Pedometer Challenge - 10,000 Steps a day March 2010

Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
Is anyone interested in doing a pedometer challenge? My personal goal is to get in at least 10,000 steps a day. According to many websites, this is equal to 5 miles. I'm kind of anal, so I checked it. Most sites say an average person walks 2000 steps per mile. I actually measured my stride, and my personal mile = 1980 steps.

This particular challenge is a way for me to be held accountable for my total steps. I have a HRM that also keeps track of steps, and I'm going to come here and record my steps each day. Feel free to join me! Depending on how many/how much interest there is, we might change it up a bit w/ some competition.

Monday, March 8, 2010
10,141 steps
Approximately 70 mins of walking and 5 mins of running stairs

The goal here is not to just get in your 10,000 steps, but to make sure at least HALF those steps are within your target heart rate zone! In fact, the more time you spend in your target HR zone, the better for you, the more calories and fat burned! Hope you decide to join me! :flowerforyou:


  • mamtz26
    mamtz26 Posts: 22
    I'm so excited I finally hit 14000 steps today I only average about 6500 a day so I'm excited.:drinker:
  • iamalexa
    iamalexa Posts: 53
    So my nutritionist gave me a pedometer and was like an average person your age should have 15,000 steps per day. I was like oh yeah simple! NOT!!!! I spend from 8 to 3:30 in school and they never let me get up and walk around! haha imagine that, i have to sit in my desk and learn. So i can barely manage 3000 in school!

    I would like to do this with you though! Question though, are yougoing to keep it on during exercise or are you trying to get all your steps just by "regular" daily steps?
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    I'm so excited I finally hit 14000 steps today I only average about 6500 a day so I'm excited.:drinker:

    Holy cow! 14,000? That's like 7 MILES! Wonderful!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    So my nutritionist gave me a pedometer and was like an average person your age should have 15,000 steps per day. I was like oh yeah simple! NOT!!!! I spend from 8 to 3:30 in school and they never let me get up and walk around! haha imagine that, i have to sit in my desk and learn. So i can barely manage 3000 in school!

    I would like to do this with you though! Question though, are yougoing to keep it on during exercise or are you trying to get all your steps just by "regular" daily steps?

    I plan on wearing it during exercise too, except for weight training - that tends to confuse the poor thing, LOL. And 15,000 steps a day for the average person? Wow, that's........alot. I'm just excited when I hit my 10,000 mark!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hello there, IamAlexa and Mamtz26! I'm so glad you decided to join me! I'll be posting here at least once daily with the number of steps I achieved - and if I see any info out there on the internet, etc., articles and the like that might be pertinent, I'll post those too.

    I work in a hospital, a nonclinical person, but am out on the floors for a lot of my day sometimes, so my personal goal is 10,000 a day. Some of the nurses who wear pedometers regularly reach 15,000 to 20,000! I'll be reaching my goal by walking on breaks and doing stairs during part of my lunch.

    It's great to "meet" you!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I would like in on this challenge!! I set a personal goal for myself of 12,000 step per day and have been falling dramatically under that lately!! Hopefully walking with you all will push me to do better and be more consistent. I am going to check in at least once per day and look forward to getting to know all of you!!
    Yesterday only logged 3952 steps but that was only for half the day I broke my omron before I left the house and had to get a new one at lunch. I did 2 miles w/ Leslie Sansone before work (w/o my ped) and did 20 min of TJ after I got home (also w/o my ped)!
    So far this morning only 1468 but I did 20min TJ before I left for work. , I am locking my office door during lunch and getting in 2 mi power walk w/ Leslie and planning on something when I get home. I work 9hrs per day w/ a hour and a half commute to and from. I have been so lazy lately and have lost my motivation. Today is day 2 of back on track. Yea Us!!

    Will check in later,
  • iamalexa
    iamalexa Posts: 53
    Heyy all, I know its not the end of the night but i wont get much more in for steps today so that leaves me with 4847...BOOO
    Hope everyone had a good day!:)
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Wednesday Everybody:flowerforyou: ,
    Only ended up w/ 8191 steps yesterday but I did 35 min of high intensity cardio w/ 10lb weights (no Omrom) after I got home from work. I just finished a brisk 2mi walk in 30 min w/ Leslie DVD - getting pretty good at locking my door during lunch , hahahah. What ever it takes, right. Cardio on for tonight - probably another walking dvd w/ Leslie - it will be waaay too dark to go outside for me. So far for the day i'm at 5977 steps ;:drinker: woo hoo!!
    Hope everyone is tracking their food and moving some kind of way ~ Everything counts!!

    Make the most of your day,
    Janet :heart:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hi there, walkers! Howz everyone doing today? I had a good day on Tuesday - I can't remember if I recorded my steps here or not, but on Tuesday, I got in 10,114 total steps. Yesterday, not so much - only 7846, didn't get my lunch or evening walk in, had too many things going on.

    I was off on eating yesterday too, but back on track today. I've got time for a long walk this afternoon w/ the dog, looking forward to that, for sure!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Happy Thursday! Walking was low yestersday - only 7606 steps but di my 2miles at lunch and got in 20min AbJam DVD when I got home. I have already done a 25min total body workout this morning before work (core ball and weights) and am getting in 2miles at lunch, and another 35min cardio w/ weights dvd that's high impact when I get home tonight. I seem to be able to be more consistent when I do shorter periods of exercise multiple times a day rather than 60-75 minutes in 1 shot, go figure:ohwell: , anyway, it feels so good to be back and taking care of myself. Food is on track for 4 days in a row ~ that is a spirtual experience for me, :laugh: :laugh:
    Hope everyone is having success and a good attitude!!

    Make the most of your day,
  • mamtz26
    mamtz26 Posts: 22
    It's very nice to meet you! at first I thought I was doing great cause I could easily put in 5,000 steps by noon at work...but then I read that the average person should take 10,000 step a the nutritionist at our school says that studies have shown that we need 12,000 I'm killing myself just to get those 10,000 and have been doing great I just gave a delimma today I haven't eaten enough calories and still need 800 steps but I don't want to eat more and I don't want to go into starvation mode....uuuugggggggggggh what to do!?!?!?!!?
  • mamtz26
    mamtz26 Posts: 22
    That is AWESOME keep up the good work!!!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Yay, my ticker finally shows a loss! I've been holding on to this stubborn fat FOREVER it seems like! I didn't get in any walking yesterday, unfortunately - so I have no steps to report for yesterday. Back on track today, though....

    Mamtz - one day of eating below your calories shouldn't put you in starvation mode, so you should be okay. My experiment this last week was making sure to eat ALL or MOST of my exercise calories too - and I was shocked to see a loss on the scale this morning. It felt like I was eating too much, but it was apparently what my body needed!

    KUTGW, walkin ladies!!!
  • semperfiwife
    I just ordered my pedometer today! I'm a little late, but it should be here next week, I'm aiming for that 10,000 a day, I work at a desk all day but I still think I can do it :)
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Morning Beautiful Walkers,
    Just a quik check in to let you all know I'm thinking about you and wishing you all good things -
    Only got in 9860 steps yesterday ( if I had checked it before I went to be I would have made myself get in the other 140 steps - which I hope I got by just miscellaneous walking around the house :laugh:
    Nothing before work today but 2 miles outdoors during lunch ~ it's a lovely day here in Texas!!

    Make it a great day everybody - will check back later,
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hey, there Walkers!

    Welcome, Semperfiwife! It's never to late to get started!

    I got in 10,114 steps yesterday, but forgot to turn on my pedometer this morning, so I don't think I'll make my goal today, darnit! Y'all have a wonderful weekend and get those steps in!!!
  • balance9
    balance9 Posts: 160
    Hi guys!
    I'm coming to the party late, but I'd like to join you. I'm a huge fan of wearing a pedometer, and it helped me lose 15 pounds two years ago, and I have kept off. Still have my last 5-7 to go...
    I regularly do 10k steps as a minimum, and generally shoot for 12-14, but I find that I have to walk for 40 minutes in the morning or I don't get them in. I'm a full-time student (returned to school at age 47) so its tough some days, but I get it in. Sometimes walk after dinner with the kids or hubby if I'm lagging.
    Here's the deal -- I'm having arthroscopic knee surgery next week so will have to take a couple of days off, but am hoping to get at least 5k in a few days after surgery, and work back up after that.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Just quick Sunday check in to see how everyone is. Walking was lite yesterday - was a cohost of a bridal shower (food was off yesterday:grumble: ) Glad I got in 45 minutes of kickboxing at 7am before i got moving into the day.
    Got up early and did 4.5 mi brisk walk and 2.5 hrs of housecleaning (everything smells sooooo fresh!!!) pedometer was at 9160 and I reset if for daylight savings time so lost all my counts for last week. On my way to was car and to walmart so I should easily be over 10,000 steps for today, Yea!! AbJam on for later. It's 3:02 here and only smoked 2 cigs so far for today.....
    So far so good for today..... hope everyone has a fantastic rest of their day,
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Welcome, Balance! We're a small group, jump right on in!~

    Dragonfly - WTG on only 2 cigs! I quit just over a year ago after smoking for 20 years, and it is still a bit of a struggle now and then. Was at a casino Saturday night - one that still allows indoor smoking, and boy, did it bother me!!!

    Steps were light yesterday, only 4955, because I had to work all day, only got out for a 30-minute hike w/ DH and DD yesterday afternoon. Weather was beautiful, too bad I had to be inside typing those medical reports!

    Balance! Back to school age 47? What are you going to school for? I'm turning 40 next week, and I've been doing medical records and medical transcription for about 25 years, and I'm thinking of going back to school - just to do something different! Scares me, though, it'd be starting ALL OVER....
  • iwillweighlessoneday
    iwillweighlessoneday Posts: 30 Member
    I'm new here, but I'd like to join in too. I'm a teacher and I wear a pedomiter all the time. In Sept I was only walking about 4K steps around the classroom, andnow just in school I'm walking on average about 7K. And then I wear it at home