Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 3/12 wk 11

kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
Good Luck!


  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good Morning all!! well I wish I can say I had a loss, oh well I am up 3, weight in at 248. :grumble: I did walk yesterday but it was a little to little and a little to late. So here to really trying next week. Hope everyone did better than me. I have a new great neice, she arrived at 3:05 pm and is adorable. We are all so excited. Have a good day Peppers!!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good Morning all!! well I wish I can say I had a loss, oh well I am up 3, weight in at 248. :grumble: I did walk yesterday but it was a little to little and a little to late. So here to really trying next week. Hope everyone did better than me. I have a new great neice, she arrived at 3:05 pm and is adorable. We are all so excited. Have a good day Peppers!!!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    The day started off awful. I'm up .4 lbs to 213.6. I don't understand. Maybe I had too much sodium yesterday. Oh well. I'll try again. That was just the tip of the iceburg this morning. I'm feeling really low. I decided it was a bad idea to go out to eat tonight like we had planned. So, I ticked off DH (who wasn't real happy with me to begin with) by telling him I'd just make dinner at home instead. I just know that the way I feel right now, I'd just drown myself in whatever bad food I could find. I'd rather just avoid it. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I don't know that I have much hope left for this one. That's kinda sad since it is only 8:30. :frown:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    It seams I am not the only one out of control, I also gained 2 pounds this week weight was 198. I hope it is just because it is almost time for aunt flo to visit. But I have not been good at all, eating late at night after I get home from second job, but after I eat a good dinner then all the junk I am eating with no care and have not exercised either. I can make excuses for myself but will not. I will start trying harder, I think I need the good weather but will try to get back on track, I am getting depressed which does not help my eating. I refuse to let this get me down. I will get back into it. Today I will stick to my calories and tomorrow starts with the exercise. No excuses.

    Jacque congrats on the new great neice, I love babies.

    Gotta get back to work, have a great new day. :bigsmile:
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    I am holding steady at 131.2!! Will try for more weight loss this week!!!!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I guess the day hasn't been a complete loss so far. The doctor is cutting my BP meds in half!! I've never made a doctor happy before during a visit, but he was!! He says he only gets to do stuff like this about 5 times a year. He was going home to tell his wife what a great day he had!! He expects that as long as I continue to loss weight, he'll eventually be able to take me off all together.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    HI all my Pepper Friends!!

    Well, not doing so great here. Another gain Friday. I just can't seem to get back into the days get worse and worse. I am medicating my moods with food....candy, chips, etc, etc. My diabetic friend that lives out of state even sent me 2 (TWO) boxes of chocolate's for my bday? :huh: I was gone on a bus trip yesterday from 5:30am - 5:15pm....and was good (actually perfect), but I did not take enough food and was starving when I got home. Dh and I make a trip to town to Subway, and I didn't even enjoy it cuz we went right next door to McD's drive thru for some FRIES, a large for him and a large for me :noway: ....I am ** WAY ** off here....and just keep making it worse by continuing on with the horrible eating. Feeling so miserable. I hate when this happens, and just waiting for something to click now, "again"........

    Jacque ~ Congrats on the new baby! How special! :flowerforyou:
    Crystal ~ Proud of you for deciding to stay home Fri eve. Hope it went well. Now, how cool is that for the Dr. lowering your meds? Don't you feel amazing! Happy for ya! :happy:

    Hope the rest of the gang is doing well. Spring is on its way here in Iowa and I hope the weather for everyone else is improving and getting warmer as well. Take care's to a new week.....and for myself, a successful one!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    bought a bathing suit today! first time in 4 years:) and I must say I dont NOT like it:) its ok for something that is scary:)
    same weight this week...
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Happy Monday all!!
    Crystal-WOW!! I so want to be able to do that! Such a great thing!!:smile::love: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
    Ok so did my squats, push up and sit up this morning yay!
    Brought all my food to work
    Plan to go to gym after work today, should of gone this morning but was to tired to get up. sping break this week for us so I expect not to get a whole lot of sleep. DS out of town but DD home and doing her best to come in after Midnight everynight.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hey SHGP's.....hope you are all off to a good start today! Plan was to get up earlier (5am), and walk the town. Well, that didn't happen. But that is ok, cuz now the sun is shining, and we are to get near 60* today!! I have eaten a clean brkfst and logged it. Doing house chores today and pry some yard work. Oldest (college) son is on Spring break this week, and in MN for 2 nites w/friends. Calm week for bus driving, will likely drive HS boys track starting the end of this month, and field trips will start in will be getting things ready for youngest son's graduation....MAY 16!! Lots going on the next couple months. More reason to take care of me....and make *me* a priority!

    Daily Goals~
    stay within calories
    LOG IT
    stay positive!

    Have a great day pepper's! Let's make it a day that counts! You're all the best! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    so far so good! been munching on carrots and cherry tomatoes. Had a salad for lunch and a little spagetti.
    Trying to get my water in. YAY~~
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Well its Tuesday, and boy did I do bad last night. I think I am depressed. I went home and did nothing, absolutly nothing. Could not motivate myself to go to the gym. My knee started bothing me. Then I ate nothing but crap, pizza, nacho, and chocolate. I am so angry at myself and yet I dont care either. Well here to a new day
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    well, 1/4 of yesterday was good...the rest, just awful. :frown: out of control, not even IN my mind....someone else there.

    i did go for a 30 minute walk and was outside for a bit in the nice weather. not enough sleep, am tired today.
    SO, over on the cals, under on the water, logged 1/2 and did move some....but def not enough.

    hope the rest of you are doing much better than I. take care.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Afternoon Pepper's,
    I could not bring myself to log the last couple of days. I have eaten so badly I could not even face my support. But I know with out you I could not have come this far and I refuse to give up. I am now ready to deal with the way I have been behaving. I have been binging and it has got to stop today. NO MORE!

    I am sticking to my calories and doing at least a 15 min walk everyday. I will check in at least once a day. If I dont start fitting in exercise and logging I will keep gaining and loosing the same 2 pounds.

    I do have to get back to work. I will check in a little later.
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    Hi Peppers. Sorry I have been MIA for a while. I am out of town until Sunday. I had my first baby shower on Saturday and I will have another one again this Saturday. I am overwhelmed by all the stuff I am getting. I can't for the life of me figure out where I am going to put everything that we received between shower gifts and the hand me downs and this is after 1 shower. I have 3 more to go. I am glad I have not bought anything for the baby yet. I think it will be a while before I need to buy the baby anything. :happy: I am sure when I get back home I will be up at least 7 more pounds. Some of that I can blame the baby for but it will sure put me way off of my weight gain goals for my pregnancy. I am going to have to be careful with my weight when I get home again.

    Kelly & Jacque - I totally understand about being out of control. I feel as if I have an excuse to eat bad and more then I should because I am pregnant. I usually compensate for eating bad with exercise (swimming mainly) but with me not being home it is very hard to get myself motivated to exercise because swimming is not an option right now. I keep reminding myself everyday is a new day.

    Jacque - It is totally awesome that you are helping those girls. :flowerforyou: Congrats on the new addition to the family! It is exciting to have a new baby in the family.

    Crystal - Congratulations on getting the BP meds lowered!:bigsmile:

    MissV - Congrats on the swim suit! I hate the way I look in mine but I love to swim. It is such a great way to exercise I don't care what other people think.

    I hope everyone else is doing well. Have a great day!:smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Happy St Patrick's Day Gang! Don't forget to wear some green!

    Well, we have a 2 hr delay b/c of fog here. Going to the city to have lunch w/my mom and shop. Not sure what dh has planned for my bday....he did bake a cake last nite.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Things haven't been going so well here. I did go out Friday and it just started a downward spiral that I’m determined to pull myself out of today. I struggling through some issues, but I think I may be on the way to figuring out what the problem is and how to get past in. In the mean time, I'm getting some goals together to help motivate me. First is to come up with my own morning flexibity routine. I'm sick of doing yoga on the Wii. I got up this morning and just did the yoga poses without dragging out the Wii. I think with a book of yoga poses and some music, I can do this on my own without having to waste time while the Wii loads. It takes me 20 minutes to do a routine on the Wii that I think I could do in half the time without it.

    My next step begins Sunday. I picked up Prevention's book Flat Belly Diet at the library last week. I thought I might pick up a few tips and maybe a recipe or two. I did, but I'm also going to try their plan. The diet claims it can target fat from your belly and gives scientific studies behind it. As boring as that sounds, the book was very interesting and I couldn't put it down. It made sense. If it was some kind of weird grapefruit diet, I'd just pass along. But, it is a healthy balanced way of eating. There is no harm in trying. If it works, it would be amazing. I carry most of my weight in my stomach. We all know that is the worst place for it. I know if I don't get rid of it, I'm bound to end up with heart problems like my dad. The plan is for 32 days, but I will probably only be able to do 31 before I go on vacation. I'd start earlier, but it begins with a pretty restricted 4-day jump start. We have a house guest this weekend and it would just be a hassle. I have will power, but probably not enough to battle against the food that will inevitably be around. I figure that I'll have a decent idea after 31 days whether or not it works. If it does, I'll keep it up once I'm back from Mexico. I might even do the 4 day jump start again when I get back to get rid of some of the vacation weight. If it doesn't work, I'll just go back to my normal calorie counting when I get home.

    Ammcnett – you are getting so close to having that baby. I'm so excited for you.:flowerforyou:

    Jacque, Kelly, Sindy – we can do this!!! We deserve this!! :flowerforyou:

    Miss V – I seriously need to do some shopping. I’m a little more than a month away from vacation and I don’t think I have anything to wear that fits. I need new bathing suits, new shorts, new shirts, EVERYTHING!!! I have such a hard time finding suits that fit because I have such a long torso. I bought a new one in 2008, but I doubt it fits 60 lbs later!!! It's kinda sad, I liked that suit. :grumble:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey Crystal....sorry to hear you been struggling...... we just gotta hang in there and know that things will work out sooner or later...and in the meantime, try to stay positive. i hear ya on the *goals*....i set so many of them, make charts, write things down, and sometimes it works, but most of the time it doesn't, for me anyway. maybe I am doing something wrong. i'm sure there is expert advice on the 'how to' somewhere. i heard many good things about the Flat Belly Diet. they had it on GMA a long time ago, like maybe last year? anyway, things that have appeared on MFP about it are the Sassy Water, which I want to try someday...and the "MUFAs", monounsaturated fatty acids....very GOOD fats, AND getting aerobic activity at least 60 minutes a DAY! that is where I really lack in the commitment to get healthy. I know every time I start to wander it is just the bad-habit-Kelly not wanting to go a better, healthier way. That darn comfort zone wreaks havoc on so many of my attempts.....and that is where I really need to be more powerful and push myself....otherwise, I will never get to where I truly want to be. That's all there is to it. sounds so dang simple. HA. someday, someday. I told myself this am that I was gonna really try harder this year at getting to a healthier ME, and stay day at a time. I am considering doing my exercise first thing in the am....since I am so good at making excuses.....then, I would have it done for the day, PLUS, they say it helps keep your metabolism going strong all sure is worth a try!

    Good luck and let us know how it goes for you.

    I will check in again later....I am waiting for my ma to pick me up...she called and said she was gonna be late...."filing a complaint with the law"....and that was it?? So, I don't know what happened, but I did see a sheriff when I came into town on my bus route.
    Have a great day Pepper's!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    hey Crystal....sorry to hear you been struggling...... we just gotta hang in there and know that things will work out sooner or later...and in the meantime, try to stay positive. i hear ya on the *goals*....i set so many of them, make charts, write things down, and sometimes it works, but most of the time it doesn't, for me anyway. maybe I am doing something wrong. i'm sure there is expert advice on the 'how to' somewhere. i heard many good things about the Flat Belly Diet. they had it on GMA a long time ago, like maybe last year? anyway, things that have appeared on MFP about it are the Sassy Water, which I want to try someday...and the "MUFAs", monounsaturated fatty acids....very GOOD fats, AND getting aerobic activity at least 60 minutes a DAY! that is where I really lack in the commitment to get healthy. I know every time I start to wander it is just the bad-habit-Kelly not wanting to go a better, healthier way. That darn comfort zone wreaks havoc on so many of my attempts.....and that is where I really need to be more powerful and push myself....otherwise, I will never get to where I truly want to be. That's all there is to it. sounds so dang simple. HA. someday, someday. I told myself this am that I was gonna really try harder this year at getting to a healthier ME, and stay day at a time. I am considering doing my exercise first thing in the am....since I am so good at making excuses.....then, I would have it done for the day, PLUS, they say it helps keep your metabolism going strong all sure is worth a try!

    Good luck and let us know how it goes for you.

    I will check in again later....I am waiting for my ma to pick me up...she called and said she was gonna be late...."filing a complaint with the law"....and that was it?? So, I don't know what happened, but I did see a sheriff when I came into town on my bus route.
    Have a great day Pepper's!

    You should pick up the book sometime. While they do encourage exercise, they don't demand it. They say if you exercise, you will see bigger results faster but you will see results without it. I'll definitely keep you posted along the way. Part of the plan including journalling. I'm planning on utilizing the blog here to do that. I'll make sure you guys can find it.