New to MFP, depressed about my weight :(



  • PaperDahlia
    PaperDahlia Posts: 41 Member
    Honestly, you can eat a lot of processed food and still lose weight, thanks to MFP and tracking calories. I did that after the birth of my son, and I lost 20 lbs or so, just doing that alone.

    Now i'm taking things a step further, and getting on the right track. Eating healthy.. and it's working.
    I never feel hungry-- just by focusing on minimally processed, whole foods eating.
    Already i'm down to 26 lbs lost and I can't wait to see the scale tomorrow ;)

    Much like many people here, weight has been a life long struggle for me. I was never chunky till puberty hit..then it all went downhill, and it was an up and down battle ever since. I'm tired of battling/fighting. I just want to get to my happy weight (which is more than my 'ideal weight' but it will be a start ;) I'm 18 lbs to my half way mark. Welcome! ..and join us in the pursuit of health and feeling good :)
  • mezasu
    mezasu Posts: 42
    Welcome to MFP. Don't get depressed, be confident that you can and will do this! We are all trying to change ourselves for the better and can use any encouragement given. Add me if you like and we can all motivate each other.

    Thanks! I'll definitely add you :)
  • mezasu
    mezasu Posts: 42
    Honestly, you can eat a lot of processed food and still lose weight, thanks to MFP and tracking calories. I did that after the birth of my son, and I lost 20 lbs or so, just doing that alone.

    Now i'm taking things a step further, and getting on the right track. Eating healthy.. and it's working.
    I never feel hungry-- just by focusing on minimally processed, whole foods eating.
    Already i'm down to 26 lbs lost and I can't wait to see the scale tomorrow ;)

    Much like many people here, weight has been a life long struggle for me. I was never chunky till puberty hit..then it all went downhill, and it was an up and down battle ever since. I'm tired of battling/fighting. I just want to get to my happy weight (which is more than my 'ideal weight' but it will be a start ;) I'm 18 lbs to my half way mark. Welcome! ..and join us in the pursuit of health and feeling good :)

    Congrats on making it this far! :) And thank you for making me feel welcome :D I took a class last year called The Biology of Food, and in it my professor told us that when we go grocery shopping we should pick most of what we get out of the perimeter of the store (for most stores that means produce, eggs, raw meat, dairy products, etc) and try to steer clear of most of the aisles (where they usually have the super processed foods) except to pick up things like condiments, tea, coffee, etc. I plan to follow that method to the best of my ability so that I can ease off of the junk food!
  • I so can relate to your dilema. I too was close to my all time high for weight. I would have a junk food fest all by myself along with a pity party. I really hated what I was doing to myself. So I took action. I just joined a program through work called "Get Moving". There are a couple of reasons why I decided to join and to tell you what I have been doing since. My daughter met her future husband and now they will be married this coming June of 2013. When the "Get Moving" program started, I started. I decided I was not going to look like a 53 year old slug the day I walked my beautiful daughter down the isle. I joined a gym, started power walking in June, totally changed my diet and added protein shakes. I officially started the program really in October and have lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks. I have to lose a total of 46 pounds by the end of May 2013. Don't lose hope, no matter what. I really have to tell you, I hate exercise and I love to eat. But I'm a testimony of someone who can gather up the will power and do what I want to do. I have not been thin since my 20s and I really wanna look beautiful on Katie's wedding day. So if you wanna talk and vent and get some words of encouragement, I am there. My name is Robin and I need just as much encouragement from you and anyone else who wants to read this post. I am on a COUGAR MAMA MISSION FOR 2013. Please help me stay FOCUSED AND ACCOMPLISH MY GOAL.:smile::heart:
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Hi, I did the same thing last Sunday. I gained over 12 pounds since I came home from camping for the summer. All I have wanted to do it cook and then eat it. I got on the scale and found that I weighted 223.4 which is the highest I have ever been. The number really does not matter. If we are more than we have ever been then its time to start over. Well that's what I told myself. This has been a good week since I joined the program. Always someone at hand to chat with or share with. Lets face it we may never be thin but we can endeavor to be healthy. I am 68 years old and have been heavy since I was 48. Thats 20 years too long...Good luck. Lolly T

    Glad to know I'm not alone! I live in a college town and it seems like almost everyone around me is thin and beautiful while I'm the fat ugly duckling :cry: But you're right, now is the best time to start over! It's never too late! Good luck to you, too :happy:

    Hey, I've been to and through Bloomington my whole life (I live in Indy and my hometown was a ways south of Bloomington) and I can absolutely tell you for sure that there are PLENTY of people there who are not "thin and beautiful", so stop being so hard on yourself!! That's step 2. You already accomplished step1 by joining MFP! Step 3 is to follow through on your PERFECTLY WONDERFUL plan of getting rid of the "diet" mentality and eating healthy ... fruits, veggies, whole grains and drink PLENTY of good 'ole water! Step 3.5 is that while you're changing your diet to a healthy mix of foods, down-size your portions appropriately. If you eat mostly in, get a food scale. Best money I ever spent in my quest for healthy eating... and it was that expensive (check out Amazon). Step 4 is to start being active regularly, if you aren't already. It doesn't have to be "classic" exercise... it can be whatever it is that you like to do. If that's exercise DVDs, that's great. If it's riding your bicycle every day (good option for Bloomington), ,then that's what you do. Just do it (as Nike says)! You will be SHOCKED in no time the changes that these steps will make... as long as you are accurately and honestly following them.

    Can't wait to see your progress pics!! BTW ... how tall are you?? For a goal of 110 lbs, I'd assume you are probably fairly short (like 5'2"-4") and small-framed. If you are not... maybe you are not as far away from what your goal should be as you think. Maybe you need to readjust how you look at yourself. Be happy and healthy!
  • mezasu
    mezasu Posts: 42
    I so can relate to your dilema. I too was close to my all time high for weight. I would have a junk food fest all by myself along with a pity party. I really hated what I was doing to myself. So I took action. I just joined a program through work called "Get Moving". There are a couple of reasons why I decided to join and to tell you what I have been doing since. My daughter met her future husband and now they will be married this coming June of 2013. When the "Get Moving" program started, I started. I decided I was not going to look like a 53 year old slug the day I walked my beautiful daughter down the isle. I joined a gym, started power walking in June, totally changed my diet and added protein shakes. I officially started the program really in October and have lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks. I have to lose a total of 46 pounds by the end of May 2013. Don't lose hope, no matter what. I really have to tell you, I hate exercise and I love to eat. But I'm a testimony of someone who can gather up the will power and do what I want to do. I have not been thin since my 20s and I really wanna look beautiful on Katie's wedding day. So if you wanna talk and vent and get some words of encouragement, I am there. My name is Robin and I need just as much encouragement from you and anyone else who wants to read this post. I am on a COUGAR MAMA MISSION FOR 2013. Please help me stay FOCUSED AND ACCOMPLISH MY GOAL.:smile::heart:

    hahaha :) Thank you so much for sharing your story with me! I'll try to stay positive and work really, really hard for what I want :) And I'd love to be friends with you! :)
  • mezasu
    mezasu Posts: 42
    Hey, I've been to and through Bloomington my whole life (I live in Indy and my hometown was a ways south of Bloomington) and I can absolutely tell you for sure that there are PLENTY of people there who are not "thin and beautiful", so stop being so hard on yourself!! That's step 2. You already accomplished step1 by joining MFP! Step 3 is to follow through on your PERFECTLY WONDERFUL plan of getting rid of the "diet" mentality and eating healthy ... fruits, veggies, whole grains and drink PLENTY of good 'ole water! Step 3.5 is that while you're changing your diet to a healthy mix of foods, down-size your portions appropriately. If you eat mostly in, get a food scale. Best money I ever spent in my quest for healthy eating... and it was that expensive (check out Amazon). Step 4 is to start being active regularly, if you aren't already. It doesn't have to be "classic" exercise... it can be whatever it is that you like to do. If that's exercise DVDs, that's great. If it's riding your bicycle every day (good option for Bloomington), ,then that's what you do. Just do it (as Nike says)! You will be SHOCKED in no time the changes that these steps will make... as long as you are accurately and honestly following them.

    Can't wait to see your progress pics!! BTW ... how tall are you?? For a goal of 110 lbs, I'd assume you are probably fairly short (like 5'2"-4") and small-framed. If you are not... maybe you are not as far away from what your goal should be as you think. Maybe you need to readjust how you look at yourself. Be happy and healthy!

    Thanks, it's hard not to be hard on myself when both of my roommates are thin and gorgeous and I'm friends with a few ballerinas who are just super skinny and adorable :P But I really appreciate all of your advice! I'll definitely look into getting a food scale since I think that'll help a lot just with making recording my food easier and also preventing me from binging!

    I am 5'4" and fairly small-framed... I'm not sure yet if I want my goal to be 120, 115 or 110 (My smallest ever was 125 and at that point I still had plenty of baby fat left that I wanted to get rid of) but I think I'll worry about that when I get closer to it :P It's still months and months of hard work away! But anyway I know I need to work on being less hard on myself, so I'll try :)
  • I too was inspired to get started after hearing Dr Oz speaking about healthy living and food choices. i started taking vitamins and gave up diet coke. Immediately I felt better. i then found myself drinking lots of water and reading food labels. It really is a matter breaking bad habits and starting healthy habits. I make protein shakes for breakfast very day. It curbs cravings all day!! 10 lbs down i too am guilty of taking care of others and not myself. As a nurse I spend all day giving people advice about healthy living but did not practice this on myself. MFP has been a great way to be conscious about food choices and exercise and obtaining information!!
  • tjphelps73
    tjphelps73 Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome to MFP - it has literally changed my life. In June 20111 my weight was 362lbs. I now weigh 241lbs and I am still working toward my final goal. I have been obese my entire life - not just my adult life, but my childhood also. I currently weigh less than I did when I graduated high school. Advice is easy to give to those who ask for it, BUT, it is just advice. You are the only person who can change your lifestyle. My MFP buddies are great and I really love the community. To be successful I realized a few things - One food is a legal drug and obesity is a disease. Two, a diet does not work because eventually you get tired of dieting, and the most important thing I have learned to this point - I eat to live NOT live to eat.

    Good Luck on your journey! One day at a time, one meal at a time, and love yourself enough to be motivated to live a healthy life your way - not someone else's.