Hungry all the time WTH??????



  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I was constantly hungry when my body was reacting badly to gluten. My hunger triggers went back to normal when I cut gluten out of my diet.

    Food intolerances a possibility?
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Today as of now i'm 600 calories over and i've drank 6liters of water at least today....filled up an empty 2l pepsi bottle and drank it 3 times

    Is it possible you have sleep apnea? That's a symptom.

    ETA: Also, in studies, people who don't get as much sleep choose to tend higher calorie, fattier foods. Being so tired could be influencing your hunger levels.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Working out kills my hunger
  • I've actually questioed if i have sleep apnea, maybe i should go get checked......when i work out i'm twice as hungry lol. I lost 100lbs before eating every three hours high protien low carb. I'll also have to look into the gluten thing
  • paijing
    paijing Posts: 184 Member
    Protein, fiber, and water will fill you up. If eating every few hours doesn't work for you, maybe eating fewer, bigger meals will be better.

    Also, maybe you should reevaluate how many calories you're eating every day. If you're not working out, then you can do 350lbs x 12-14cals/day = 4200-4900 cals per day. To lose weight, knock off a percentage of that (say, 30%) to arrive at 2730 - 3185 cals per day. If you can lose weight and stay full at that calorie intake, then you're in the right place. If not, adjust down.

    Another way to get used to being hungry is to teach yourself to eat at certain times of the day. If you have lunch at 12 and dinner at 7 every day, your body will begin to expect food at those times. As you get used to the schedule, it can be a little hard, but for some it's an adjustment worth making.
  • chinoplata
    chinoplata Posts: 12 Member
    im on the same boat dude. ill have a cup of oatmeal, a cup of blueberries 3 eggs half an avocado followed by a half gallon of water and ill be starving. Maybe the metabolism burns everything so fast.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    It is getting ridiculous. It is almost 1:30 in the morning and here I sit, drinking a glass of milk in an attempt ot squelch hunger without eating a meal. I ate supper about 6:30, went for a short run (only 5k... tapering for half-mary) replenished water and had a banana before bed.

    It is good to see I'm not the only one, though.