Skechers Shape-ups

Has anyone tried Skechers Shape Up sneakers? Do you really think they help with walking? I'm very new to excercise and have started walking atleast a mile a day. I hope to increase that, but I'm looking for a good walking shoe. Can anyone suggest something if this one isn't a good idea.


  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    I've heard of them and seen them, along with other brands with the same principle. For me, they werent worth the money, but thats me.

    I walk too, and the one I like the best is Avia. They have a nice walking shoe that is comfortable and durable. I tried Nike, Reeboks, New Balance etc all on and none of them felt as good right from the get-go as the Avia's.

    Penney's has them and I got them on sale for $34/pair.
  • ocd1958
    ocd1958 Posts: 4
    Sketchers Shape Ups are a waste of money....they are just an advertising gimick.....

    Asics are great shoes....I agree also about Avia....keep walking....
  • sunshine525
    sunshine525 Posts: 18 Member
    A friend of mine tried them. She highly recommends them. I think I want to try them because they are supposed to reduce the stress to your knees. You can check them out on
  • auntbitsy
    auntbitsy Posts: 14 Member
    I haven't worn them, but the responses in this thread are the first and only negative ones I've seen. Everyone else I've heard comment on them have LOVED them.
  • planecrazy
    My wife has a pair and she really likes them. I second the Avia suggestion. I found a pair on sale for $24. I wish now I had bought 2 pair. I walk 30+ mi. per week and the Avia's are my fav.
  • AndiRae67
    AndiRae67 Posts: 2 Member
    I can't speak to Shape-ups, but I've tried and love MBT's! They were great for reducing or eliminating knee pain and lower back pain for me. Less pain = more incentive to walk = weight loss!!! I can't say my hiney is any firmer, maybe after more weight loss I'll be able to tell!
  • pperigo
    pperigo Posts: 1
    I love mine. They make your workout a little harder and you certainly feel it in your hips and thighs. They are also easier on your knees. Love Them!!!
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    A friend of mine is a nurse and works 12 hour shifts and has chronic back pain. She says that they worth every penny.
  • pojo30
    pojo30 Posts: 62
    I haven't tried them, but they are intended to correct posture, which then helps to make your core stronger. Many ortho's have sold similar shoes for years.
  • TreasureBox77
    TreasureBox77 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input. Skechers are so expensive. I really didn't expect them to cost over $100. It seems like a big investment for me right now. Maybe I'll start with some of the others that were suggested and then move up to the Sketchers later.
  • Canzonet
    Canzonet Posts: 4 Member
    I bit the bullet about 4 months ago and bought the Skechers. I've never spent that much money on sneaks before, but I had heard so many great reviews, I figured I'd go for it. I LOVE THEM!!! They're the most comfortable walking shoes I've ever had and I do believe they've helped with posture and also muscle tone. I agree that they're worth every penny.