Eating the same thing every day.



  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I get into eating very similar foods, especially when it gets close to needing to do another grocery shopping trip - I stick with what I have.

    Having said that, I do try to make sure that I balance out my diet with a mixture of protein,carbs, dairy etc. Right now I'm feeling like maybe my fruit consumption is too high (I probably eat 3 servings of fruit a day)..but I prefer my veggies at supper, or in a salad.

    I would try to incorporate a few more things into your diet - even if you just start adding lettuce and tomato to say a sandwich, or have a hard boiled egg with your yogurt.
  • SusanDoesIt
    SusanDoesIt Posts: 73 Member
    If you are still losing, don't worry about. I personally stop losing if I do the same exercise routines and eat the same things.

    Whatever is working for YOU is fine.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I have been eating the same thing for breakfast during the week for months..doesn't seem to stop my progress. I too am a creature of habit. I don't think there is anything wrong with eating the same thing every day unless it happens to be all junk..Lunch is usually leftovers from the previous night's dinner and dinner is one of maybe 20 things I always make.
  • eringarc
    eringarc Posts: 8 Member
    I'm with you sort of but I mix it up at dinner time. Breakfast and lunch are pretty much the same. I love what I love and they are healthy so what the heck. I have a wide variety for dinner though. Lots of new protein, especially fish and seafood, and lots and lots of veggies! My kids and I do veggie scavenger hunts for interesting veggies at the farmer's market and grocery store then find ways to eat what we bring home on the internet. It is fun (and sometimes yucky!)
  • DeniseBarone
    DeniseBarone Posts: 80 Member
    I have a tendency to eat the same thing every day. I have my favorite foods!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    except for the yogurt and depending on what kind of yogurt, you eat very little many grams are you getting in a day?
    how many fat grams?

    About 50 proteins and 20 fats. I eat low carb and greek yogurt.

    How many carbs are you eating? Because right here is only about 400 calories..
  • smilesalot1969
    I'm pretty samey here too. i didnt used to be but i have foods that i love and i eat them a lot and never get fed up of them.
  • irun4pizza
    I am on a low calorie high fiber diet. I've found specific foods that are low in fat and help me achieve both goals. During the week I virtually eat the same things over and over. During the weekend I try to add a new menu item so I don't get TOO bored.

    Overall, no. I think it's not a *bad* thing at all!
  • sarah3333
    sarah3333 Posts: 222 Member
    except for the yogurt and depending on what kind of yogurt, you eat very little many grams are you getting in a day?
    how many fat grams?

    About 50 proteins and 20 fats. I eat low carb and greek yogurt.

    How many carbs are you eating? Because right here is only about 400 calories..

    Lots of carbs! :/ Today I had 179 carbs 20 grams of fat & 56 proteins.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Nutrition stresses two basic principles:

    1. Moderation- pretty obvious

    2. Variety- enables you to get all the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals your body needs. Think of a "chase the rainbow" approach to fruits and veggies.

    ETA: I rotate the same things on about a 3 day basis... pretty boring diet full of protein and healthy fats- fill the rest with veggies..
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    If you diet is balanced enough you can eat the same thing daily. I eat almost the same thing every single day, very little variation (one day will have cereal the next have extra PB toast etc...). My diary is opened, have a look.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Go for it! Whatever works for you! I kind of do the same thing but I shake it up every few weeks. I'll go two or three weeks eating almost the same thing daily and then when I start to get burnt out I'll get a new set of foods. Honestly I think routine helps a lot in weight loss. I know what is safe, what the portions look like, and that helps me avoid poor food choices! To each his own and all the best to you!
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    I certainly have my staples. However, I always want something new and different. That being said, I am also a very finicky and picky eater.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    Interesting how many responders think it's fine to eat the same foods all the time. If you are talking about weight loss, you are all correct. As the knowledgable people on MFP say over and over, losing weight is about creating a calorie deficit. Do it long enough and the body will use its fat stores for energy.

    But if your goal is imporved health, then it's not fine to eat the same few foods day in and day out. That's because different foods have different amounts of various nutrients. Not talking just the macros of carb/pro/fat, but all the other things our body needs to do its best work: vitamins, minerals, trace things that no one even knew about 10 years ago. Eating a wide variety of foods makes a healthier body.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Interesting how many responders think it's fine to eat the same foods all the time. If you are talking about weight loss, you are all correct. As the knowledgable people on MFP say over and over, losing weight is about creating a calorie deficit. Do it long enough and the body will use its fat stores for energy.

    But if your goal is imporved health, then it's not fine to eat the same few foods day in and day out. That's because different foods have different amounts of various nutrients. Not talking just the macros of carb/pro/fat, but all the other things our body needs to do its best work: vitamins, minerals, trace things that no one even knew about 10 years ago. Eating a wide variety of foods makes a healthier body.

    I'm sure we will cope in slightly lacking a few micro nutrients if it means we manage to lose body fat. I know I for one am prepared to sacrifice a thin slither of various healthy micros for a smaller *kitten*.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Nothing wrong with eating the same thing every day if you get enough fats, protein and micronutrients which I would say you are light on.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    My food is pretty similar day after day with small variations here and there. I've lost weight and I enjoy what I eat so I don't see the problem as long as I'm hitting my macros :)
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    How bad is it to eat the same thing every day? I'm such a creature of habit! I pretty much eat a lot of oatmeal, apples, yogurt, special k red berries, almond milk, and that's about it.... I eat my calories just not a lot of variety.

    Absolutely fine to eat the same food everyday. I used to make big of food to be more time convenient and it was rather helpful. As long as you're eating enough macros (protein, fats, carbs etc) then I think you're fine.

    Might I suggest adding some veggies in there too for more nutrition?