Wanna lose some pounds with me?



  • Sure! I've been battling to reduce my tummy after my second baby.. I've been logging everyday (it's only been a month though), and I love to hear from all of you.
  • Hi! I just joined today! My name is Latoria! I am looking to a weight loss buddy! too!
  • Please add me. I am looking to lose about 30 more lbs. I am trying to login everyday and record my intake. At times, I feel like going for a bite of cookies/chocolate. I need to be more accountable .
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    no problem if you ever have anymore questions lemme know
  • admnmtpilot
    admnmtpilot Posts: 132 Member
    Feel free to add me. I log daily and my food diary is viewable. I believe keeping my diary open for people to see I am more accountable. Plus, maybe if someone sees it and they are blah with their food maybe one of my menus may give them ideas (visa versa) or possibly be able to share recipes. (I also mark my recipes on my log)

    Angela :flowerforyou:
  • Does nobody like my vegetables?

    Meh, veggies, but I will still be your friend! Just send me an invite!
  • For that matter, if anyone wants to, feel free to invite me, I'm restarting!
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I like veggies!:flowerforyou:
  • Tryinonemoretime
    Tryinonemoretime Posts: 86 Member
    You can add me if you like! Welcome to MFP!
  • I've been trying. It seems hopeless. I'll be friends. See what we can accomplish together.

  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    abs are all about diet... add me I'll help motivate you
  • Jessicao33
    Jessicao33 Posts: 189 Member
    Anyone can add me I am looking for friends to keep each other going. Walking daily on the treadmill, and eat good. Trying to stay low carb and hardly to no sugar. I want to tone and lose this fat also.lets do it together...
  • crowunruh
    crowunruh Posts: 246 Member
    Anyone can add me also. I log in everyday and my diary is open to friends.
  • Add me as well if you like =]. I loves me some vegetables. Peas mostly. I can eat peas almost every day... I kind of want some now. Yum. Sorry got a little side tracked there. I have similar goals as well and I comment often. Open diary.
  • Tamekia770
    Tamekia770 Posts: 25 Member
    I feel you, there are days when I struggle very hard to just make it through the day, So come join me on my facebook page that I use for inspration, motivation for myself and if I can help someone else then I have done a good thing doing this page, it is my therapy and I do have 50 ladies on it, but what good is having them if there is knowDialogue , no likes no nothing, but I keep posting because it keeps me accountable,and uplifted and on here it keeps me on track with my calories, so come on over if you need to……www.facebook.com/TrufflesAndTreadmills and it says for women over 40, but any woman over 18 and I set it for 18 because on Thursday I talk about sex, in a good way that pertains to healthy eating and working out, so anyone on here that want some laughs, inspiration, motivation to be informed on health issues come on over! Even men that want to know how we feel and just get a sence of how to deal with the emotional side of us as we go through this transformation and journey, and please don’t be shy, post, like, and comment. :smile:
  • here a newbie too and looking for a weightloss buddy coz i really need to shed 20lbs for my sister's wedding 4 months from now!:0
  • Hey, I also just started my fitness pal and am looking for some friends to keep me motivated! Add me!!
  • I'm new here too! Well, truly, I'm a returning member. I was doing really well at the start of the summer, then fell off. But now I'm back and ready to get this fat off me!

    I know I'm the type of person that if I change too much about my lifestyle/routine too quickly I'll fail because I am a busy person and I can't just drop everything and change 100% of the things I eat or do.

    I'm starting with nutrition, and like I said, I'm doing this slowly. Trying to make this a lifestyle change and not just a 2 month thing. So I've cut out REAL Dr. Pepper and only allow myself 1-2 small glasses of Diet soda a day. (I know it's not good for you but I need to slowly phase this out - the lack of caffeine alone would kill me!) and I've tripled my water intake. I'm trying to eat smaller portions, snack more throughout the day (as healthy as I can now) and I do a slimfast shake of some sort for quick mornings. I throw some non-fat yogurt and fruit in there to get me through til lunch bc I can't really snack in the mornings.
  • khaliba89
    khaliba89 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, love the veggies. Add me :) I'm also new at this but I'm very excited. Let's encourage each other
  • I feel you, there are days when I struggle very hard to just make it through the day, So come join me on my facebook page that I use for inspration, motivation for myself and if I can help someone else then I have done a good thing doing this page, it is my therapy and I do have 50 ladies on it, but what good is having them if there is knowDialogue , no likes no nothing, but I keep posting because it keeps me accountable,and uplifted and on here it keeps me on track with my calories, so come on over if you need to……www.facebook.com/TrufflesAndTreadmills and it says for women over 40, but any woman over 18 and I set it for 18 because on Thursday I talk about sex, in a good way that pertains to healthy eating and working out, so anyone on here that want some laughs, inspiration, motivation to be informed on health issues come on over! Even men that want to know how we feel and just get a sence of how to deal with the emotional side of us as we go through this transformation and journey, and please don’t be shy, post, like, and comment. :smile:

    Just liked your page!