I feel embarrassed...

I feel really embarrassed when it shows how out of shape I am. It's obvious I'm overweight, and that's embarrassing in and of itself, but it's really awful when I have to do something in the presence of someone else who doesn't struggle with physical activity. I feel like it makes me seem even fatter than I come across if you just look at me.

I'm a 21-year-old female. At 5'2", I'm right around 200 lbs. I'm not sure I look like I'm 200 lbs., but it's obvious I'm not 100.

Last night, my older male friend who is 6'something and very slender offered me a ride home from the event we were at. He was parked on the 6th floor of the parking garage and insisted that we take the stairs because he was too impatient to wait for the elevator. It was 12 flights in total. At some point, I asked if he didn't believe in elevators. He said he routinely walked to his 10th floor office at work. I said "Yeah your legs are a lot longer than mine." And he said "But yours are a lot younger." I said it didn't feel that way sometimes. My legs felt wobbly around the 9th flight, and by the time I got into his car, I was breathing heavily. It took me a really long time to start breathing normal again, and my heart was still beating hard when I got to my apartment 15 minutes later. Meanwhile, he was completely fine.

I am so embarrassed that he saw how out of shape I am. Part of if motivates me because I don't want to feel this embarrassed around other people again, but another part of me is just really depressed about it...


  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    use that as motivation :( hugs
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    You are taken the first steps to a healthy life style. Good for you!
  • Hollander001
    Hollander001 Posts: 8 Member
    That embarrassment is exactly what you need to get motivated, unfortunately it takes certain situation to trigger your future success. I was shocked when I stood on the scale for the first time but it leads to motivation we all need.
  • JessicaBR0
    JessicaBR0 Posts: 256 Member
    You are on this site and doing something about it. That is awesome! Don't feel so down on yourself! :)
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Don't be depressed. I went through the same thing. I was so out of shape I got winded walking down the street. It was a big motivator for me. I took baby steps adding exercise. Now I lift weights 3 days a week, and run at least twice, plus some other cardio sprinkled in. I never thought 5 months ago that I would be able to do all of this. Use this as motivation to get moving. You will feel so much better I promise. :heart:
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    No need to be embarrassed. We're all like that about all forms of exercise when we haven't gotten used to it.
    6 floors is a lot of stairs to start with. If you'd like to improve, start taking the stairs; start by using the stairs every time you only need to go up/down one floor. When you're comfortable with this, increase your "requirement" to 2 floors, etc. You'll be surprised how soon you, too, can comfortably climb 6 floors of stairs.
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    If your goal is to be able to climb 12 flights of stairs, then if you follow a healthy and sensible plan someday you will be able to!

    In the meantime, I know many people who wouldn't be able to climb 12 flights of stairs and guess what, a lot of them are much thinner than I am and they certainly aren't on MFP.

    When I feel embarassed about something, I try to remember that even though it seemed like a big deal to me, the other person probably hasn't thought of it since. I'm not sure if this is at all comforting but I say it to myself at least once a week!
  • DeeOnAMission
    DeeOnAMission Posts: 36 Member
    Use this as a motivation. Don't feel bad, most of us here have allowed ourselves to get out of shape. The fact is that YOu are here aren't u? YOu are doing something about it. That is hard enough, and you should be proud of yourself for taking the first step towards a healthier you. Sometimes its situations like these (the whole upstairs scenario) that open our eyes and motivate us to take charge. I hope your weight loss journey is a great one and that someday you can look back at this story, and giggle.

    I wish you the best.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    I know that feeling, but if you make yourself do things like that, soon you'll be the one who is leaping up and down the stairs! Put one front in the other and you'll get there :)
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I get embarrassed too around most of my friends. I never got above 170 but for my age I am (was?) WAY out of shape!! I went on a few hikes with friends and sometimes I had to try very hard to hide the fact that I felt like puking after hiking up a hill!! Maybe next year when I am at my goal weight and have been to the gym so much I won't have to feel embarrassed that way ever again!
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I understand the embarassment, because I started this process at 338 pounds. But when you can do those things that seem so hard now, and they are easy, it will be worth every minute of it! I used to run errands with my boss, and there was this particular building we would go to that he would always insist on taking the stairs. By the time I got to the top, I was completely winded and he was fine. It used to be horribly embarassing. But now going to that building and taking the stairs makes me smile every time, because it is so easy! Just hang in there!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    You post made me really sad. Your friend was obviously a pretty awesome person, he never said anything to you about being overweight, he said you were younger. Great response from him. Appreciate who you have around you and use them to your benefit.

    You have to start somewhere. Only you can cause yourself to be embarrassed. Give up that emotion for pure grit and determination to never breath heavy walking stairs again. I'm very fit (now) but had to start somewhere. I workout in my living room by myself. It still drives me nuts when my kids sit and watch me workout, and I'm always uncomfortable at the start of my marathons, but I do it for me, no one else.

    I genuinely really don't think people notice either. I don't My boss smokes, but I take him out for a walk as often as I can, sure he knows that I can go faster, and won't be breathing heavy, but it's thrilling to me to have someone along for the walk. Find someone else who wants to get moving with you, YES it may be the fit person or the fat person but there is someone who will want to walk those extra steps with you.
  • tmlombardi
    tmlombardi Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, just think of the calories you burned from going up the stairs and the heat you let off being embarassed!!! There is your spring board to more weight loss. Send that guy a thank you note and love yourself enough to not worry about it.
  • i had a simalr experiance this past weekend when i got together with some friends... at one point we were all the same weight. now, im 150lbs heavier and there looking great.... it was definatly very embarrassing and i too was depressed, but i used my experiance as motivation. it had been 3 months since i last logged in to my fitness pal and now im back at it. hang in there girl! your at a prime age where losing weight it alot easier than older people.. little by little you'll get there!
  • mmbutler2004
    mmbutler2004 Posts: 32 Member
    i know how u feel.. i started out at 250... at 5'2 ... i am now 191 and getting lower. Motivation is the king workout and eat right then go back to those stairs in a month or so :) hugz
  • I can relate to this a little too keenly, just the other day I went on a hike with my much fitter younger sister. I out weigh her by almost 100lbs and she's 2 inches taller. We had to climb stairs to the top of the escarpment before we could even begin our hike and by the time I got to the top I was seeing black dots. Yes, I have asthma, but it has never really prevented me from doing something in the past. I used to be really fit. That episode was just a reminder of how far I've fallen and how far I have to go to get back to where I used to be. I was extremely embarrassed whereas my sister, she doesn't care. She was just happy I did it. I need to stop using my fear of looking dumb due to my lack of fitness as an excuse to avoid exercise. Thats just a self defeatist attitude and I know the outcome of that. Much better to be embarrassed in the short term but successful in the long run, wouldn't you say?! :) Good luck, I know we can both do this!
  • toofatandy
    toofatandy Posts: 74 Member
    Use this as a starting point. 3 weeks ago I was out of breath walking up a flight of stairs. After being on MFP and exercising 5 days a week (3 intense) I can run the stairs no longer puffing.
    Maybe being a bit older and male I don't feel embarrassed but just face the facts. True friends would swoop past me awhile I am puffing but so what just get ahead. Climb that stairway to heaven while on this earth.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    Argh. I've been in that kind of situation more times than I care to admit. But you know what? You have the power it make it better!

    This summer, I was sightseeing with friends and we stopped at a lookout point with what seemed like a million stairs to the top. I bounded up them and didn't give it a thought. One of my friends was huffing and puffing and sweating. She had to stop part way up to rest. She's not overweight (but it seriously made me question the value of Curves that she is always going to). I wasn't breathing heavy at all when I made it straight to the top. I had never stopped before at this lookout point because I was always afraid of the stairs when I was at my heaviest. So things can change if you want them to. And they can change faster than you think.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Someday you will look back on how this made you feel and you will be amazed at how far you come. Believe that. YOU CAN DO IT.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    That embarrassment is exactly what you need to get motivated, unfortunately it takes certain situation to trigger your future success. I was shocked when I stood on the scale for the first time but it leads to motivation we all need.

    ^^ And that was his first post on MFP. Word up!! He's right. use it for motivation. You'll get there, short legs and all. Train your legs to be short, strong and mighty!!