2+ months counting calories and haven't lost anything!

I've been tracking my diet here since August. At the beginning I lost a few lbs and my clothes got slightly looser. (everything not so tight!). At the end of August I went on vacation and ate more, but not excessively and gained about 1 lb, but that came off pretty quick. Since I got back, back on the diet and tracking everything, but since then I haven't lost any weight, my clothes are not getting looser, nothing!

I've started exercising more (I used to get headaches everyday, so was hard to exercise but new diet has helped that). I tried not eating back my calories for a few weeks (no change), then tried eating back my calories for a few weeks (no change). I don't always eat them all back because sometimes I am not hungry.

I'm trying to lose 20lbs so I can fit back into my other clothes and be more fit over all, but it's getting frustrating that nothing is changing and I"m starting to fall off the wagon the last week or so and eating less healthy stuff.

Not sure what to do because I really want to lose weight but it's just not happening!!


  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I have just had a look at your food diary, I only went back one week so may not be your normal intake

    What struck me was the near complete lack of fresh vegetables & fruit, in 7 days I counted 3 small tomatoes, no green veg, salads or fresh fruit of any sort

    Seemed to be chicken, cheeses & rice and loads of carbohydrates, like white bread & pasta

    I may have got the completely wrong end of the stick, but try and cut out some of the carbs, substitute fresh vegetables and use fresh fruit for some snacks instead of bowls of cereal or granola bars
  • maacy
    maacy Posts: 4 Member
    Yes like I said the last few weeks in my frustration I have fallen off the wagon and not been eating as well. It doesn't seem to matter. I was eating a lot of fruit and veggies before (of course also most now fruit is out of season so harder and more $$ to get)
    I don't eat a lot of cheese usually, at most 1 slice a day (except lately I had 2 slices because well, I was just sick of the whole thing and had this cheese to finish up).
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I think from your diary you are at around 1200 calories / day. How did you reach this number? Did you choose the default MFP? You can't lose 2 lbs / week if you only have say 20lbs to lose. The less weight you have to lose the slower you need to go.

    Do you know your TDEE? Your TDEE is your total number of calories that you will use for your daily activities including any exercise that you choose to do. Most people who have been successful in losing weight here and most importantly KEEPING IT OFF will tell you that eating at 10% below your TDEE is what will work when you have less than 20 lbs to lose and not just eating 1200 or whatever MFP tells you.

    If you are stuck look at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12 and go from there.
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    I would have to agree with the other person about the veggies and carbs. I would up your green veggie count (iceberg lettuce doesn't really count, it's basicly water with plant flavoring). When I removed my carb and gluten intake (unburned carbs turn to sugar), I substituted by tripling my protein intake and veggie intake. Try eating every two hours, but not until your full. Have your rice crispy cereal and milk. I found if I waited too long between meals my sugar would go crazy. Eating a little bit all day long keeps me happy (and not hungry). No need to be stuffed to the point your uncomfortable. I love salad. I eat HUGE salads with a giant chunk of chicken breast or an entire tuna can on top of them. I add in baby carrots and a handful of nuts (almonds or walnuts) and a chopped up piece of fruit (gala apple, valencia orange, etc.) Don't give up! Good luck! :)
  • Looking at your diary I don't see any exercise logged, I'm not sure if this is missing only when I look at it. Perharps doing some cardio as well and not just counting calories might work better? Sometimes, the calories logged might be off so you may really be taking in more than you think you are? Maybe try incoroprating an exercise regiment with your daily routine and see if that helps out. Good luck! :smile:
  • Hi..... I was having similar issues and did speak to a nutritionist. He said 2 things that would be easy to change and would make a difference would be, drop my morning granola bar and substitute either eggs or a NO SUGAR protein drink and for lunch to change out my white bread to a whole grain bread. Not easy changes for me... but I did it for my health.

    Nutrishop has some really great times to help with the journey. I thought the store was for the guys with the big muscles. But NO!! It is so much more.
  • maacy
    maacy Posts: 4 Member
    OK I will try to eat less carbs and more protein/veggies.

    I do exercise and log it - I play ice hockey 1-2 times a week , run 1-2 times a week and usually walk the other days. Maybe 1 day a week I run out of time and don't do anything. (Though sometimes I do forget to log the exercise)

    I am not sure I can eat eggs for breakfast - not only no time but I can only stand eggs once a month or so. Most protein drinks are out for me because the ingredients give me migraines.
  • donnas144
    donnas144 Posts: 49 Member
    are you drinking lots of water? at least 8 glasses? do u drink tea and coffee? didnt see any logged? just wondering if u definately log everything? i eat low fat (or fat free greek yogurt) for breakfast every day with chopped fruit seems to set me up. agree u need
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    As I understand it, it is a lot of work for the body to change over from storing fat to burning fat. Some are quicker and more efficient at it than others, of course, but you have to work with your body's own time-table.. I believe that what you need to do is settle into a modest calorie deficit - eating the very best nutrition that you can - and wait it out. Don't keep trying new things; the body has to make adjustments each time, and it's like starting over.
  • donnas144
    donnas144 Posts: 49 Member
    up fruit and veg. can u swap white bread to brown when u have it? in this cold weather ive been making soups and chicken casseroles. also notice u have a sweet tooth at the start i used to mix a millier light yogurt with fat free greek yogurt and 1 tablespoons of candrel then put in freezer for about two hrs and that was ice cream. that helped my sugar fix. and now i dint crave it and if i do i how eat in moderation. maybe worth a try. instead of not logging always log. i replaced sandwiches for rivita or crispbread. i notice you have fried chicken for lunch could u have grilled instead?. laughing cow teangles are in in cakoriea. i guess its all about replqcing and finding better alternatives etc. stick at it xx
  • Maacy,

    I just wanted to give you some encouragement. As women all of our bodies are different, hormones change things for us. I worked out with a trainer for two years and didn't see any weight difference except that my weight went up. I would get frustrated and "fall off the wagon" for a week or so and then get back on. As my body slowly gained muscle I felt healthier but I didn't see any differences physically. Then after 6 months my thighs started shrinking...but my tummy got bigger.
    I just want to encourage you not to give up. Keep at it, even if you don't lose weight right off the bat you know you are making good changes for your body. I know that it isn't fair that some women (and most men) can change things and they right away start to lose weight but you might not be like that.
    I just weighed in and measured yesterday and found out that I've lost 5 pounds in the last 6 months. I encourage you not to weight yourself every week (if you do that). Each and every body is different and your body might not necassarily change in the same ways or as quickly as others. You can do it!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I'm not usually one to blame a lousy diet when the calories are right for weight loss, but in this case, I have to say, your diet is pretty much pure carbs and chicken breasts. I wouldn't be surprised if you're just really constipated on that.
  • maacy
    maacy Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the suggestions!

    At the start I was eating much more fruit and vegetables, then as nothing was happening I slowly switched over to eating more rice/pasta instead. I just went to the store and bought a bunch of fresh veggies. (I actually keep buying the microwave steam packs but not eating them, I have like 10 packages in my freezer)

    I don't drink coffee or tea (well I drink herbal tea, no caffene), mostly just water and sometimes some gatorade or juice (which I water down because I find it too strong to drink directly). I do drink 8 glasses of water a day at least, I don't bother logging that because I have no doubt that I drink enough.

    Espressocycle - funny because I am not remotely constipated!

    fried chicken - yes I have been eating that a lot lately - was eating a lot of grilled chicken but it's too cold to grill anymore. I got lazy and started buying the fried chicken, easy to make and tasty, but I will cut back on that.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    You answered a few of my thoughts.... you don't have a lot to lose and it does get harder as we get older, I am a few years older so I am certainly not calling you old! Good that you drink enough water, are there other things you drink such as diet soda that could be a problem? Definitely add those fruits and veggies into your day, at least 5-10, if cost is an issue, watch the sales, buy what is in season, and choose frozen veggies for more variety (don't pick canned). You could also log sodium, you have more choices and still log what you currently do. Get your BMR and TDEE calculated, most days it doesn't seem like you eat enough, especially since you exercise. Aim to lose .5-1 pound a week, so eat more, drink lots of water, exercise and choose your foods more carefully. hang in there, it will happen. Also be sure to measure yourself, you could be losing inches, especially if you exercise.
  • doctorwhogirl
    doctorwhogirl Posts: 26 Member
    I would agree with a lot of what's being said here.

    Firstly, the type of carbs you are taking in are coming from a lot of processed foods and refined carbohydrates. When you can, go for the wholegrain option which I see you have done occasionally with things like pasta.

    Treats/Snack wise, the stuff like cereal bars etc..., while ok on occasion, are again, just full of refined and processed things. I have cereal bars on occasion and I used to live off them when doing Weightwatchers. However, they just are not going to a) keep you full or b)provide your body with any nutritional value. Something like dark chocolate will satisfy a sweet tooth but also give you less sugar.

    As everyone else has said, you need WAY more vegetables. Way more. Try and have some with lunch and with dinner. Ideally, your dinner plate should be full of veg! Again, this was a change I found difficult but over time your palette changes and I adore veg now. The major benefit of adding more veg, and even replacing some of the starches with veg is that they will form part of a healthier carb intake and because vegetables are high in fibre, they will keep you fuller for longer.

    Some are recommending more fruit, I would say in moderation. Fruits are fantastic but too many, and you're overloading your body with sugar. Yes, they are natural sugars, but sugars none the less!

    Breakfast: you eat a lot of cereals and cereal bars again. Fine in moderation but they really just don't help keep you full or give your body any real nutrition. Lots of cereals will only give you a sugar high and then when you crash all you want is some junk/sweet stuff at lunchtime then! This makes resisting that stuff really difficult.
    Something like porridge, oat bran, wheat bran made with some milk will be better as the energy release will not be a spike, but a slower release of energy. You'll be less ravenous by lunchtime then and it might help you make better choices. Other breakfast options could be something like greek yoghurt with some nuts or eggs?

    Exercise was also mentioned, you play hockey? That's brilliant. Once it's something you enjoy keep at it! Maybe bring in some kind of resistance/weight training as it's good for overall health (bone density etc...) and also for maintaining weight because you are retaining/building your muscle

    Lastly, just about calorie intake I'm someone who plateaus a lot and was on low cal for years. Don't do it! Experiment and see what you can eat without gaining. If you start off with 1200 cals you have nowhere to go from there because you're going way below what your body needs and your body won't thank you for it. You may lose weight for weeks, months even, but it will be extremely difficult to keep off and difficult to live and eat normally again!

    Hope I don't sound preachy here! I've lost 80lbs and have more or less kept it off but it's only now I'm really learning to improve my diet. I have LOADS of things to work on with my diet and I'm by no means perfect but I'm getting there gradually! (I hope!!!!)
    All the above is easy to type, but difficult to put into practice, I know! Take it one step at a time!
    Make one change every week, however small, and the weight will come off!
    Best of luck, :)