Do you eat the same things everyday to stay on track?



  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    I also eat the same things during the week. I tend to change it up on weekends. I think it's just easier to stay on track that way, at least for me it is :)
  • Countryboy_
    I eat pizza, 24/7. Some days I change it up, and add sausage, or take off the sausage and add avocado....sometimes just plain 4 cheese thin crust. But its pizza for me. I find if I eat 8 small meals of pizza, rather than the traditional 3 meals a day, It keeps me from going into starvation mode, and the weight is falling like rain!

  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    More or less, with slight variations
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    I've heard it both ways- some people swear that sticking to the same stuff makes it easier. Others say that variety is better because they don't get bored. I really think it depends on your personality. From time to time, it helps me to kind of stick to the same stuff. I have a few favorites that I just cycle between. Breakfast is often either an egg white and wheat bread sandwich, oatmeal, or a smoothie. Lunch is often stir fry, whole wheat pasta and broccoli with or without mozzarella cheese, or soup. Dinner varies a bit more, because that is when my husband is home, and he doesn't want to eat my "granola food" as he calls it. But we like chicken, so we have that a lot. Tonight though, we are mixing it up a bit and having nachos! :happy: I say give the "same ol' same ol'" thing a try for a while and see how it suits you. It doesn't mean you have to have the same thing every single day- just cycle through a few favorites. When those get old, introduce something new. Best of luck!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    For the most part breakfasts are pretty much the same. On workout days I make a fruit smoothie with protein powder. On non workout days I make either scrambled eggs or oatmeal.

    The other meals vary. Dinner is usually fish, chicken, pork with a veggie or salad.
  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    I don't eat exactly the same everyday... but I only grocery shop every 2 weeks, which means that I eat the same rotation of food. If I only buy chicken, pork chops and ground turkey... then that is all I eat. My "variety" comes in the way I prepare my food. The only exception to this is my greek yogurt. I have that every day unless I run out. I flavour it myself, so I change that up as well! I find that this does help me because if its not in the house, I can't eat it!
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    I eat pizza, 24/7. Some days I change it up, and add sausage, or take off the sausage and add avocado....sometimes just plain 4 cheese thin crust. But its pizza for me. I find if I eat 8 small meals of pizza, rather than the traditional 3 meals a day, It keeps me from going into starvation mode, and the weight is falling like rain!


    Ok, are you serious? Because... that's awesome. I am pregnant right now, and the word "pizza" is music to my ears... and stomach! :laugh:
  • ktully93
    ktully93 Posts: 160 Member
    For me, having 3 weekly meal plans works well. It makes shopping for groceries and tracking easier. I have the meal plans saved in my database so it cuts down a ton of time. I also designed it so that one of the weeks is a lower carb week, just to change it up a bit.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I eat more or less the same 3-4 dishes for dinner every day. Breakfast and lunch rarely change. I generally avoid things that are not easily quanitifiable.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    No, that would make me so bored. I like to eat different things and things I love. So I do.

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I try to eat the same things for breakfast and lunch during the work week. Dinners are not the same thing every night but there is usually some pattern of similarities from week to week. Weekends are not as strictly planned. I like to have a late morning breakfast brunch that takes me through to dinner.
  • shayyyface
    certain foods that i love i eat everyday/almost every day like yogurt and granola bars and oatmeal. and my meals never look that different but i have to switch it up week to week.
  • TravelDog14
    TravelDog14 Posts: 317 Member
    I do eat a lot of the same things, but not necessarily to stay on track, it's more about what is easy to stick in my work lunch box that I can graze on during the day.
    I'm in a car most of the time with no access to a microwave or other way to heat up a meal so I have grab and go (hopefully healthy) things to eat over the course of my shift.
    Also, before I started MFP, I pretty much ate the same stuff everyday, just way too much of it and too many cookies and cakes.
  • isitsororo
    Absolutely not. I'd be unhappy and bored. I can stick to my goal just fine.
  • ermahgerdkate
    ermahgerdkate Posts: 14 Member
    For the most part, I do. I am in a college cafeteria, and doing keto whilst on it, so my options are pretty slim to begin with. I guess the more accurate way to answer this questions is to say that I have a list of what's okay to eat while I'm there (about 5-10 different meal options) that I shuffle three times a day, seven days a week. Sometimes if I want to change things up, I'll go to a restaurant or something, but even there I only have so many options.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I eat the same thing for breakfast most days (milk and cereal and fruit). I also tend to eat the same thing for lunch - but it's a variety of the same thing - a sandwich with meat and cheese. Dinners and snacks I vary. If I had to think of what to eat at every meal I'd get confused and then I tend to under eat.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I do best when I stick to a limited menu of meals whose calorie content is known. There have been studies demonstrating that people eat more when offered a variety of choices. People naturally want to sample new things and they lose track of the calories. Think of how you behave at a cocktail reception with really good appetizers and servers presenting trays to you every five minutes. It's hard to resist.

    So long as your basic small repertoire of meals is healthy, there's no reason to worry. For centuries, people ate the same limited meals and did well. I also take a multivitamin every day, just in case.
  • mommyrox05
    I do a LOT of the same thing. I usually eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch...and then do something diffrent for dinner every night.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    I did at the beginning. I had a "go to" list of 2-3 options for each meal. Once I got on track I started introducing different things and mixed it up a bit. Good luck!
  • puddy29
    yes i pretty much eat the same thing but i switch up the friut and the protein but make sure it the same portion size. Like someone else said it's easier for not have to think about what i going to eat this way there is no chance i would make a bad food choice trying to decide at the last minute.