Going Out to Buy Twinkies!



  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I have never tasted a Twinkie.

    Have you ever tasted sponge cake? have you ever tasted sweetened, whipped cream?

    Put the whipped cream inside the sponge cake, and you've got a Twinkie. Personally, I like Little Debbie's "cream filled sponge cake" better than Twinkies. Twinkies either changed since I was a kid or my taste buds have changed.

    I don't really like whipped cream. I don't think I would enjoy Twinkies. I'm glad I haven't missed out on anything.
  • daggs95
    daggs95 Posts: 51 Member
    I might, I have never had a twinkie...they always looked nasty. Too bad for people who work for hostesss and have no back up plans, but otherwise this is a win for healthy eating. Hostess is garbage, make a pie yourself, eat your desserts just eat them with fresh whole food, like it use to be before people got so greedy and realized how much money they could make changing the intergrity of food.
  • coffee_rocks
    coffee_rocks Posts: 275 Member
    I live in Toronto. The Twinkie lives on here in Canada. Licensed to another company (as is Wonder bread). Make a run for the border has a whole new meaning now!

    Plus, you know, our beer actually has alcohol in it.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I have never tasted a Twinkie.

    Have you ever tasted sponge cake? have you ever tasted sweetened, whipped cream?

    Put the whipped cream inside the sponge cake, and you've got a Twinkie. Personally, I like Little Debbie's "cream filled sponge cake" better than Twinkies. Twinkies either changed since I was a kid or my taste buds have changed.

    I don't really like whipped cream. I don't think I would enjoy Twinkies. I'm glad I haven't missed out on anything.

    No, you wouldn't like them if you don't like whipped cream. Most of the Hostess cakes have whipped cream in them.
  • I want some CupCakes!!! My heart is broken they will be no more :( I mean I could buy some, stock them somewhere I won't see them, eat them once I'm back in shape!!! Right? =]
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member

    I'm with you on this one! The JOBS LOST far outweigh the loss of the Twinkies themselves. I can easily live without Twinkies, Cupcakes, and Ho-Hos. There are issues far more important than this.

    Also, it's gotten so out-of-control, they're even selling boxes on eBay!

    What is this world coming to!?
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Someone's gonna make a mint on E-bay with this :laugh:

    However, my heart aches for the 18,000+ who no longer have jobs because of this. It is really not a good time to be job hunting around here.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I used to like Ho Hos, but the last time I had one they tasted waxy or something. They looked like chocolate, but they weren't the same as I remembered. It's sad to see a long time company go out, but I wasn't a good customer.
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    Goodbye orange cupcakes :(

    That's the one I'll miss most, too. And Ho-Ho's. Nobody else seems to make an equivalent to these.

    I wish I knew how to make the creamy fillings, I'd bake my own.
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    I want some CupCakes!!! My heart is broken they will be no more :( I mean I could buy some, stock them somewhere I won't see them, eat them once I'm back in shape!!! Right? =]

    We don't eat them all the time, but TastyKake makes a perfectly tasty line of similar cupcakes, and they are a little lower in calories and seem less "preserved" as well.

    I'm bummed about Hostess closing, especially since the idiots in the suits that ran the company into the ground won't be hurting anything like the thousands of production workers will. But Hostess was not the end all and be all of baked goods, or they'd still be in business probably.

    For years I wished they would just reformulate some of their recipes to be a little lower in fat and calories, because those dinkya$$ed little 100-calorie packs were an insult. They made a short-lived attempt at a reduced fat Twinkie but they weren't well received, I think. Try harder.
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