


  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    I tried it but it made me nervous and just didn't feel good taking a chemical I didn't need.
  • MrsJonSamuels
    MrsJonSamuels Posts: 53 Member
    I took it in the past, but I really never changed my eating habits, so I gained all of the weight back.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    Not worth the risks...
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I just started these on Tuesday and I love it so far. I haven't told my MFP friends about them because I am afraid of backlash. Bottom line, you have to do what's right for you.

    I am not just taking this drug expecting it to take away all the worlds problems. I changed my diet to eat 1200 calories and I have been working out everyday and have committed to work out at least 5 days a week.

    The place I go I believe you are only allowed to be on them 6 months, off for 6 months. And I have heard of the side effects, but what side effects am I going to have later by being 150 lbs overweight?

    I am an overeater and if I changed to a 1200 calorie diet without this, I would have eaten my arm off by now. I am using this tool to create good eating habits and I know I will need to continue once I am off the medication as well.
  • jorayek
    I did one good round for about 4 months with phentermine in 2007 but I was young, single, going out quite a bit, and not eating healthy or exercising. I ended up losing about 30 lbs and finally made it back to "one"derland with it. I took my BP regularly at home and tracked it. The reason I quit taking it is because I had a lump in my throat in the last month that would not go away. After some blood tests and a thyroid ultrasound, nothing showed up as abnormal. But I quit taking it, and the lump was gone was a few days of being off of it.

    I also met my now-husband in month 3 of this cycle, so once I got off it, found a guy who liked my body as-is, I definitely got into a way-too-comfortable zone, and hence why I'm back 5 years later.

    Do I still take phentermine? Yes, but I refuse to take it regularly, I mostly take it on days I feel like I may be around some of my triggers and it personally helps me. (potlucks at the office, parties, etc.). My mom and 3 of my aunts are RNs, my best friend is a nurse, I work in the medical field as an IT analyst, and I do my research on any meds I take. Doesn't make me an expert by any means, but I feel I know my body and I have resources. I know it's an amphetamine and it's not just for anyone. I do believe the abundance of Phentermine RX's out there is absurd. I have friends who have 5 pounds to lose and they've found a Dr. to write them a script, some of them getting 2-3 a DAY! I've never taken more than 1 and I'd be scared to do so. I think that's insane and reckless. Now me, who likes the control it gives me over not wanting ice cream and cookies at 9pm and has 100lbs to lose? I think it's a great short-term tool in ADDITION to diet and exercise.
  • rondaj4u
    Gotta love people who think just because their experience w/something wasn't good and they can determine and dictate what someone else should do. Either you like it or you don't. ....bullies, uggg
  • rondaj4u
    I've had very good luck with phentermine in the past. Used it to 'get me started' - lost the weight and enjoy the benefits of smaller portions and exercise, which is what i DID while on phentermine. Never gained the weight back either. Don't listen to all the negative nellies on the internet.
  • combatxbarbie
    It's really annoying when people who've never tried it say that you'll gain the weight right back when you finish it. I started at 215 lbs, I took it and lost about 20. Stopped taking it and lost an additional 30 lbs. Now I haven't been actively dieting or anything, but after going through a rough time I feel like getting my weight in check would make me feel better about life, so I got back on phentermine.

    If it's not for you, fantastic, it's not for you. But don't tell someone it won't work. You don't know that.
  • CentralCaliCycling
    CentralCaliCycling Posts: 453 Member
    My ex took it and had major personality changes that were not for the positive. Eventually she had a mental break and the professionals I talked to told me that any stimulant along those lines would have been a trigger for her. I am sure there are a lot of other reasons not to take it and it most likely doesn't effect most people that way but for those it does, their life will never be the same.

    As for it causing her to lose weight, at the time it did but for me that wasn't the issue and it certainly wasn't worth it.
  • lewisab
    lewisab Posts: 9 Member
    I took it a few years ago and lost a lot of weight. I had boderline blood pressure at the time and the doctor monitored me closely. The only side effect I had was being able to sleep at night, but that went away after a few weeks. Unfortunately, I gained the weight back plus some after I quit taking it. But, that was from going back to my poor eating habits. Good Luck!
  • rosesigil
    rosesigil Posts: 105 Member
    TifffanyM thanks for the encouragement. I just started taking 37.5mg today and I weight 205. I' ve had two babies in the last 3yrs so im trying to get down to 165lbs. I dont plan on using this forever just to jumpstart my weight since I've stil be eating like im eating for 2 people. Hopefully I can lose at least 20lbs and i would feel alot better about myself. I'm joining the Journey with you:happy:

    Me too. i will take it 3 months with drs. supervision. Plant to change lifestyle permanently with respect to food though. And stay with MFP too. :flowerforyou:
  • rebeccaduke89
    rebeccaduke89 Posts: 5 Member
    Loved that post if people realize that when you take the pills and you actually eat right it's a way to train your self how foolish to say there's no point in taking them when your 200 lbs and addicted to food I've been doing them a week and feel like they are a life saver so far!!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    What's the rush? Diet and exercise will do the trick, and you will be more likely to keep the weight off. It amazes me that people spend years getting overweight, but then want the weight to disappear overnight.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I took it about 15 years ago. It made me dizzy, did nothing for my appetite, made my heart race and I had horrific insomnia. I agree with the others on here who say it's a crutch. It is! YOU need to change your diet and get more exercise. That is sustainable and you can do it for life. If you eat enough protein, vegetables, grains, healthy fats, nuts and fruit, you wont be hungry. Take the time to change your diet a bit at a time and you'll get there. It takes effort and YOU ARE worth that effort! Why risk your LIFE when you know what you have to do anyway?
  • brittamh
    brittamh Posts: 137 Member
    I was on it a few years back. After going off it, I went through withdraw and eventually gained all the weight plus an extra 20 back. Although, I loved the energy and the lack of appetite I had while taking it, I will never ever take it again. My body became dependent on it and going off sucked majorly!!
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    I took it for 3 days last year... and I couldn't stand the headaches or my heart wanting to burst out of my chest. BUT... I dropped a pound a day! :P I'll never take it again... please please please... be careful!
  • Cyncerely4me
    Cyncerely4me Posts: 4 Member
    I started taking Phentermine 2 years ago to jump start my weight loss. I was checked every month by my doctor. It really helped me with no health problems. With eating healthy and exercising I have not gained a pound in two years. Everyone's body is different so just because the pill didn't work for one person doesn't mean it want work for another.
  • rebeccaduke89
    rebeccaduke89 Posts: 5 Member
    and its not for a rush to loose weight it was about the constant crave for bad food i couldnt stop thinking about food and had no motivation to do anyting this pill allows me to eat better and get on the right track im about to join the gym which i would have never done on my own before .
  • tashakrickvansickles
    i take a half a pill in the am, gives me the energy to excercise and fight the cravings, and still be able to sleep at night, and i dont feel like i am crawling up the walls! i lost 40 lbs in 3 months one time i was on them! on them again, because in the winter i have no motivation!!
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    My biggest concern (besides direct health issues) is that phentermine is frequently being used IN PLACE OF a consistent healthy lifestyle change. Which means ZERO sustainability.