Help with plateau please

Hello, first post here so go easy :) I have been on a clean eating plan for 5 months and had lost approx 7kg before I started logging with MFP. Since I have started logging I have had minimal weight loss ? 3 weeks of no weight loss so frustrating! I am 164cm(5.5) and hovering around 56/57kg and would like to get to 53kg. My main form of exercise is bike riding with my 2 kids in a trailer and I would probably do 30km a week. My goals were set at 40/30/30 1550 cals and my weight started going up, dropped it to 1330 cals and hovering now I have dropped it to 1200 but this seems so low. Any ideas would be appreciated


  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I would leave it at 1200 and see what happens.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Low carbs are you getting enough fiber? How much water are you drinking? Any weight training?
  • FluffyNoMore26
    FluffyNoMore26 Posts: 92 Member
    Have you tried incorporating strength training into your routine???
    By pulling the kids you might be somewhat strengthening your leg muscels and replacing fat with lean body mass. You still might want to consider adding arms and ab strength training. You might not notice the scale moving but your pants will begin to fit looser and eventually the scale will move again.
    Do you currently measure yourself? If you don't I would recommend at least measuring your waist, hips and bust. This way even if the scale doesn't tip you know your accomplishing something with other measurements. 1200 is pretty low. Your already pretty small so I would start focusing on toning instead of just weight loss.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I would recommend switching up your workout. Along with your bike riding, try out a workout DVD or hit the gym(if that's an option). Your body is probably used to your workout routine so it's not working as hard to burn those calories. It's recommended to switch up your workout routine about every 3-4 workouts. Keep that body guessing!

    Good luck!!
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Had to do some math since I'm in the US =).

    You're about 5'4" and 124 pounds and you want to get to 117 So with so little left to go it's going to come off very slow! Your BMR is about 1285 so really I would not drop to 1200. If that feels low to you keep it at 1250-1300. Also eat back some of your exercise calories if not all of them. I only eat back all of them when I use my HRM b/c I know for sure I earned them all otherwise I eat back maybe half. Try adding weights or body weight exercises (think push-up, sit-ups, squats...bootcamp stuff) those have really helped me change the compostition of my body and I find I'm happier with my body even though I'm not to my overall weight goal.
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member
    Give it at least a month to 6 weeks before you start changing too much. Could just be Dieter's Edema.
  • natandj6
    natandj6 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I drink a min of 3.5L of water a day, but I do drink a few coffees too that I don't log (black no sugar). My other resistance is strapping my 10kg toddler in the ergo and doing housework or on the weekends we will often climb a mountain with one kid each:) I wish I could go to the gym but with 2 kids and working spare time is a rare thing. Ok you guys have motivated me again so time to step up the workouts and I'll switch up biking for running for a while.
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I drink a min of 3.5L of water a day, but I do drink a few coffees too that I don't log (black no sugar). My other resistance is strapping my 10kg toddler in the ergo and doing housework or on the weekends we will often climb a mountain with one kid each:) I wish I could go to the gym but with 2 kids and working spare time is a rare thing. Ok you guys have motivated me again so time to step up the workouts and I'll switch up biking for running for a while.
    Look up "15 Minute Workouts". Everybody can spare 15 minutes a few days a week. And you will be amazed at the results if you really commit yourself. Some of the workouts are body-weight and some require dumbells.
  • natandj6
    natandj6 Posts: 7 Member
    Don't shoot me down here for the low cals, but im also still breastfeeding a couple times a day. Oh and I don't log that I take fish oil and breastfeeding supplement too. 1200 does seem to low for me :/
  • JantjeG
    JantjeG Posts: 4 Member
    As somebody else noted, don't go by weight! Get a body fat scale (I like my EatSmart brand from amazon, it is very consistent). If you are biking so much, you're probably bulking up and gaining muscle mass. Are your clothes looser? Once you are down to minimal body fat, exercise is only going to make you bigger by growing muscle (assuming you're eating enough).

    If you calorie restrict any more, you may lose your lean muscle mass.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Don't shoot me down here for the low cals, but im also still breastfeeding a couple times a day. Oh and I don't log that I take fish oil and breastfeeding supplement too. 1200 does seem to low for me :/

    You need to add breastfeeding in your settings. 1200 is far too low, you will dry up and you need to drink more water and milk.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Very honestly, I'd stick with about 1400-1500 calories, be as precise as I can with my food measurements, and wait it out. Plateaus happen; it's a fact of life. There are probably 1,000,001 different reasons for them, but if you keep doing what you say you are doing, the weight will more than likely drop. The odds are in your favor.
  • natandj6
    natandj6 Posts: 7 Member
    As somebody else noted, don't go by weight! Get a body fat scale (I like my EatSmart brand from amazon, it is very consistent). If you are biking so much, you're probably bulking up and gaining muscle mass. Are your clothes looser? Once you are down to minimal body fat, exercise is only going to make you bigger by growing muscle (assuming you're eating enough).

    If you calorie restrict any more, you may lose your lean muscle mass.

    Thanks, I'll head out and get a body fat scale today. I am a very competitive person by nature and need goals to keep motivated so changing the way a measure success might be just the trick. Clothes seem very much the same fit. I suppose I need to get used to the fact things are going to happen slowly from here on in. Thanks for taking the time to reply, it's has really helped.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    maybe addsome strength training and cardio to the mix? I only really started to see results recently when I picked up the weights 3 times a week I am picking up on the cardio as well you can't have nutrition with out working out or working out without nutrition. Also water weight is a biggy if your not drinking enough your body will hold on to all it can. Aim to drink as much of it as you can :D I recently added a multivitamin after my doctor told me that adding it to my moning breakfast could really help when cutting back on calories. 1200 calories a day means that is way less nutrition a day as well not sure if I would go for that if I where you.
  • natandj6
    natandj6 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow don't know if I could even drink more water than 3/4L! I am constantly running to the loo now! As for the milk, I eat yogurt and cottage cheese everyday thought this would be enough dairy? What nutrients am I missing out on by minimal milk?
  • JantjeG
    JantjeG Posts: 4 Member
    As somebody else noted, don't go by weight! Get a body fat scale (I like my EatSmart brand from amazon, it is very consistent). If you are biking so much, you're probably bulking up and gaining muscle mass. Are your clothes looser? Once you are down to minimal body fat, exercise is only going to make you bigger by growing muscle (assuming you're eating enough).

    If you calorie restrict any more, you may lose your lean muscle mass.

    Thanks, I'll head out and get a body fat scale today. I am a very competitive person by nature and need goals to keep motivated so changing the way a measure success might be just the trick. Clothes seem very much the same fit. I suppose I need to get used to the fact things are going to happen slowly from here on in. Thanks for taking the time to reply, it's has really helped.

    Make sure you read lots of reviews about whatever body fat scale you get. Some are really poorly made. I bought the FitBit Aria scale (thought the WiFi feature was cool), but it was unreliable. The body fat % changed 3-4% within a day and the weight fluctuated way too much. The EatSmart scale I got now is very consistent and I see changes that are consistent with meals, bathroom breaks, etc. If you can check out the scales in a store, see if it gives the same body fat % after using 3-4 times in a row.