


  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    You don't have to sacrifice. Just make your meals less calorie-dense. I totally understand the cooking/eating together bonding thing.

    Check out

    This website rocks. It takes ALL your favorite foods/comfort foods and gives you ways to cut down on calories and make them healthier. Delicious food, while still dieting.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I'm single...LOL


    But really you can cook good foods, steak and veggies are fine. I changed my lasagna recipe and my teens still love it. You just need to eat less than him and give him bread with butter as extra.:happy:
  • jk262
    jk262 Posts: 1,597 Member
    I just started dating someone and we LOVE cooking together-- honestly I've been going on different sites and using pinterest and he repins what he likes off of my boards or what he finds. We've both been toying with the idea of going paleo, me more than him and that's cool. I hate pasta and rice to begin with.. so if we make something with noodles or rice I just don't eat that part of it. But you'd be suprised how many recipes can be "healthy" and not taste it! Good luck!
  • my boyfriend loves everything fatty! the second he knows i want to be healthy and lose weight, he's suggesting pizza and takeout and i just can't resist. i have cheat days (i'll have a wendys combo meal or i'll have a few drinks) but for the most part you just have to be motivated. on the days i cheat, i'll work out and extra half hour, it might not burn all the extra calories, but makes you feel less guilty.
  • celshade
    celshade Posts: 131 Member
    I sympathize as a fellow nerdy girl and gamer, but gone are the days where we can just knock over a trash can and eat a whole turkey without feeling the consequences.

    You are being supportive of your boyfriend, but have you considered asking him what he thinks?

    I was in a similar situation in that I found it very relaxing and rewarding to make elaborate meals for my guy. When I told him I was ready to make changes, he surprised me by telling ME to stop cooking for us!

    He said the food is delicious, but my health was more important to him. He takes over and makes his own food most of the time now, and we have found more rewarding ways to spend time together than to eat.

    We look forward to the day when I am healthy enough to enjoy those types of meals again.

    Cutting down on these meals should also save you guys some money to afford more cool stuff to do together!

    Losing weight is a challenge! CHALLENGE yourself to find a way through this problem by either cutting your portion size down and filling up with a big ol' salad, or make different food!