Staying on track

I'm having a difficult time staying on track over the weekends. I loose during the week, come Monday morning I've gained everything all back. How to break this cycle???


  • motogsp
    motogsp Posts: 109 Member
    That is a ruff one. I to suffer form the weekend however I just started insanity and going to try my best to good this weekend. I am working too hard to put it all back on.
  • carla1958
    are you writing everything down? Even if I have a day where I am way over goal I still write it down and it helps me start fresh and more motivated the next day. Also exercise more and be sure you are getting all the water. You can do it!
  • MeABride2B
    I agree with the logging it - no matter what.

    I ate about 4 or 5 "fun size" Milky Way a week or so ago and when I looked back all I could think was "what a waste".

    Remember you're ultimately (I'd think) trying to change your lifestyle and make it manageable for you. So if you go out to eat, to parties, etc on the weekends regularly, try to plan ahead. I've learned that a glass of water at a party is a definite. Keeps me busy and away from foods....

    Just a few thoughts.

    You can do it. Think of all the good work you do during the week and tell yourself you don't want it all to fall to the wayside!
  • ladysalmonroe
    On the weekends, Im social . That leads to drinks and then overeating . UGH!!!
  • chrissysue
    chrissysue Posts: 85 Member
    Insanity is AWESOME!!!!! I actually have to get mine back from a friends who borrowed it. I saw amazing results!!!!!
    That is a ruff one. I to suffer form the weekend however I just started insanity and going to try my best to good this weekend. I am working too hard to put it all back on.
  • valligator
    valligator Posts: 54 Member
    It's a little complicated, but I set my calories to 1400. I exercise most days and on those days I allow myself to eat up to 1800 (even if I burn more than 400). If I don't eat up to 1800, I bank the extra calories throughout the week. Then on the weekend, I can eat those extra calories if I choose. It helps knowing that if I have a "bad" day, I actually probably have room for it. It's working for me so far anyway. :) Good luck!
  • chrissysue
    chrissysue Posts: 85 Member
    You and only you can make the choice to stay on track or fall off. Just like those who abuse drugs, cigerettes or alcohol.....Eating poorly is an addiciton. YOU have to choose to beat the addiction and change to a healthy life style. Don't thing of it as you are on a diet......This will set you up for failure! In stead of thinking of a diet as what you are doing......use it as an accronym:
    D ~ Do/don't
    I ~ I
    E~ Eat
    T ~ This
    You are making a lifestyle change!!!!!! You are making changes to make a better, healthier you!
    Make sure you stay away from sugar and salt. Try eating 6 small meals per day and drink at least 8 glasses of water per day!

    I know going out with friends it is hard to eat healthy and stay away from the added calories of adult beverage but there is NOTHING wrong with eating what YOU want to eat and drinking water. A true friend would support your decision. If someone is not supportive or busts your butt for doing it.....are they really worth hanging around? You have to put you first!!!!!
    I hope this helps you in some way!
    I'm having a difficult time staying on track over the weekends. I loose during the week, come Monday morning I've gained everything all back. How to break this cycle???
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    I try to do double workouts on the weekend days ... just because I have more time to get in to the gym... but maybe if you burned extra calories on the days you plan on drinking you might come out even and your damage would be minimal, also try eating something filling and healthy before you go out that way you can limit the food intake.
  • Jennaissance
    On the weekends, Im social . That leads to drinks and then overeating . UGH!!!

    Have a weekend to yourself and don't be social. Decide on some other things to do that you should do anyway. You might even enjoy it. At the very least, you'll prove to yourself that you can have a weekend where you don't overdo it. Then maybe add the social thing back and see if you can do it without giving up on your goals. I know it sounds like a bummer, but it has really helped me this past week and I'm down 2 and half pounds just from one good week. It didn't even feel like that much of a sacrifice. Sure, I could have had more fun and maybe I missed out a little, but I'm really happy with the results!
  • Amlong1977
    Amlong1977 Posts: 125 Member
    I used to have the same problem. What got me past it is thinking abt all my hard work during the week, making sure I get my exercise in if I'm going to drink, & not eating while I'm out. I eat after I get home from drinking. My body has also kind of made the decision for me. I used to put away 10-12 beers without a problem. A month or 2 ago I went out & had 5 beers & a couple shots & got sick as a dog. I never throw up! Obviously that was my bodies way of saying... Uh uh, not anymore. I limit myself now to 4 or 5 beers & switched to Mich Ultra.
  • Amlong1977
    Amlong1977 Posts: 125 Member
    I've also went out & not drank. My biggest rule is DO NOT EAT OUT!
  • Jennaissance
    I've also went out & not drank. My biggest rule is DO NOT EAT OUT!

    Totally. You have to ask yourself if it is worth it and I guess something finally clicked for me. I could work my *kitten* off all week and ruin it with two nights of drinking and be on a diet that never works for the rest of my life or I could just get it over with as fast as possible!

    All I know is it sucks to have a awesome week that you literally ruin in a night or two. I just did that for the last 10 weeks and I'm done!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Set out a plan that you can live with and stick to it. For example if you go out to eat or drink on weekends you can plan to hike, bike, walk or something else physical on Saturday and Sunday thereby increasing your calorie deficit. Also the activity will help to keep you focused as well. Still need to be mindful and keep control but it will help
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    Log it- that is the hardest thing to remember, and yet the one thing that keeps us on track. I enjoy good food too! But trying to find a healthier option to my snacking. I rarely eat out- its just too expensive.
    You will succeed on this challenge when you remember that you have to log everything you put in your mouth, and then you have to look back and see how you did. I never regretted not eating pizza or anything bad the next day. I also don't deny myself- if I am somewhere and they have something I want, I have some, but I mentally am thinking about the calories/fat- and the workout to get it off. Or, if I know I am going to have an event where I will eat less than healthy- I work it off first. Then there is no guilt, and I don't gain. Maybe I don't lose as much on weekends, but not gaining is a success too