Attention Tall Ladies (5'8" and Up)



  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 250 Member
    5'10". SW: 201
    CW : 187
    GW: 161 ( but may rethink that goal when I get there)
  • I'm 5'9'' but I don't have a goal weight in mind. Maybe 140s-150s. My real goal is to maintain a bodyfat % around 20%. I'm currently 20lbs above that weight.

    I am apple-shaped. Most of my weight gain occurs in my arms and stomach. Makes me look like a linebacker lol.

    I'm sticking with weightlifting and eating a balanced diet with an emphasis on protein, since I am trying to aim for a fitness/bodybuilder physique. I eat around 2000 calories a day.
  • kscott2008
    kscott2008 Posts: 8 Member
    CW - 169
    GW - 155

    Not having muck luck getting the scale to move the past 3 months so I'm taking a break & just maintaining during the winter. Will hit it hard again around January-ish & hopefully get that scale moving!

    **side note - I'm amazed at the number of tall girls who want to be 120, 115, even 110. I used to weigh 120 several years ago & everybody (except me) said I looked sick! Looking back on pics from back then, they were right! That's WAY to thin on such a tall frame; but that's my personal opinion!**

    THat is my exact height, current weight and goal!
  • mrsoski
    mrsoski Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 5 ft 9 in, large hourglass frame. Currently 196 and a size 10/12 bottom and M/L top. Caliper measurements tell me my body fat percentage is 30, with 134 lb lean body mass. I'll look best at about 175-180 I think. I lift heavy stuff, run, and bike.
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    SW: 215
    CW: 163
    GW: 155

    There's no secret to how I lost it. I moved more and ate less. I do try to eat as least processed as I can, but I honestly think all of that is secondary if you are eating the right amount and creating enough of a deficit.
    I also do exercise. I run 2-3 times per week and I try to do circuit training 1-2 times per week.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    5' 10.5"

    HW: 238 (pregnant)
    CW: 175 (5 months post partum)
    GW: (135-150?)- basically when I fit in a 4/6 and where my body settles when my Bf% is 16%, I plan on competing next fall, and I will later cut down to 12-15% BF.

    I lift heavy 5-6 days/week, 20-30 HIIT 3 days/week, one day of "active" rest (tennis or racquetball or a long run) and currently working on adding more cardio.

  • I'm 5'10, my weight is around 150lbs currently, and my goal is 140lbs
    ( my smallest weight was134lbs, highest was 163lbs)

    I do at least 10 minutes of exercise almost everyday, and I am a vegetarian, but i have 2-3 vegan days during the week!
  • hypocritelecter
    hypocritelecter Posts: 61 Member
    Currently 170, dress size 8.
    I'd like to be a size 2 or 4, so whatever weight that is. I focus more on my measurements. My body builds muscle fairly easily, I gain most noticeably around my stomah, and I have broad shoulders. I have slim thighs, calves, arms, and a defined collar bone.

    I'm struggling with overcoming an ED, so I'm usually under 1500 calories but above 800. I do cardio every day, some 'strength' training with whatever I've got at home. I'm a big fan of calisthenics (easy to do at home, and can do it pretty much anywhere) and walking, as well as upbeat videos online. Within the last two weeks I've incorporated a protein shake into my day and I haven't looked back! It's the best decision I've made in a while.
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    I'm 5"8" and a pear, sigh. I have a tiny top half (wear a two in dresses/shirts), large hips, big butt, muscular thighs (6 on the bottom). High weight was 145, current weight is possibly 137 (last known weight, although I'm since back in my skinny jeans so who knows). Ideally I'd like to be ~ 130 lbs (which I am in profile pic), but am ok with getting there slowly.

    Right now I'm mainly running to stay in shape (have a half marathon coming up on Thanksgiving), but I'm going to start adding in more strength training as I really want to tone (shape up that bottom half!). Calorie-wise, my goal is set at 1400 but I'm probably closer to 1500-1600 plus workout calories, and sometimes have days that are a bit too high (which I'm working on cutting out).

    I've been at my goal weight several times but struggle with maintenance (I tend to slack off when the scale says what I want and get discouraged when it doesn't, thus the avoiding of the scale), so I guess thats really my goal right now.
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    I am 5'9" and my original goal was 135lbs. I currently fluctuate between 138 and 142 - but I've gone from 25%'ish body fat down to 19.6% body fat. While I want to stay under 140 - my goal is now to get to 18% body fat vs what the scale says.
  • alionimac
    alionimac Posts: 1 Member
    Height- 5' 10'', current weight 166 lbs. Goal 155 and to maintain it--- my lowest was my wedding weight 147 ( i stayed there a whole week--11 years ago)....highest--9 months pregnant --over 200..close second highest after Freshman year of college 20 plus years ago--190ish. Definite hour glass--big boobs and rear---small waist. Currently size 10
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    I am 5'8" my goal weight was 150. On MFP I lost 17 lbs and currently weight 148.
  • littlemeowmaid
    littlemeowmaid Posts: 114 Member

    I'm 5ft 10in and also currently about 71.2kg ( been up to about 76kg). I'm "sporty" type- broad shoulders, wide hips but still relatively slim (but I've always had an active life). So I guess our shapes are a little different. I find it really easy to put weight on (particularly my waist, but obviously hips and lower tummy too), and I'm about a C-DD cup depending on where I'm buying. I can't seem to fit into size 12 trousers in most places but easily fit in size 10-12 tops (UK sizes) in most places....

    The first bit of weightloss was easiest, I've been plateaued around 72 kg for ages (been on here since start July and logged for 140 days!)... but I'm now trying to cut down on the booze (boo!) and a bit more portion control which seems to be helping break the plateau. I don't really have a specific goal - I want to get and stay under 70kg but I don't know if I ever will- I' always focussed on healthy lifestyles rather than a weight or size.

    We seem very similar!
    I'm a little smaller though, pretty much the same weight, but I bought jeans last week that are a 10 (uk8-10 I think), I've always been active, more when I was in school, but I've worked as a gym intructor too. & I put weight on mostly around my hips and the low part of my tummy, This time last year I was 10kgs lighter and more 'athletic' & 'pear shaped' and a C-D cup as opposed to a DD now. My heaviest was a few weeks ago, a bit of a kick in the butt and the reason I signed up, 73kgs.
    (I changed from working in resturants and a gym to working in an office in june 2011)
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    5'10". Hourglass with a big bust. 53

    Starting and highest weight 188
    Current weight 163
    Goal weight 150

    What works for me is logging and measuring accurately, hitting my calorie goals, eating healthy, and exercising regularly but modestly. Pretty boring!
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    What's your height & What's your goal weight? (& current weight if you don't mind)
    What's your "body type" and your shape, as you see it?

    & most importantly, how are you going toward your goals!?
    ... What's working, What's not?

    My height: 5'10"
    CW 151
    GW 140

    Body Type: Pear

    I'm working towards my goals by starting more strength training, less cardio. My thighs still jiggle too much and need toning and so does my stomach.