Anyone like me out there?


OK, with that extra vague subject line, I should probably fill in a few details. I'm a 34 year old guy. I've never had a problem with my weight. Well, that's not true at all, actually. I spent most of my life being too skinny, to the point of being made fun of for that. I had a BMI in the 16-18 range for years. I tried, but couldn't gain weight, even when I ate ridiculous things.

Recently, though, I've had some health problems, been very sedentary, combined with some medications that cause weight gain, and some other medications that have thrown my thyroid function somewhat out of whack. So, flip-flop. I added over 50% to my frame in 6 months. I wound up with a most impressive beer belly, and a rack full of useless pants.

Thanks mostly to getting medications sorted out (and adding one that happens to also double as an appetite suppressant), I've lost a good chunk of that, but the last bit is proving to be real stubborn (maybe because I have absolutely no personal experience with watching what I eat!), and, yeah, it's still all belly. At least now I just look more like 4-5 months pregnant! I found MFP for my wife months ago, and she loves it, so I finally decided to take the leap myself.

Is anyone else going through something similar?


  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I have been overweight my whole life, but when I went on meds for depression I gained a ridiculous amt. of wt. I am glad that I am on those meds, but it has been hard losing this wt. I still have 50 lbs. that I would like to lose (or the 25 lbs. that the doctor wants me to lose) but they have been stubborn and I am having to work past a plateau. I know that we can do this. Please add me for support and motivation.
  • Sure thing, Smokey19. Support and motivation sounds good to me. :drinker: