Rockin' Wellness ??



  • bridgeo74
    bridgeo74 Posts: 191 Member
    Breakfast:I enjoy it with almond milk, a banana, and some PB2 added.
    Lunch: I enjoy it with almond milk and PB2 added. Also have a bowl of fresh fruit/veggies. Light string cheese stick for snack.
    I feel a little more naps this week after work.
    Down to 2-3 sodas a day, instead of 4-5.
    Had to buy a new scale, so not sure about that yet ( I think I lost a pound or 2).
    Seem to sleep a little deeper too, only waking up once a night instead of 2 or 3 times.
    Need to drink more water, I think.
    Keep everyone posted!!
  • bdotshaw
    bdotshaw Posts: 90 Member
    I want to try this sooo badly, but the lack of reviews anywhere other than the website leaves me highly suspicious!!! $60/bag is not chump change!
  • bridgeo74
    bridgeo74 Posts: 191 Member
    I is pricey, but it works out to be about $2 a meal which doesn't seem too bad. When you order more than one bag, it gets cheaper...I ordered 2 to start and get me through November. I have only used it one full week do I can't decide yet if I will order more.
  • bdotshaw
    bdotshaw Posts: 90 Member
    $2 a meal isn't bad at all...the question is, will it satisfy me enough to actually replace a meal? Idk, idk. I'm just super skeptical. Pleeeaasse keep us updated!!
  • Hi. I have purchased Rockin' Wellness over the past year several times and I really love it. I have it in the morning for breakfast. 2 scoops with almond milk. It tastes really good for something so good for you. I have had it with water, but I really hated the way it tastes that way. No need for a blender - just shake in a shaker cup and drink. I just ran out of RW yesterday and was upset today that I couldnt have it for breakfast before work. I can honestly say that it brightens my mood as well. As weird as that seems, I notice that after I drink it, I am happy and ready for the day :) I really love this product. $60 per bag is very expensive but I usually buy 5 bags at one time and it comes out to be $30 per bag.
    I hope you found this helpful :)
  • I used 1 bag of Rockin Wellness and I cannot say enough good things about this product!!! I feel amazing my endurance has dramatically improved, always in a great mood. Sometimes I have 2 scoops a day sometimes one. I just ordered 3 bags and plan to do the 45 day challenge. I use coconut milk with it and I LOVE IT!! I haven't heard one bad thing yet. I also believe you can cure absolutely anything. Most of our illness boils down to what you put in your body.
  • bridgeo74
    bridgeo74 Posts: 191 Member
    I can't say I feel any different right now.
    I feel like I have had a cold coming on for over a week, but it hasn't turned into a full-blown sickness. Not sure if the Rockin' Wellness is keeping it at bay, or what!? Maybe if I felt better I would see a difference. Maybe I need to do 2 scoops in the morning, and eat a low-cal lunch instead of RW at lunch....want to use up my 2 bags before I give up or decide to get more....I was hoping for a big boost of energy, but not feeling it!
  • bdotshaw
    bdotshaw Posts: 90 Member
    Idk I think I'll hold off...seems the only people saying positive things have only one post and no user pic. Suspicious.
    Bridgeo74, please keep us updated! Hope you're feeling better.
  • I love Rockin Wellness. It's not just about weightloss but total health. It is so yummy, curbs hunger because it has so much nutritional value. I add spinach kale, raspberries, coconut oil. My quote is the 'who's rockin' page. Liza U.
  • Actually I might be taking my review back. I've been experiencing some bad things lately, do your research on Cacao bean before you start this. I'm gonna stop for awhile, a lot of panicky, anxiety feelings and not sleeping well. Oh btw I don't have a picture up because I'm dumb and don't know how lol.
  • bridgeo74
    bridgeo74 Posts: 191 Member
    Well...I stopped using my scratchy throat is better. I am wondering if I had a reaction to something in the RW....
  • sasssurf
    sasssurf Posts: 58 Member
    Bump I'd like to know more. I like in the uk. Anyone get rockin wellness in the I'm?
  • drinaldi
    drinaldi Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, not sure if this post is still active, but I have been using Rockin Wellness for about 6 months or more. A friend of mine suggested I try it. We both have thyroid issues and a friend of hers told her about it. I don't know how your body will react, but it's been a lifesaver for me. Silly as it sounds, it actually makes my mood better. I feel more energized, motivated and my mind can think clearer. I don't know if it's because I had thyroid and other hormonal issues going on, but I used to have brain fog and had difficulty getting thoughts out. After I drink the shake, my mind thinks faster, I'm in a better mood, I enjoy life more and I don't have to feel like I'm dragging myself around. I can notice the difference when I don't take it like if I'm on vacation. I go back to feeling like I'm living trudging through mud. The shake has several ingredients that are energizing, so it's no mystery. Green tea, Yerba mate, and cacao. I take it not only for how it makes me feel, but because of the ingredients. I can get the benefits of many antioxidants in one shake and it tastes great. It also made my migraine headaches go away.
  • I am most definitely a real person, and I have tried Rockin Wellness. Me and my husband both did. It tastes amazing. And it does help alot with energy. I tried to replace my breakfast with it from day one. And that did not work. I got hungry later. However, the more I took the shake, the less I would want to eat in the morning. I would get fuller quicker with every meal, and I no longer craved ice cream or chocolate. I just wanted another Rockin Wellness shake instead. It is amazing. I look forward to my shak everymorning. and when I run out, I feel like I am suffering. I slept great, and woke up before my alarm. I wasnt tired all day after work like I used to be. Its everything you could ever want in a health supplement. It is a bit pricey but if you buy in bulk its economical and its worth every penny.

    I make mine with 8 oz of coconut milk, 1.5 scoops of rockin wellness, and a banana and a few ice cubes. blend it up and it tastes just like a chocolate banana smoothie that you get at the mall. its delicious.

    but when i am in a hurry, i just mix it with either water, or coconut milk and shake it up. still delicious.
  • cbo2cute4u
    cbo2cute4u Posts: 14 Member
    My husband and I just purchased 10 bags to make them $30 a bag. We have been drinking Shakeology for a year, 1 a day, and that is expensive. Loved it and its a part of our daily routine but cant afford it so Rockin' Wellness it is. We will add protein powder to add protein and calorie content we were used to on Shakeology. The reviews are great and can't wait to try it! Starting tomorrow. We usually mix almond milk, banana, coffee (cold), sugar free butterscotch pudding (1/2 pkg), and recently grapefruit juice with apple cider vinegar thanks to Dr. Oz. The only way Ill drink it is to mix it with my shake lol. You have to look at the shakes as a preventative medicine. You give your body nutrition grocery foods don't, cleanses your body, and helps keep you from paying tons of bills having to go to the doctor or being on medication. It does work when you incorporate it with a healthy diet.
  • I started using row today and I can already tell a difference in mood and energy! Not as tasty as I'd like but I'll try different recipe s.
  • On day 5.. And I have found to enjoy each shake more and more! I use 16 oz of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, half frozen banana, half cup frozen strawberries, ¾ cup blueberries, and 2 scoops RW powder. I feel more focused and WAY more energized!
  • Marie294
    Marie294 Posts: 304
    I love the tips that have come in from people who have tried it! Thank you so much everyone for the insight! :)
  • I love rockin wellness! I already finished two bags. I really enjoy the cocoa taste. When I take this product every day, I do not have to drink coffee that day, as I feel like I have a ton of energy. I also use it after the gym when I need a pick me up. All it is is all the omegas, vitamins, and what now that you need, it's not some sort is scam. I also had a banana if I'm using it for meal replacement!
  • The Bulk Store is selling Rockin Wellness for $39.99. It is by far the cheapest price that I have seen thus far. An additional $6.05 is added for S & H. Total sale $46.04.