my MFP friend I will comment on your successes, and provide support, but only if you are on my first login page at the moment I log in and your posting catches my attention. If I don't catch your update it doesn't meant I don't support you, just that I'm a busy person and would rather be out logging activity points!

Mea Culpa MFP, can we still be friends? :wink:

would love to know if anyone can relate! or if you have MFP confessions of your own :happy:


  • 1. I am incredibly chatty and use MFP as my Facebook.

    2. I will delete you if you resort to drastic measures and refuse to reconsider unhealthy tactics.

    3. I eat at least 50% of my calories in "snacks" at least 3-4 days a week.

    4. I hate rest days because I get hungrier than I am on workout days.


    6. I kind of get peeved when men 1.5-2x my weight eat less or as much as I do.

    7. Strong women get me super motivated to kick butt in the gym.

    8. I am truly invested in my MFP friends' success and personal journey.

    9. I don't say "good job" to just anything.
  • Establishedn1986
    Establishedn1986 Posts: 306 Member
  • rosesigil
    rosesigil Posts: 105 Member
    1. i've entertained myself by reading backbiting comments.
    2. I've entered a few of my own.
    3. I have invented various parts of my status (but never my weight, food, or exercise).
    4. I eat less than my calorie allottment evryday .
    5. I'm waiting for my fitbit to come so I can log everything as exercise!:blushing:
  • Violetta86
    Violetta86 Posts: 150 Member
    Your confession list is great and I agree with many points!

    One of my confessions is that I cannot stand when I see posts regarding topics such as "I'm worried I'll loose my boobs" (ridiculous) or "I'm doing everything right and it's not working". I am a big believer in being accountable for your own actions and choices.

    Also, I am not perfect, no one is - sometimes I complete my food diary and need to go back the next morning to add something because I decided to have a snack post logging!

    Thanks for posting - fun thread.
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    This cracked me up and encouraged me to add a few of my own:

    1. I lost a really great friend here on MFP and I don't know why. I sent a friend request back to them but they never responded. This has annoyed me because this person provided tons of support and I supported them back. I honestly don't know what happened.

    2. I recently posted a blog looking for new friends and now I have too many. I really needed a few more supportive friends who log all the time. Oh well, lesson learned.

    3. I am often confused by the blogs about more calories, less calories, blah, blah, blah. I try to read them all and some times I care and some times I don't.

    4. I really do want to lose weight, but the woman who works with me bakes every day. REALLY people? It's hard to be determined when they are fresh baked goods at your work every single work day.

    5. I do treat this as my Facebook as well. I became really addicted when I joined. I've backed off some lately, but I honestly can't wait for the next 5 days to come when I get all kinds of feedback that says it's amazing you've logged this many days in a row.

    6. I like many of my MFP friends better than my friends in real life. I have found people here to be REAL and honest if you ask. Always willing to support and truly helpful.

    There are so many more I could add................................however, this is a blog, not a book.
  • gotogirl81
    gotogirl81 Posts: 278 Member
    you sure do have a lot to say after a year. cant wait to see what my confessions will be.. considering i have some after a week haha!!

    i agree 100% with you, and many other readers.. you gotta dive into those calories burned kids.. some people just dont want to admit that they should eat them.. there only hurting themselves i think. but teto..
    im hearing from a lot of people that they cosume at least half if not all of them on a daily basis.

  • I'm new to posting on these boards. I too have had days where I did my totals and then had to come back the next day and add more food from an unplanned weakness. I'm exploring the site and trying to get inspiration... :wink:
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    1. I'm posting on here way too much.
    2. I spend too much time ****ing around with my program, thinking about my program, etc. Always looking over my shoulder just in case something else might work better. To the point where today I consciously decided not to read anything fitness related for a week, because it's impinging on my everything else time.
    2.a I should just do NROLFW except I'd have to make a million substitutions. And I hate feeling locked in like that.
    2.c I should just do 5x5, but I have recovery issues, and also, very specific ideas about what I want my glutes to do. And I hate feeling locked in like that.
    3. I don't log exercise, but I'm sure I eat back those cals and then some. (But I don't have a problem with this really, not sure it's so much a confession as a statement of fact.)
    4! When I work out at home, I like to wear a sports bra & an old pair of shorts. They're a couple of sizes too big. Equal parts frugality/ comfort/ motivational cue (I like to see my muscles trying to grow and move in those things).
    5. Ok, actually, I do have a problem with the amount of calories I'm now consuming, but I'm freaking hungry all the time and can't sleep if I don't get them. (Scale weight not changing, at least.) I know I shouldn't care.

    @thriftycup - I accidentally deleted someone recently! Not sure how, I think I just ****ed around with my mouse too much (as I do). Same might have happened with your friend.
  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    1. I should probably be eating more for the amount of working out I do. Actually, I should probably eat at a surplus during lift days.
    2. I like to save a good amount of my calories to eat at night.
    3. I cut all my workout times in half when I log them.
    4. Sometimes I stay under my calorie goal, but my macros make me wanna cry a little bit inside.
    5. I wish all my mfp friends were more into weight lifting. I find cardio really boring.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    1. I eat TDEE - 50%.

    2. I have a hard time eating back my exercise calories.

    3. I delete people if they don't have an open diary or use this as FB.

    4. I won't comment on someone's day if they went major over their cals or fat or carbs. My mom told me not to say anything at all.

    5. I make it a point to take 10 minutes every night and post as many motivating comments as I can on my newsfeed.

    6. I have at least 5 regular message board posters on ignore.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    ha ha these confessions are awesome! I have a couple more :blushing:

    1. I will sometimes go for a run in the morning and then not drink any water before weighing in for the biggest loser challenge at work.

    2. I bake, a LOT (custom cakes and cupcakes is a side business of mine) while I generally sell most of what I produce I definitely lick the spoon so you will see icing and cake batter all too often in my diary.

    3. It doesn't bother me when people delete me from their friends lists. I'm sure they have their reasons.

    4. I love checking out the success stories postings, especially when people have lost huge amounts of weight. Though most of the time I don't post back.
  • My confessions:

    I waste time at work reading MFP message boards

    I eat LOTS of calories in "snacks" EVERY DAY.

    I give myself permission to take days off from MFP.

    I wish I had more friends, but don't want to go shopping for them.

    HERE's the best one:

    I will eat all of my calories for the day by 2PM, and then force myself to workout real hard so that I can eat dinner :)
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    I will eat all of my calories for the day by 2PM, and then force myself to workout real hard so that I can eat dinner :)

    BWAHAHA I totally do this!
  • Yay! Confessions! Love these. :happy:

    1. I have never deleted anyone off my FL, even if they creep me out or stopped logging in. I know I would I feel bad if I did lol.

    2. I plan my day around how much junk I can eat at night. "Let's see, if I eat relatively healthy most of the day and only eat a yogurt for lunch, I can have an extra giant bowl of ice cream tonight! And maybe even some tortilla chips."

    3. I don't get the flirting thing. Then again, I'm not much of a flirt IRL. I have my boyfriend for that and he's way hot, so why flirt with anyone else? :tongue:

    4. I always feel guilty if I eat back even a portion of my exercise calories.

    5. I LOVE the debate threads. I never contribute, but I love to watch the drama unfold. It gets me through a boring work day. :laugh:

    6. I use the track at the gym after each work-out and I don't walk around it like a normal person. I dance around it instead, since my Pandora playlist is awesome. I get odd looks, but I don't care. I'm sure I'm having more fun than they are!

    7. I sometimes belly dance at the gym in front of the large mirrors, since I don't have any full-length mirrors at home and can't check my form.

    8. I'm a huge snacker and would much rather eat snacks than meals.
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hahaha ditto ditto ditto!
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member

    I will eat all of my calories for the day by 2PM, and then force myself to workout real hard so that I can eat dinner :)

    This about sums up my entire confession.....Too funny!
  • 1. I go through spurts on here where I am very active and involved to where I just wanna crawl under a rock. During those times I also get very overwhelmed and tend to get a little cut-happy with my FL. Sometimes, it's just easier to leave the site all together and come back when my mind has settled. In the past five months I've deactivated twice in part due to this. But I love my crew and we always seem to find each other again (thank God they put up with me and my mood swings).

    2. If I didn't have my MFP crew - I think I'd still be struggling with a lower than normal self-esteem. I don't hear enough "good things" at home but my friends always have an uplifting word for me and they make me feel hot.

    3. I'm a real smart *kitten* at times but never with bad intentions. I like to make people laugh and will seize an opportunity when possible. Sometimes, however, this makes me look like an *kitten*.

    4. I make fun of cardio bunnies. Shame, shame, but I do. It's not them, it's me. I don't like cardio and I might be a little jealous of all the people who can run 5Ks and longer marathons. But not jealous enough to do it myself because I pee when I run.

    5. I once fell for a guy on this site. What started very innocently and friendly developed slowly... and MFP allowed me to dream up this perfect little fantasy world that trickled over into my real life. The confessional part of this is that I'm married...and sadly I've learned that this is a VERY common thing on this site. Don't judge me.

    6. I've become WAYYY more comfortable with my body and in my own skin due to people's support, encouragement, and positive reinforcement. I never in a million years thought I'd share slightly less than modest (*cough cough*) images of myself on the internet. But having been 220# and pushing a sz 20 - to finally having a waist, round *kitten*, and muscles - it deserves to be shown as proof that ANYONE can DO THIS!

    7. I don't like booby friday anymore because (while I definitely like boobs, don't get me wrong) - we don't have to work for those. We DO however have to work for a hot *kitten*, sculpted back/arms/legs, etc and much prefer to participate in those themes now than showing off my (thankfully, still very ample) boobs.

    8. I tried to quit MFP. I lasted eight days. The people here may be virtual friends in many respects and I might not ever actually meet 99% of them - but they are a REAL part of my world. I talk to several on the phone, email, etc. And if our paths cross - I can't wait to meet them in person. Regardless, I still consider many of them good friends and I am invested in their lives as they are mine.

    9. I'd probably lose more fat if I'd stop eating all the fkn sugar. I'll have a great day and then go blow it with candy at 9 pm. *sigh*

    10. While I don't think I ever want to compete in a female fitness/body competition - I think that one day I'd like to compete in a powerlifting competition. I adore lifting and how it makes me feel - empowered and totally badass. I have a wayyyys to go to get to that level - but it's something that I never would've considered before and now I can actually see it happening. :)
  • Amlong1977
    Amlong1977 Posts: 125 Member
    I LOVE THIS!!!
    1. I am obsessed & addicted to this lifestyle change. It's pretty much 90% of what I think about whether it be on here, Googling stuff, reading anything & everything food & exercise related, etc.

    2. I've been majorly slacking on FB because I'd rather be on here.

    3. Success stories with pics & lots of details are my favorite.

    4. I DO delete friends & want to delete more because they don't log everyday or fall off the wagon for 3 days every weekend.

    5. I creep through everyones diaries looking for new recipe ideas.

    6. I mentally criticize people who have been on here for over a year, have a bunch of weight to lose, & have only lost 30 lbs. (Yes that makes me a b*tch!)

    7. I don't understand people who log everyday & go way over their calories & don't exercise. That would be pure torture for me!

    8. I've logged cleaning because my husband usually does it. I've logged cooking a couple times too because if I'm in the kitchen long enough that my back hurts, you can bet I'm going to count it!

    9. Right now I'm super frustrated because I have been losing/gaining the same 5 lbs for a few weeks & can't figure out why.

    10. I'm on day 2 week 3 of Ripped in 30 & this level is so hard for me that I'm still in bed messing around on here ti avoid doing it.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    1. I go through spurts on here where I am very active and involved to where I just wanna crawl under a rock. During those times I also get very overwhelmed and tend to get a little cut-happy with my FL. Sometimes, it's just easier to leave the site all together and come back when my mind has settled. In the past five months I've deactivated twice in part due to this. But I love my crew and we always seem to find each other again (thank God they put up with me and my mood swings).

    2. If I didn't have my MFP crew - I think I'd still be struggling with a lower than normal self-esteem. I don't hear enough "good things" at home but my friends always have an uplifting word for me and they make me feel hot.

    3. I'm a real smart *kitten* at times but never with bad intentions. I like to make people laugh and will seize an opportunity when possible. Sometimes, however, this makes me look like an *kitten*.

    4. I make fun of cardio bunnies. Shame, shame, but I do. It's not them, it's me. I don't like cardio and I might be a little jealous of all the people who can run 5Ks and longer marathons. But not jealous enough to do it myself because I pee when I run.

    5. I once fell for a guy on this site. What started very innocently and friendly developed slowly... and MFP allowed me to dream up this perfect little fantasy world that trickled over into my real life. The confessional part of this is that I'm married...and sadly I've learned that this is a VERY common thing on this site. Don't judge me.

    6. I've become WAYYY more comfortable with my body and in my own skin due to people's support, encouragement, and positive reinforcement. I never in a million years thought I'd share slightly less than modest (*cough cough*) images of myself on the internet. But having been 220# and pushing a sz 20 - to finally having a waist, round *kitten*, and muscles - it deserves to be shown as proof that ANYONE can DO THIS!

    7. I don't like booby friday anymore because (while I definitely like boobs, don't get me wrong) - we don't have to work for those. We DO however have to work for a hot *kitten*, sculpted back/arms/legs, etc and much prefer to participate in those themes now than showing off my (thankfully, still very ample) boobs.

    8. I tried to quit MFP. I lasted eight days. The people here may be virtual friends in many respects and I might not ever actually meet 99% of them - but they are a REAL part of my world. I talk to several on the phone, email, etc. And if our paths cross - I can't wait to meet them in person. Regardless, I still consider many of them good friends and I am invested in their lives as they are mine.

    9. I'd probably lose more fat if I'd stop eating all the fkn sugar. I'll have a great day and then go blow it with candy at 9 pm. *sigh*

    10. While I don't think I ever want to compete in a female fitness/body competition - I think that one day I'd like to compete in a powerlifting competition. I adore lifting and how it makes me feel - empowered and totally badass. I have a wayyyys to go to get to that level - but it's something that I never would've considered before and now I can actually see it happening. :)

    and this is why i love you!!!! you are a great person mind, body and soul!!!!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    1) I am awesome
    2) my friends here are awesome
    3) we shall change our last names to "awesome"
    4) my friends and I shall have awesome kids
    5) we shall name out kids "freakin" and "totally"
    6) I'm an attention *kitten*
    7) I despise that most of the FR's I get nowadays are because they think I'm funny and want me to make them laugh. Makes me feel like I'm their personal clown.

    8) I would not have come this far without this site and my friends