Attention Tall Ladies (5'8" and Up)



  • LauraJo08
    LauraJo08 Posts: 219 Member
    Height: 5'10.5

    CW: 181
    GW: 168

    I have a naturally athletic frame with little curvature. When I put on weight it is in my midsection and chest area, and my legs are huge from playing years of soccer. I'm alright with it though, because it is all muscle.

    I used to really want to get down into the 150s, but after talking to my doctor, we decided that that wasn't okay for me since the only time in my adult life that I was that weight I was suffering from a severe eating disorder. SO, we decided that anywhere between 165-180 was a good medium for me. I'd like to get by bodyfat measured soon because to be honest it baffles me how other tall women can weigh so much less than me, but we are the same size (I am an 8, sometimes 10). Oh well, I suppose that it's better than me weighing less, but wearing a bigger size!
  • BaileyP3
    BaileyP3 Posts: 151 Member
    I'll play :-)

    What's your height & What's your goal weight?

    I'm 6' CW is 156 ish and GW is 144.

    What's your "body type" and your shape, as you see it?

    I used to think I was a medium frame but as I have lost weight and toned up a bit I might be leaning more toward small frame (wrist is 6") As for shape I'm very busty 34DDD with slender hips and no butt (working on that though :-))

    & most importantly, how are you going toward your goals!?
    ... What's working, What's not?

    This is going to sound strange. I removed a lot of stress from my life and coupled with regular exercise the weight fell off.
    Four years ago I was 192 and this time last year I was 173.

    That said, I cook most of our meals from scratch and so I eliminate alot of extra fat/sodium/sugar that restaurant/take-out food is filled with. I've just started tracking my sugar consumption and was shocked by how much I was eating. So my big goal right now is to stay under about 24 grams on non-exercise days and up to about 37 grams if I've worked out a lot.
  • wifealiciousness
    wifealiciousness Posts: 179 Member
    I'm curious...
    (& also looking for some perspective and motivation)

    What's your height & What's your goal weight? (& current weight if you don't mind)
    What's your "body type" and your shape, as you see it?

    & most importantly, how are you going toward your goals!?
    ... What's working, What's not?

    To answer my own questions:
    I'm about 5'10" and current a little over 70kgs
    Aiming for about 62kgs (136.68)
    I'm kind of hour-glass & pear shaped.
    I have small shoulders, big bust for my dress size (10d-dd), smaller middle and big hips and bum.
    My body type is naturally a little muscley and my weight naturally fluctuates.

    I'm 5ft 10in and also currently about 71.2kg ( been up to about 76kg). I'm "sporty" type- broad shoulders, wide hips but still relatively slim (but I've always had an active life). So I guess our shapes are a little different. I find it really easy to put weight on (particularly my waist, but obviously hips and lower tummy too), and I'm about a C-DD cup depending on where I'm buying. I can't seem to fit into size 12 trousers in most places but easily fit in size 10-12 tops (UK sizes) in most places....

    The first bit of weightloss was easiest, I've been plateaued around 72 kg for ages (been on here since start July and logged for 140 days!)... but I'm now trying to cut down on the booze (boo!) and a bit more portion control which seems to be helping break the plateau. I don't really have a specific goal - I want to get and stay under 70kg but I don't know if I ever will- I' always focussed on healthy lifestyles rather than a weight or size.
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm 5'10". I started on MFP in January at 180 with a goal of 150. I am currently 148, but usually stay right around 149-150 so I am maintaining at my goal right now. I lost the first 20 pounds on a 1200-1300 calorie diet. I decided I could not keep doing that to myself so I lost the last 10 on 1600-1900 calories. I am maintaining on 1950 (actually probably a little more as I go over at least a little almost everyday). I didn't really change what I ate, I'm not a very clean eater. I did try to eat more protein and that seemed to help, but I still ate plenty of carbs. I tried to drink more water an that seemed to help also. I have pretty consistently exercised about 3-4 times a week. It started with Jillian Micheals videos, some strength training and lately more running. I usually only do about 30 minutes (or less) each time I exercise. It's more like an hour to an hour and a half on the weekend now that I am doing a long run in preparation for a half marathon. I have a pear shape. My stats are 32/28/39. I would say I probably have a medium frame. I wear some 8s and some 10s in jeans and should be wearing 8s in dress pants, but haven't bought any yet, so I'm walking around in droopy, baggy pants for

    Good luck on your journey!
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I'm 5'10"
    I started MFP in August
    Ultimate highest weight: 350-370, not sure...didn't like the scale back then.
    SW: 260
    CW: 229
    GW: 170-180 depending on what I see when I get there.
    I'm an apple...and my boy thinks I'm a boy.
    I have muscle 7.75 inch wrist, NO butt to speak of and even being obese you can see my hip bone. -_-
    The logging has been the biggest eye opener for me. I never thought in a million years the salad I ordered at the restaurant to be healthy was 1300 calories. I've also started being active. I'm even saving 100$ to have three sessions with a personal trainer. I don't have a lot of money so it takes time, but seeing that scale go down and owning three pairs of 16s when I used to wear 26 has been totally worth it.
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    5"8.5 or 174cm

    Current 65.5kg
    Goal 61kg
  • vk0510
    vk0510 Posts: 20
    I'm 5"8.
    CW: 158lbs
    Body type: I have a medium frame. I have an athletic build. I have a small bust and broad shoulders. I'm wear UK size 10 top and size 12 bottoms.
    My calorie allowance is 1500. I found that at 1200 I just lost motivation and I had no energy.
    My aim is to get back to 140 which was my lowest weight when I started university. I went up to165lbs at university through bad eating and drinking habits. I then got back to 140 by doing heavy cardio every morning (30mins). Also I was running 2 times a week and doing pilates ost evenings. I was also walking a 2 mile journey to work 3-4 times a week. During pregnancy i put on roughly 50lbs. I managed to get back to 146lbs but packed the on 8lbs through bad eating and not exercising. I recently had surgery and have put on another 4lbs. But I've just started exercising again. So hopefully i'll be back to my GW in the new year with the help of MFP
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    CW - 169
    GW - 155

    Not having muck luck getting the scale to move the past 3 months so I'm taking a break & just maintaining during the winter. Will hit it hard again around January-ish & hopefully get that scale moving!

    **side note - I'm amazed at the number of tall girls who want to be 120, 115, even 110. I used to weigh 120 several years ago & everybody (except me) said I looked sick! Looking back on pics from back then, they were right! That's WAY to thin on such a tall frame; but that's my personal opinion!**
  • jny1179
    jny1179 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 6' and started here last week at my highest weight of 234 lbs. I'm currently around 227. I was maintaining for a long time around 195 but moved in with my bf and got comfy and ordered way too much takeout. My goal is around 185. If I can get lower, I will but if it takes too much effort I'm fine around 190.
  • kywai
    kywai Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm 6'1, currently at 164lbs. My all-time high was somewhere around 210 in Fall 2009. I got a personal trainer two put me on a very strict no-carb meal plan, and I got down to 170 in about 5-6 months. Since then, I've been fluctuating between 180-170.

    This summer, I realized how much those few lbs really show in my face! I've been doing low-carb since ~September and it's slow going but there is a definite downward trend. The lowest number I've seen on the scale is 163.3

    My two huge frustrations are belly fat & face fat. My frame is pretty much straight up and down, and my limbs, while not toned, are long and relatively slim. I've been working on ab exercises, but how do you work out your jawline?! I'm hoping to get to 150lbs and especially to lower my body fat percentage to around 21%.
  • xSveltex
    xSveltex Posts: 18 Member
    Hey everyone.

    Im 5'9" and CW 142.2
    My goal weight is currently 135/
    My initial GW was 140, I changed it to 135 because I know that once I begin eating more carbs my weight would balloon up to about 138 - 139 anyway.
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    5'8" - Apple shaped, thinner/muscular arms and legs, bigger belly area, large framed

    CW: 206

    GW: 160
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    Im 5'8 and my goal weight is 170, i dont want to be small, got to keep some curves and when i lost weight before and was a size 9 at 180 so definately dont want to be much smaller than that :)
  • I'm 5'8". Pre-prego weight is 176. Goal is 145-150 with 17-19% body fat. I do have a natural hourglass shape when I'm fit (wide hips, big boobs, proportionally small waist). When I was obese, I didn't have much shape at all though.

    Long way to go for me.

    Is 176 the "obese" referance? I sure hope not since my goal weight is 175.....I'm 5'9
  • smpalumbo4
    smpalumbo4 Posts: 9 Member
    hey gals! I am 5'9" and currently about 152 lbs. My goal weight is 135. I currently wear a size 6/8 and would like to be back down to about a 4.
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    Hi! 5'9" here.

    I'm 54 years old and a pear shape with breast implants, so they sorta make me a fake hourglass - LOL :blushing:

    I have a tiny frame - wrist is 5.5 inches

    Current and goal weight 118 pounds....small yes, like I said tiny frame!


    What worked for me was a Primal/paleo natural foods diet...very sustainable for me because I really do believe our bodies were designed to eat only certain foods HEALTHFULLY...and not every food on the planet! So I eat meats ( and chicken, fish, game), vegetables, some fruits, nuts, and animal fats.

    (no grains, legumes, sugars, processed stuff, etc.) I love to cook and my only non Paleo food would be a moderate amount of alcohol!
  • I'm 5"8, start weight 12st11 size 16..currently 12st4 size 14 after about 3 weeks eating better. I would say I'm average build.. I still eat loads, go over my 1200 cal limit often but as long as I'm losing still I don't care. I do zero exercise apart from walking into town. I plan to step it up a notch soon, but I wanted to focus on making little changes first such as eating a good breakfast, cutting out the sugar from my coffee and ditching cappuccinos for Americanos. I'm trying to get down to a size 12 as I want to keep a few curves, anything smaller and my boobs disappear!
  • Height: 6'

    HW: 320
    CW: 234
    GW: 180

    Body type: ugh, I don't know what I'm called, but I have narrow hips and no but. Also, I carry my weight in my tummy, and have fuller boobs. Started out at a 24 pant, now in an 18, and went from a 44DD to a current 40D (guestimating, I haven't bought bras since I lost weight =,[ ). I think I might be an apple lol.

    How are you goint towards your goals: I eat around 1400-1600 cals a day, and go to the gym about three days a week. I also suppliment my exercise by running on Sundays. I have completely cut out soda (as of 1/1/12) so it's been almost a year! Also, I don't deprive myself, if my family cooks an unhealthy dinner I'll have some- just a smaller potion.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Height - 6'3
    HW - 343
    CW - 248
    GW - 200?

    I'm a top-heavy pear shaped on a large frame (and a member of the Flat Butt Family) and have never been below 200lbs in my adult life, so I'll see how I look when I get there.
  • I'm 5'10.5"; this morning I weighed 221 lbs. My goal is 180 lbs. I'm large-framed and I have a fair bit of muscle mass - mostly I'm rectangular, but at the moment I guess I'm a rectangle with a bit of a paunch. :wink: