

  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Ok, so i need to talk to someone about this, and you guys are all i have right now, i can't tell my family, cause they never thought i could lose weight in the first place.... So it's just me and you, ok?

    So here's the deal, I posted something similar to this a few days ago. The past week or 2, i've been eating like crazy, i don't know what came over me, i'm just out of control. I gained 1.3 kilograms back, or in other words, 3 pounds.. i've lost 24 in all, but now i'm back to 21 POUNDS LOST, I feel so bad and i can't seem to adjust back to the determined person i was. All i see is food, and candy, and Chips, and cookies, and mcdonalds, and Steaks!! I'm so angry at myself!! I GAINED THE WEIGHT I WORKED SO HARD TO BURN OFF!! Please, please, please help me! What can i do to be that person i was 2 weeks ago? The person that stuck to his goal and never missed a workout?! Please help me! I just,,, don't understand what's happening.....

    I need help :sad:
    I've done this so many times, I can't even begin to count them up. So what was different this time (besides MFP)? I didn't ever say, "You CAN'T have that!" Sometimes I eat treats. Sometimes I eat one piece of chocolate. Sometimes I have a piece of pizza or some chicken wings. The longer I've stuck with it, the less I've wanted those things. But I don't say, "Oh no, I can't eat that" because I can eat that and know that nothing bad is going to happen if I have one cookie or even three cookies as long as I don't let it completely derail me.

    Then there's the other thing that's different, which I mentioned above. MFP. It has been such an excellent tool for me. Tracking my food has helped me be honest about what I'm eating and helped me make better choices. But more than anything, it's the support. The friends who cheer me on or tell me that it's okay to slip up, or tell me to get off my *kitten* and work out. Them holding me accountable has made me more accountable.

    Push through this! I feel like I can do anything because even when I ate cookies, I pushed through, I got back on track, I persevered. When I wanted to skip a work out, I didn't (okay, once I did, because I was buzzed and very sleepy). I made myself do it even though I didn't want to, and in doing so, I regained control over myself and my life. I whipped my butt into shape and didn't let myself make excuses. You have slipped, but you don't have to be derailed if you just grab a hold of yourself, give yourself a good hard shake, and say "You are getting back on track NOW!" Once you break through, you're going to feel worlds better.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you look about 12. Maybe 13, but that's really pushing the 11 that you look to me.
    I totally thought your avatar was a cupcake with some delicious looking frosting.
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you look about 12. Maybe 13, but that's really pushing the 11 that you look to me.
    I totally thought your avatar was a cupcake with some delicious looking frosting.

    Ouch! But after looking and taing my eyes out of focus for a bit I see it! :smokin:
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you look about 12. Maybe 13, but that's really pushing the 11 that you look to me.
    I totally thought your avatar was a cupcake with some delicious looking frosting.

    Ouch! But after looking and taing my eyes out of focus for a bit I see it! :smokin:
    Yeah, I sit on a balance ball instead of a chair, so the monitor is angled a little funny, and I frequently have to make pictures larger to figure out what they are--like anything posted on my facebook from the Tosh blog. I never have any idea what's going on in those until I actually follow the link.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Are you sure that 132 lb male models can get booked and make money? Seems like male models are much more muscular. Also, how old are you really? My boys' doc says that boys do most of their growing to age 16. It's been proven true in my family. After 16, my boys have grown by fractions of an inch/year. I hate burst your bubble but shouldn't you be focusing on building muscle anyway?
  • svelt123
    svelt123 Posts: 173 Member
    Hi, I have been there. I noticed that this would happen to me when something else is actually going on. I am an emotional eater. sometimes; OR I just craved those " unhealthy foods". This is what I learned. I had to learn the reason why I was out of control.
    But, to get back in control I would just eat less of each unhealthy food. Notice I did not say "Stop". You can still have your "unhealthy" food just only maybe one item. once a month. but eat only one serving and give the rest away. But what is great is that you are aware that you are now out of control. Slowly reduce the amt. of ea. unhealthy food. It will take time but this is what works for me. As you reduce that amt. add a "healthy food "choice with it. Eat only 1/2 of the unhealthy food. but add
    fruits and vegetables. If you eat ice cream. eat only 1/2 and add a piece of fruit .Or fries. eat only 1/2 add some veggies.
    1/2 of a slice of pizza. change it to thin crust or whole wheat. add lots of veggies. Cookies. reduce the number add a piece of fruit. Just remember. to always eat whatever you crave but. eat. one serving or 1/2. add fruits and veggies. Also do something physical. A walk. park your car further than you would. Mow your neighbors yard. Walk a dog. Window shop. After you have eaten. Keep a journal. or place post it notes around reminding you to take care of yourself. love yourself. You are still in control. simply because you have acknowledged that you are out of control. "What one does not acknowledge one cannot change" I hope this was helpful.

    You can do it! You have done it before. You can do it again!. Never quit. Never give up!
    :smile: :smile:
  • rboudiab
    WOAH!! LOL!! My family is the best! <3 They support me, but they just don't think i need to lose wieght, they love me no matter what! LOL, U took that way off!!