I am extremely discouraged at this point of my weight loss journey. I do not want to DIET!! Never have! And, I have never had to focus on my weight, as is the case right now. I want to be careful not to consume a lot of junk foods. But I do not want to stop eating them all together because that would really not be my reality in the long run.

I have tried to eat healthy all of my life, for the most part. I have always exercised, even if just a little to moderately. I have, however, increased the amount of exercising that I do on a daily basis.

But I am thinking that I just really can't handle the carbs anymore, especially at my age. I wanted to be down way more than I am by my 50th birthday, which is in April. I am nowhere close to that.

BTW, didn't just start the weight loss when I returned to MFP. I actually began before the holidays. And FYI...I drink A LOT of water, always have.

Don't know what else to do...but I feel like nothing I am doing is working and the only help I am getting from MFP is being able to log everything. So what!? It is really not a good feeling to get on the scale every week and it doesn't is even worse when it shows I gained, which it did today...2lbs, in fact.


  • weezy8150
    weezy8150 Posts: 21
    I always lose on day 11 of dieting, days 1 - 10 I see nothing, then 3-4 lbs will be gone. So I have to be careful not to give in or give up just before that happens....sometimes water is retained, or salt holds in the water....I've discovered a big amount of salt in some canned veggies. Are you getting enough protein ? I am not a meat eater, so have to be sure to fit enough feta cheese, or egg white omelets in, or even slimfast bars, but recently bought jillian michaels protein powder, vanilla, and put it in my coffee to be sure my protein is up there, as it is necessary for weight loss. I could live on veggies and fruits, but they alone won't make me lose weight. Have you tried 6 smaller meals a day ? That revs up the metabolism so you burn more keeping the fire stoked to keep your body burning fat every 2-3 hrs. Maybe if you list what you normally include in your daily diet, we could see what might be slowing you down, or what could be altered to speed things up. Don't give up....your health depends on you staying focused !!
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    It gets harder to lose weight the older we get. Perimenopause or menopause doesn't help either. It's disappointing not to reach a weight loss goal but when I look back a year I'm glad I stuck with it, even though it will take me longer to reach my goal weight than I thought.

    I don't believe with healthy eating and exercising you gained 2 pounds. It's more likely water retention. But you could be right about the carbs. I've got over a plateau a few months ago by shifting to more protein/fewer carbs. Note I didn't entirely cut out carbs (I would feel really deprived if I did:sad: ), but just shifted the balance a bit and it helped. Changing up my exercise routine also helped when I hit another plateau.

    Don't give up on yourself! If you haven't reached your goal for your 50th, buy yourself something that you look fabulous in anyway. And welcome to the 5-0 club! :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Don't Worry. :smile:
    All that's happened is you have hit a plateau. This you must turn into a positive thing.
    Try not to see is as negative because it's really not.
    It has happened because you now weigh less and your body needs less calories to do the same things, so if you eat the same and do the same you will stay the same. Simple.
    You need to tip the balance...
    You have to step it up to the next level, you may not feel it but your body is telling you you are healthier now.

    You will need to look at your food and work out what has to go and what can stay.
    Increase your protein and reduce your bad carbs. Protein powder is a great way to do this as the other lady said.
    This WILL help as when you exercise you'll have more to build with. and more muscle means you burn more at rest - helping weight loss again.

    Why not think about it in a whole different way?
    Try different ways of feeding your body what it NEEDS - not what you think you are craving.

    Smoothies and high protein shakes are great for you and they taste amazing - also will keep you full up for ages and really feed your body well with all the stuff it needs - less cravings.
    You could have one for breakfast or/and one for lunch and then have a lovely healthy dinner?

    There are loads of recipes here on MFP...

    TOPIC: How do you make your smoothie? has loads of great ideas.

    And even more on the net. Just read through them and pick out some you like and work out how they'd work with meals etc.
    Use tomorrows diary to plan a days food and see how it works out - before you've eaten it.
    Pick things you know you'll enjoy AND are good for you.
    This way you'll not be feeling like your missing out and it's much easier on you.

    The only way I could get past my last plateau was removing yet another 100 cals a day. You may have to do this too but try changing things round first and planning really helps me. The closer you get to your target the tougher it gets but one day the balance will change and it will be easy to keep on top of.

    I know it's disheartening but the only way you'll get past this is to keep at it.
    And It Is A Positive Thing.


    And if you need anymore help just ask
    Mel xxx

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    Stick with it! It really does work! Also, could you share your food with us so we can see if we can offer any help? <3
  • chicynth
    chicynth Posts: 48 Member
    I really appreciate your responses.

    I was eating a lot of progresso soup (chicken tuscany with fiber and tomatoe creamy basil with fiber). I noticed they both have a lot of sodium in them. I stopped eating them the past two days and the 2lb gain is literally gone.

    I had also been eating more Keebler Fudge grasshopper cookies in the evening, which I know didn't help.

    I exercise quite a bit and do different things every day. Zumba three times a week for an hour ea session; Gilad 30 minutes on opposite days with evening 30-45 minute walks. I use to be a runner. But due to my military service connected disability I am not able to do any more long distance type running. I can still jog or do short distances. But not on a very regular basis...only on good days.

    I have exercise equipment at home, as well, that I use off and on.

    I eat a lot of protein. I use Unjury whey protein in my smoothies and crystal light drinks.

    I really think it is my age and some of the medications I have to take due to my disability that is making this extremely difficult for me. My calorie count went up to about 1500-1600 only in the past week. For the most part I had been eating right around 1300-1400 per day.

    I know that we should eat three meals or at least six small meals. But sometimes I am not able to do that. So, I end up trying to make up the calories with junk foods at night, which contain sugar and carbs. Even though I am not going over my carb intake...per is still probably best that I not do that.

    I don't know. Everyone that I have run into lately, including my husband, says they see a big difference in my weight. My husband suggested I try on some clothes that I use to wear that I hadn't been able to wear because sometimes the scale doesn't give the true picture. He swears I am much smaller than I think I am. But my scale says different! My clothes do fit nicer and I do feel better in them. But I'm not losing. The 2 pounds is gone. But I still do not see any significant changes in my weight on the scale.

    Your help and or advice is greatly appreciated. I will try anything...well most least once.

    Feeling desperate!
  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,614 Member
    Oh, the tyranny of the scale. How addicted we are to that little jolt of pleasure when the scale numbers go down. How depressed we get when they don't, or worse, when they go up.

    I ask myself: why do I want to lose weight, really? I haven't told anyone (outside of a few weight loss group leaders) what I weigh in maybe three decades. I won't even tell people how many pounds I've lost. So it can't be because I want everyone to know what the scale numbers are.

    No one I care about ever comments when I gain weight. And they all are complimentary when I lose but do not go on and on about it either. So, in the long run, I'm not losing weight so I'll get a lot of compliments all the time, either.

    I like fitting into nice clothes but I can't afford to buy lots of new ones and I've got plenty of smaller sizes in the back of the closet. And I hate clothes shopping - no matter what size I wear, that's the size the stores are out of. So, it's really not to dress up either.

    I don't like to think of myself as self-centered or vain. No, I want to lose weight so I can live as a happier person - healthy and fit and staying that way as I move into my older years. I don't want to be a burden on my husband or children, I don't want to be a sick and cranky old woman who can barely move around. That's why I want to lose weight now.

    I ask myself: what would I do differently if I went on maintenance today? Run out and binge eat? Quit exercising? No, I would try to do just what I'm doing now. I know that in time I would eat a bit more and exercise a bit less. And I would keep weighing myself so that if the numbers did start to creep up, I would eat a bit less and exercise a bit more so that the numbers stabilized and dropped down again. THAT"S my goal. To live like that.

    So, if the numbers on the scale aren't moving this week (or have gone up) even though I'm eating healthily and exercising as usual, then so what? If they don't move for a month, then so what?

    What I need is patience. I need to find it and fill myself up with it. The way I eat now and the way I exercise now is the way I'm going to live for the rest of my life. And, if I have the patience to let the numbers rest now, they will fall later. I know it.

    Chicynth - let go of your desperation. Be sure you are eating and exercising to the best extent that your life can support. Find your source of patience and fill yourself up with it. Trust.
  • chicynth
    chicynth Posts: 48 Member
    :wink: Thanks, JeanneTops! Enjoyed the read; and the advice even more so. Putting things in there right perspective, as you so wonderfully did, quickly STOPPED that pity party I've been having.