Breastfeeding and losing weight?

HI, I'm new to MFP and I was wondering if anyone could give me tips of an actual meal schedule for loosing weight while breastfeeding. Me and my daughter have no allergies, I've gained a lot of weight while nursing because I'm always just so hungry! javascript:add_smiley('sad','topic_body')Thank you in advance!


  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    Just choosing better foods, eating 3 meals a day and snacks, and tracking your calories should do it for you. Also make sure you are eating enough so you don't binge to make up for it and to maintain your supply. You can add breastfeeding in the food diary here and it will add -500 calories to your day so if your normal calorie allowance is 1300, it would be 1800. Feel free to add me though. I have experience losing weight while breastfeeding on this site.
  • AprilBurns86
    I eat three meals and two snacks, plus take a vitamin and as long as I stay around 2300 net for the day after my exercise, I lose pretty steadily.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Hi! I've lost all of my weight breastfeeding.

    I have a great supply and as long as I keep my proteins and fats high enough, I feel full and awesome without the need to snack all the time. (That's not always true when my daughter cluster-feeds, those times can be rough!)

    Add me if you like, I'd be happy to offer support. =)
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I lost all my weight while nursing by setting my profile to lose 1 pound a day at the accurate activity level (for me that is active), adding in the appropriate nursing addition to my diary, then eating all my base calories, nursing calories, and the vast majority of my exercise calories.
  • katkrak
    Hi. I am currently breastfeeding and have been since I joined mfp. I was 166 when I joined mfp, and am currently 140lbs. I eat the reccomended amount of calories mfp gives me, plus exercise calories, and breastfeeding calories. I eat a lot, but I do most of my cooking, make healthier choices most of the time, and exercise 5-6 days a week. I eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus 3 snacks in between meals. For the first 6-7 months of breastfeeding, I gave myself 500 extra calories, but now I give myself 350 since she is eating mostly solids now. I hope this helps. You are welcome to friend me and check out my food/exercise diary. I think you will like it here on mfp! It has helped me a lot! ;)
  • sds76
    sds76 Posts: 215 Member
    I am also breastfeeding(toddler not infant) but I have lost weight steadily and I do not count calories burned for breastfeeding(maybe because she's a toddler but it just seems high for me).
    Keep it simple, find the calories that work for you, exercise, and drink lots of water. I have had no problem with supply(though I secretly wish I would so she would self
  • goddessofsewing
    goddessofsewing Posts: 110 Member
    My baby eats six(ish) times during waking hours, so I try to eat when he does. I often only get three mealtimes in, but I've still been losing. Log and eat back your breastfeeding calories for sure. This is the first time I haven't been simply gaining weight while nursing. I like it better this way. :happy:
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    I wish I knew about this site when I was BF'ing. I was so hungry all the time and couldn't lose the pregnancy weight. When I stopped breastfeeding I lost 40 lbs in a 3 months. Good luck to you:smile:
  • nicoleverdon
    I've been BF my 11 week old and haven't lost or gained weight. I want to lose the pregnancy weight slowly so as not to shock my body. I have a hard time producing sufficient milk supply so I take pills to boost it. I started the 90 Day Challenge from Body by Vi yesterday so now my lunches are supplemented with the shakes. I don't do much but sit around the house all day taking care of my two daughters so I really don't think I should be eating much. Adding 500 calories to make up for breastfeeding seems like a lot for me since I'm not very active, I just hope it works for me. I lost 10 lbs in 2 months a year ago for my wedding using this website so I know this is a great place for support and keeping on track.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I have a hard time producing sufficient milk supply so I take pills to boost it....

    ..... I don't do much but sit around the house all day taking care of my two daughters so I really don't think I should be eating much. Adding 500 calories to make up for breastfeeding seems like a lot for me since I'm not very active, I just hope it works for me.

    Producing milk for an 11 week old uses 500 cals a day even if you are sat around all day, you're already working at a 500 cal a day deficit with MFP so basically you're creating a 1000 cal a day deficit which is FAR too much for a nursing mother.

    You will lose weight eating the extra cals and nursing and not eating those extra cals isn't going to help your milk supply issues at all. Add some oats, they're great for milk supply as are fenugreek tablets. Last thing you want to do if you're struggling is severely restrict your calorie intake.
  • nicoleverdon
    Thanks for the support LittleMissDov!
  • Eli_Xx
    Eli_Xx Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you all for your replies! Do any of you know if its okay to drink protein shakes? Not all day, but if I eat in the mornings I get nauseated.
  • nicoleverdon
    Absolutely you can drink protein shakes. I'm doing the 90 Day Challenge Body by Vi shakes to get tons of nutrients and vitamins and there's a bit of protein in them. Now I don't have to swallow those horse size multi-vitamins any more.
  • Taraanne76
    Taraanne76 Posts: 111 Member
    I am breastfeeding too and was not losing any weight (1 lb week if that) by staying withing my calorie goal. I even started working out 5 days a week and nada. I know for me sugar/ flour based food are weaknesses and I crave them when bf'ing. I also don't lose by just eating fewer, I have to only eat veg carbs, beans, and rarely rice. I found out that each oz of breastmilk is 20 cals burned and that it takes 7 carbs for 3 ounces. I am keeping my cals limits the same (I get around 800 extra a day w/ bf'ing and exercise) and target carb intake 75-85. Since then my losses have picked up greatly. Good luck! I know for some losing is hard while bf'ing while others melt away.