P90X question

I was thinking about starting P90X, and wanted to see if anyone has an opinion on this. I have herd really good things about it, but i figured i would ask because i am sure others have already tried it. I have hit a road block in my normal work out routine so i want to try and switch it up to help me break threw and loose weight again. I have been stuck at the same weight now for 3 week...ugh.... but i guess its better then gaining. Any and all help/ opinions would be great thanks!! Also does any one know if you can burn the DVD's or are they protected?

Happy Monday all,

thanks!! :)


  • HelloSunshine
    For me personally, I consider myself a beginner when it comes to working out and I tried P90X because I had also heard good things about it. I found out that right now, with my fitness level... it was too much for me. I would do a video at home one night and for the next 2-3 days I could hardly walk or move so I would have to take a break. So it wasn't effective for me because I had more down time then work out time.

    But if you are confident in your fitness level.... you do your thing girl! More power too you :happy:
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Hey...I do P90X and love it...yes it is very challenging and yes I stay sore but I've gotten really good results from it. When I get sore it helps to so another workout the next day and stretch back out. They show you modified versions of everything too.

    I got the DVD's from a friend so I guess you can burn them...I have no idea what that entails though. I've never done it myself:happy:
  • phollowa
    phollowa Posts: 37 Member
    If you are a beginner, start with the P90 first. It's an easier version and much more "woman" friendly. PX90 is a beast!!! :) Good luck....
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    In response to burning the dvds, I know you can get them off mininova if you have a torrent program =)
  • mandy10
    mandy10 Posts: 17
    Thank you guys!!! I did not even know that they had just a P90 so maybe i will look into trying that one first! :) I just need something to kick my butt back into weight loss mode/ get threw this brick wall. I got the 30 day shred DVD but i do not feel like the workouts are long enough so i am hopping this will help.

    Thank you all again for the help :)
  • rschwa
    rschwa Posts: 27
    For those who say they are sore after doing P90X workouts, I can't recommend a 'recovery drink' enough. You'll hear Tony talking about it often on the DVDs, and it seems kind of like a sales pitch for their products (and it is, of course), but it doesn't have to be theirs specifically. Google 'chocolate milk recovery drink' to find out more about it..

    I use 1/4 cup of Ovaltine powder in 8oz skim milk. Drink it within about 30 minutes of finishing the workout, then don't eat anything else for another 30 or 40 minutes, and it really does wonders for next-day soreness. I thought maybe it was just me getting in better shape that was helping me not be sore, but on days that I miss the recovery drink, I really feel it the next day.

    To the OP - P90X is going to be very hard to get into if you're badly out of shape, but not impossible. If you bull through the workouts as best you can and keep moving and trying through the whole thing - hit pause when you need an extra 30 seconds to spool down, stick to the nutrition plan, do the workouts _Every Day_, you will get up to speed faster than you think. There's one guy on the Beachbody forums who's on about his 4th time through it and has lost over 200 lbs.

    I'm in the fourth week, and the only question I have left about it is why didn't I do it 10 years ago?
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    I am starting my first day of P90X today. My husband and I did our fitness test last night for it. It looks like it is going to be a challenge but I am up for it. I will let you know what I think of it.
  • karadusd
    karadusd Posts: 3
    I am doing the Chalean Extreme workout. It is great! Not nearly as intense as P90X which I have seen my husband do. We are doing the Chalean workout together. The basis of her workout is heavy weight, low repetition. They heavier weight you use, the more challenging. My husband drips sweat, so it isn't a girly workout!
  • sshultz
    sshultz Posts: 27 Member
    P90X is definitely a beast, but I believe one problem many people have is trying to keep up with Tony & crew when they start out. I've read about many people who just focus on getting the exercises right in the beginning, which is definitely a smart plan. One guy said when he started, he would only do what he could in the alotted time. Maybe he only did 2-3 reps of the exercise but made sure he did it right and didn't try to keep up. He's made some amazing progress that way and can now pretty much keep up with most of it. As Tony says "Do you best, forget the rest". I'm not recommending one program over the other. Any new exercises you go into full force have the potential to leave you sore and walking funny for a few days.
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    I would go with p90x and modify for the first 90 days and then push yourself if you do the workouts again. There are lots of ways to make the program a lot easier if you watch how some of the moves are modified. When I started, I could only do a few pullups, so I used a chair until I got stronger. You can also use bands instead of dumbells and adjust the tension. There is a huge committment to finding the time to complete each workout. I think spending the money to get two programs (p90 and then p90x would be expensive). Also, I have copied the dvd's onto my hardrive just in case one or more would fail. I used a program called DVD FAB6 that is free for 30 days and it worked great. Made copies easily so I won't have to purchase again.
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    For those who say they are sore after doing P90X workouts, I can't recommend a 'recovery drink' enough. You'll hear Tony talking about it often on the DVDs, and it seems kind of like a sales pitch for their products (and it is, of course), but it doesn't have to be theirs specifically. Google 'chocolate milk recovery drink' to find out more about it..

    I use 1/4 cup of Ovaltine powder in 8oz skim milk. Drink it within about 30 minutes of finishing the workout, then don't eat anything else for another 30 or 40 minutes, and it really does wonders for next-day soreness. I thought maybe it was just me getting in better shape that was helping me not be sore, but on days that I miss the recovery drink, I really feel it the next day.

    To the OP - P90X is going to be very hard to get into if you're badly out of shape, but not impossible. If you bull through the workouts as best you can and keep moving and trying through the whole thing - hit pause when you need an extra 30 seconds to spool down, stick to the nutrition plan, do the workouts _Every Day_, you will get up to speed faster than you think. There's one guy on the Beachbody forums who's on about his 4th time through it and has lost over 200 lbs.

    I'm in the fourth week, and the only question I have left about it is why didn't I do it 10 years ago?

    I LOVE Ovaltine and never thought to use it this way...I'm too cheap to buy the recovery stuff and most of it tastes like crap anyway...thanks for that...I'm sore all the time....but I push myself really hard too....I would love for this to help!!