Sore Muscles from Weights - Any Tips to Help (ouch)


Would people like to share any tips they have to help reduce muscle aches after weight lifting. I'm not sure where I'm going wrong as I always make sure that I do a good stretch all over before and after. Whats making it worse is that I'm drinkning more water and visiting the ladies more often so getting on and off the toilet is a mission!! (lol)

Cheers Peeps


  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    You seem to already be doing all I would have advised! I'm a big supporter of hot baths (Radox Muscle Soak...mmmmm), and a willing person to give you a massage every now and then.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    The good news I'd that your muscles will stop being sore after lifting in a few weeks. It takes special effort for my muscles to be sore now, if they are sore I use a foam roller or a massage ball on any particularly tight areas.

    Make sure you are getting plenty of protein!
  • I would recommend pineapple juice and ballistic stretching. I find (and P90X also says) that before a workout, holding a stretch for no more than a couple seconds makes me feel more limber for the activity I'm about to do; but I do multiple quick stretches. Then after a workout or between workouts I will do static (slow and long) stretches. I hear that pineapple juice has enzymes that ease post workout soreness. =)
  • Marks281172
    Marks281172 Posts: 127 Member
    BCAA helps some with muscle soreness, but unless it hampers your next session i say enjoy the pain :)
  • The good news I'd that your muscles will stop being sore after lifting in a few weeks. It takes special effort for my muscles to be sore now, if they are sore I use a foam roller or a massage ball on any particularly tight areas.

    Make sure you are getting plenty of protein!

    My fiance has introduced me to whey protien shakes and I have started to eat more chicken etc. Last night I squated 30kg!!! I'm on my way to joining club 100kg. When I told my fiance about your sqaut he was gobsmacked, he he he!!
  • BCAA helps some with muscle soreness, but unless it hampers your next session i say enjoy the pain :)

    I am sort of enjoying the pain as I know it means my body is changing :-)
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    If you are having muscle soreness you are doing something right. That means you are challenging your body. It should subside after a few weeks unless you keep changing it up. I seem to stay in a state of soreness because i am constantly being pushed out of my comfort zone but the initial deep soreness i felt at first is gone. I also like to take a hot bath afterward and use epsom salts. Stretching is a will help. As long as its not Pain you are feeling you should be fine. Also some ibuprofin afterwards will help.
    After my first session with a personal trainer i cursed like a sailor for 3 days every time i had to sit on the toilet. LOL Its gotten i like the sore feeling...means im getting stronger and fitter!
  • jakiram
    jakiram Posts: 25 Member
    I recommend magnesium and vitamin b. And my mother used to say that the pain will be taken away by doing exactly the same things all over again. I too enjoy being sore. It´s always the second day after that is the most painful. :)
    It´s a sign that the exercise was done well.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    The good news I'd that your muscles will stop being sore after lifting in a few weeks. It takes special effort for my muscles to be sore now, if they are sore I use a foam roller or a massage ball on any particularly tight areas.

    Make sure you are getting plenty of protein!

    My fiance has introduced me to whey protien shakes and I have started to eat more chicken etc. Last night I squated 30kg!!! I'm on my way to joining club 100kg. When I told my fiance about your sqaut he was gobsmacked, he he he!!

    Good job! Make sure your form is good and keep pushing up the weight!
  • Learn to love the pain - if I need to crawl upstairs I know I worked out well
  • GallyX0
    GallyX0 Posts: 8 Member
    My brother is a NASM trainer, and I was reading some of his books. It recommends a snack about half an hour after the workout with carbs and protein. It also suggests ginger as an effective anti-inflamatory throughout the day. Some pickled ginger on a salad or steeped in tea seems good, it even says candied ginger in trail mix should do the trick.
  • bbateman123
    bbateman123 Posts: 67 Member
    From what I understand, a good stretch before and after (which you are already doing) helps this alot. Also Increase your protein intake after a workout, it will help rebuild the muscles faster. My wife had the same problems and she started doing a protein shake with milk after her workouts and she said it helps tons with post-workout soreness.
  • pullem
    pullem Posts: 87 Member
    BCAA helps some with muscle soreness, but unless it hampers your next session i say enjoy the pain :)

    I am sort of enjoying the pain as I know it means my body is changing :-)

    It's a food supplement, can get in powder or capsule form and does help reduce the pain from the DOM's, as does alternating hot/cold water from the shower on the area but ultimately enjoy the pain, it's your body growing stronger x
  • IronDame
    IronDame Posts: 275
    The pain is my favorite part. Love the pain!
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    Glutamine supplement or eat alot of turkey which is a very good source for it. Soreness is good, pain is bad.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    I seem to stay in a state of soreness because i am constantly being pushed out of my comfort zone but the initial deep soreness i felt at first is gone.

    ^^^ THIS! I sometimes wonder if my butt, hamstrings & quads are ever NOT going to be just a little sore - but I kinda like it. :bigsmile:
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    Learn to love the pain - if I need to crawl upstairs I know I worked out well

    No, no.... it's not the going up that tells you you had a good workout --- it's coming back DOWN those steps! LMAO
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    I love every sore muscle I can feel. This please me very very much.
  • jrutledge01
    jrutledge01 Posts: 213 Member
    just continue doing the lifts that made your muscle sore on a regular basis and you won't get very sore anymore (from that workout)

    on that note, there is a ton of misinformation and (bull****) tribal knowledge about muscle soreness - edumacate yourself by reading the link below (it's pretty long)
  • Bethie_B
    Bethie_B Posts: 292 Member
    If everything isn't hurting, then I know I didn't work hard enough. Embrace it.