To the drinkers:



  • When I used to feel poopy after drinking my go to was Gatorade and a steamy bowl of brothy soup (Ramen, Pozole or Pho are my faves!).
    I dont work for this company, I just use their pills. Their website is (yes, it is with one l). If u take them properly you wont get a hangover. Hope this helps.
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Greasy breakfast(trying to opt for less greasy but still breakfast) and chocolate milk! yumm <3
  • Ha ha ha!!! I dont know if its magical but it is tasty
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    Coke or pepsi first, then a bloody mary or mimosa. A little caffeine and hair of the dog. Works perfectly!
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member


    And some pasta, been my craving for years. Thankfully now my main drink is vodka with water and lemon juice so I don't really get many hangovers anymore, but can drink everyday without feeling like crap :drinker:
    I'm going to have to try this out! I heard water and white wine is good too
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Hair of the dog, my friend. Hair of the dog.

    And with a dog like the one on your ticker, there is plenty of hair to go around! LOL
    Gotta love a Newf!
  • shellisugar
    shellisugar Posts: 120 Member
    I always try to take 800mg ibuprofen and drink a big glass of water before passing out to prevent a hangover.

    When I was in college, Waffle House smothered covered hash browns and an egg sandwich always did the trick, followed by a long nap.
  • IHOP, and if that doesn't work, try IHOP.
  • freedski1
    freedski1 Posts: 65 Member
    Ohhh hangovers are the worst. My last was in August, and it was AWWWWFUL, champagne+red wine+air travel + cupcakes=WORST hangover ever
    That day I drank kombucha and ate cold salmon

    In college, my go-tos were: egg and american cheese on an english muffin from my school's daytime cafe or a bagel sandwich with cream chees, sprouts, capers, tomatoes, onions, and cukes.

    Ohhh hangovers. Blech.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Cold beer out of the cooler from the night before. Seriously, chug one or two and you feel AMAZING. Then, Ramen noodles and water. French fries are a must, that and I have an apple market store with one of those damn milk shake machines in it...

    damn you milk shake machine... *shakes fist at the sky*

    BUT, the do have smoothies in them too.. 250 calories plus lots of vitamins and antioxidents.. not bad when you want something "naughty" lol
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Water, if that stays down then fruit. After that, sushi is what I crave.
  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    Milk... does a body good :)
  • JHahn7837
    JHahn7837 Posts: 15 Member
    Pretty much anything greasy and or awful for you.
  • BridgetMiko
    BridgetMiko Posts: 47 Member
    The Orange Hi-C from the McDonald's fountain with lots of ice. I swear it has magical healing powers but it has to be from McDonald's.:drinker:

    With vodka in it.

    Whipped Vodka

    Hm... I'm intrigued by this...
  • IronDame
    IronDame Posts: 275
    Waffle House!
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Table water crackers. A whole box. And lots and lots and lots of water.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Bean and cheese breakfast taco. Every. Time.
  • evmoses
    evmoses Posts: 46 Member
    B-12 vitamins BEFORE you drink will take some of the edge off the hangover... then a big greasy breakfast!
  • busycitystreets
    busycitystreets Posts: 64 Member
    OJ with lots of pulp and if I have leftover vodka from the night before, then that... Seriously, it helps!! Then of course, a McDonald's run... Egg McMuffin with ham, it actually isn't too bad calorie-wise - Could be worse! Pop some tylenol, chug some water and SLEEP. Usually 100% by night, ready to do it all over again... Haha, jk.
  • timmy2strikes
    timmy2strikes Posts: 99 Member
    Bacon wrapped hotdog with lots of mustard and grilled onions and peppers sold by the street vendor standing 5 feet from the exit of the club at 2:00am.