Striiv - Addicted! Looking for friends...



  • yes, excuse my typing, i'm typing with one arm and nursing a baby in the other.
    It has 3 different characters you can race (or a friend if you have one nearby and they have a striiv too), each with their own pace. A penguin, a pig, and a robot. I can beat all of them at the pace i walk pushing the stroller. You choose your character and how long you want to race, anywhere bw 250 and 2000 steps. Each length has a different graphic with a little cartoon representing you and one of your opponent racing. At the end of the race if you win you get energy points toward the game myland (more points depending on how badly you spanked 'em).

    The walkathon is the main reason I chose this one over the play. You can choose one of three charities to donate to and for every 18000 steps (if you choose 1 day of clean water for a child in south america or 1 parking space sized space of the Tanzanian rain forest to be preserved for one year) or 60,000 steps (to give one polio vaccine to a child) Striiv and other companies will donate whichever you choose.
  • stupxdgxrl
    stupxdgxrl Posts: 55 Member
    Just Downloaded this, seems to be working (for now). If you want to add me as a friend feel free to message me with your email address :)!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Thought peoe might be interested In he reply I got from STRIIV about the Play:

    Yes, the original Striiv is still available. The Striiv Play and app are additions to the original Striiv not a replacement. As of right now the Striiv App does not offer the charities. Hopefully in the near future this option will be available. Yes, the original device still offers the charities. Yes, you can use the Striiv in the UK. But we do not ship any Striiv products outside of the United States, so if you were to need to purchase a device or replacement we would not be able to do it. Unless you know someone with a U.S. mailing address. Having challenges on the Striiv Play is a good idea and is something that might be available in the future.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Another useful response from STRIIV.

    We do not at this time have plans to add the Walkathon App to the Striiv Play/iPhone App option.

    There are benefits to each option:

    Striiv Play/iPhone App:

    - Live connection to Facebook friends using the Striiv App. You can see and compete with friends live throughout your day. Soon you will be able to send live messages back and forth to your Friends via the App encouraging them on or challenging them to beat your totals.

    - Much smaller and discrete to carry.

    - NOTE: Play does not connect with all iPhones. Only the iPhone 4s and the iPhone 5. Other iOS non-phone devices: iPad-3, 4 and Mini. iPod Touch 5th generation

    Striiv Smart Pedometer:

    - All in one solution, no need for another device.

    - Walkathon - give to charity as you walk.

    - Race App - race against other friends who have a Striiv (must be within 10 feet when starting race) or Fun Striiv robots for extra energy points.
  • ToobieFit
    ToobieFit Posts: 12 Member
    I've been using Nexercise and RunKeeper for a while. I like Nexercise and wish it linked to MFP. My main problem with Nexercise is forgetting to stop and execise and making sure it starts when I begin exercising. I like the idea of RunKeeper, but it frequently pauses during my walks. I tried Zombies, Run but haven't kept up with it. I started using Striiv last week because of the link to MFP. I like that it's always running in the background, but I find there are too many challenges and I think it credits me with too many calories burned. I'll give it a little while longer to see if I stick with it. Feel free to message me if you want to add me on Striiv.
  • I'd like to have friends on Striiv , too.. but my main issue is the following. I have it linekd to MFP (seemed very useful) and for the most part it is, but it's problematic once I do additional work outs.

    I take it around with me while I walk, usually getting about 200 calories a day from just walking around, hurrah, but like last night I also went to dance class for an hour (another 300 calories). If I put in the 300 for dance, the "Striiv adjustment" changes to -100, so my total still totals the 200. Why can't I work out in addition to walking?? I now manually change the Striiv adjustment entry, but.. I don't think that's right and it might just get synced awya again.

    Anyone else have this problem? (I'm sorry, I didn't read through all 17 pages of this topic)
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I read somewhere that this is a problem they are aware of, and are working on.
  • kijoneko
    kijoneko Posts: 56 Member
    I've just downloaded it to give it a try, so could use some friends as well. Kind of scared to find out how little I move in the average day at work... :tongue:
  • samskeyti
    samskeyti Posts: 2 Member
    Is anyone else using Striiv?

    I am! and i'm looking for people to add! please message me and i'll send you my e-mail! that goes for anyone out there!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Sorry to hijack the thread but I'm not getting any answers in my thread. I've got two questions:

    Firstly, how do the apps syn between ipad and I phone.
    Secondly, for those ladies who have the original device- whete do you wear it. It's easier for men who have pockets - my work outfits don't.

  • samwise29
    samwise29 Posts: 31 Member
    Just downloaded it too :D really enjoying it so far, as I keep trying to achieve the challenges on there.
    I too am looking for some people to add, so if you want a Striiv friend, then just drop me a message and i'll send you my email address :)

    Luv Sam xx
  • allycat0715
    allycat0715 Posts: 13 Member
    I just downloaded the app and need some motivational/ keep me on track friends. Add me if you would like.
  • duplicate post
  • If anyone wishes to add me as a friend on the app it's just my username
  • mmmarilka
    mmmarilka Posts: 3 Member
    To make calorie adj more real, I changed my weight on Striiv to be much less than it really is. Works for me.
  • mmmarilka
    mmmarilka Posts: 3 Member
    My email is Friend me on striiv.
  • If anyone would like to add me for more support and motivation, my email is Happy walking!
  • Add me!
  • missmeri81
    missmeri81 Posts: 3 Member
    Add meeee!!!!
  • So... I was having the same problem today... But this post is almost a year old. The problem still isn't fixed. And I obviously don't have my phone or striiv play app on me when I go swimming! So this morning I swam for an hour and then go for a few walks with my dog throughout the day but I'm still 0-ing out... :-/ (I turned off negative thank goodness!) is this issue resolved yet??